Single coated dogs do not shed a lot, that does not mean they do not shed at all. You may also want to shave a dog that stays outside all the time, has a matted coat, and is likely to be wet often. Actually shaving a dog with a double coat can cause more harm to your dog than what you think. Do you expect your dog’s skin to be cool and comfortable after shaving? A properly cared for coat keeps a dog warm in cold weather and cooler in hot weather. The undercoat which grows after shaving has thicker, coarse and unruly texture. Double-Coated dog breeds such as the Collies, Huskies, Golden retrievers, and shepherds do have double coats. If you observe the hair closely you can observe a combination of rough sharp hair and smooth fluffy hair This makes your dog feel hotter during summers. The regrown coat appears to be completely damaged. It is easy to find out whether your dog is double coated if you simply run your hands through its coat. It keeps them dry, and it protects their largest organ – the skin – from the external environment. Brushing/trimming out the mats isn’t even an option. However, one might consider shaving a strip on their belly, so that they can lay on cool surfaces, and get maximum coolness. It is a natural process and there is no necessity of human intervention by shaving the coat. Double-coated dogs are dogs that have a heavy undercoat. Any dog under stress, long coated, double coated or short coated, will shed constantly until that stress is addressed and relieved. But in fact, shaving a double-coated dog is the worst thing to do. A double coated dog is a dog with two layers of fur. After shaving double coated dogs, their “armor” is now harmed, sometimes beyond repair, and their previously long, compacted coat is no longer there to … The soft undercoat is what sheds a leaves tumbleweeds all over your house. The texture of the regrown coat changes completely. The regrown undercoat appears to be thick, dull and frizzy. Myth #1: Long-haired, double-coated dogs need to be shaved in order to be cooler during the summer. Shaving prevents cool air from getting … Because the hair in the undercoat does not regenerate when the dogs from these breeds get old. Whenever you shave the fur, the undercoat starts growing immediately as a protective mechanism. It might not be readily visible under the heavier coat above, but many popular breeds have it, including the German Shepherd, Pomeranian, Chow, Husky, Malamute, and Samoyed. I think in our community we have people who tend to confuse the words shave and clip. If you do shave your double coated dog, the new hair will grow back but the undercoat will grow first. In conclusion, when you shave a double coated dog, you may irreparably impair their ability to properly heat/cool themselves and protect their skin. The double-coat structure is composed of the top coat and the undercoat, each to its own benefits! Many people are allergic to dogs. The most harmful myth, as far as the dog is concerned is ”Don’t worry, it’ll grow back.” Well, sometimes it will. You will need these utensils the whole time, but do not forget the top ingredients when handling your dog’s hair: patience and love! Hence you can observe the fallen coat hair here and there inside your house. eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'labradorlovingsouls_com-mobile-leaderboard-1','ezslot_11',132,'0','0'])); Or you can use a Slicker brush to brush your dog deep through the coat and this helps in removing the undercoat. “We would Love to hear from You. Shaving a Double Coated Dog. After a cut, it may shed shorter hair, but it will still shed. It keeps the dog safe from the external environment, especially the temperature changes. But dogs with undercoats rarely need shaving. shaving your long-haired, double-coated dog in the summer is not really necessary. Therefore, my experience tells me that shaving a double coated dog is a-okay. Dogs like poodles, Maltese, Shih Tzu’s, and other dogs, which do not have undercoat, require regular grooming and haircuts. It is not the fur that causes allergies but the pet dander that actually cause allergies in humans. © 2000–2021 The Animal Rescue Site and GreaterGood. The inner, down undercoat is insulating and keeps the dog warm in cold weather and cool in hot weather. The regrown undercoat tends to be thick, unruly and coarse and gathers dust and dirt more easily when your dog goes out. Shaving dogs with undercoats is a bad idea. But there may be just as many veterinarians and groomers who hold the opposite opinion and this needs serious consideration, too. This brings us to the first myth: Double-coated dogs are dogs that have a heavy undercoat. Maintain your dog’s coat by having access to scissors, brushes, shaving machines and spray bottles! Removal of the protective coat by shaving removes all the guard hairs that provide protection to your dog from harmful sun rays. Instead, the best way to take care of your dog’s coat is proper grooming with proper tools. The hairs are short and crimped, which makes them highly efficient at trapping air and insulating the animal. I main reason why i say no is because Labradors are double coated dogs. Hence it is important to understand the detrimental effects of shaving double coated dogs. They share the same hair follicle – but have two separate growth cycles. It's a really blanket statement to say "you shouldn't do it" without knowing anything about the dog in question - their health, lifestyle, coat condition, are they seriously matted, etc. eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'labradorlovingsouls_com-mobile-leaderboard-2','ezslot_15',125,'0','0'])); The best way to determine your dog’s coat type is to have a look regarding your dog breed in the American Kennel Club guide. The shorter hair starts getting stuck to the furniture and clothes and is more difficult to remove and clean up.eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'labradorlovingsouls_com-leader-4','ezslot_10',133,'0','0'])); Due to shaving, the growth of undercoat becomes and quicker and irregular and this can contribute to increased and irregular shedding. It can cause allergic reactions to your dog’s skin so easily because the skin is completely exposed to the outer environment due to shaving. eval(ez_write_tag([[580,400],'labradorlovingsouls_com-box-4','ezslot_5',122,'0','0'])); There are many dog breeds that are double coated. This controversy is sure to continue. The double coated dog has two coats, one is the top guard coat and the other one is the underneath undercoat. In the United States, almost 3 people among 10 with allergies get allergic reactions due to dogs. Actually shaving a dog with a double coat can cause more harm to your dog than what you think. In general, you should NOT shave a double coated dog. Have a look at some list of double coated dog breeds. If your dog is a double coat dog you can observe its fur falling out all around the year. This thick undercoat tends to be rough and gets tangled easily. Some dogs even though single coated lose a lot of fur due to underlying health issues and lack of proper grooming. If you can’t find your breed in the guide or if your dog is a mongrel, i mean a mixed breed, you need to determine its coat type by yourself. Precautions to Take Before Shaving your Dog 1. All rights reserved. Think about Moisture. Your dog will be more comfortable and ready for the weather with his fur left intact. A double coated dog is any dog with a harsh outer coat and soft under coat. Shaving a dog with a double coat is rarely ever a good idea. But the hair that falls out as a natural process falls out anyway. What do they mean exactly? Hence it is important to understand the … Before we get to how to shave a double-coated dog, lets first get to understand what it means when we say a dog is double coated. But actually, that does not happen. Hence shaving a dog with a double coat alters the texture of its coat completely and causes permanent damage to its beautiful coat. Hence if you notice such kind of underneath coat, probably your dog is a double coated dog. eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'labradorlovingsouls_com-narrow-sky-1','ezslot_18',130,'0','0'])); If your dog can have proper regrown hair even after shaving its coat your dog might be really lucky. It makes it more difficult to see the hair that is being shed (it does not prevent shedding) and it makes the dog warmer by destroying the insulating properties of the coat. Ask your Questions and Share your views in comments”, To Unlock Your Dog’s Hidden Intelligence Click Here, To Train Your Dog to Behave Obediently With Simple Games Click Here, The labradorlovingsouls is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to, Are Labs Good With Kids?- All You Need To Know, Do Labs Shed?- Top 5 Labrador Shedding Solutions, Top 5 Reasons To Use Coconut Oil For Dogs Fleas. For this, you can use a Furminator to remove the undercoat and loose hair without causing damage to your dog’s skin. You can feel the rough guard hair on the top and when you move your fingers a little deeper, you can feel the soft undercoat. The dog may have scaling and dandruff for quite some time, even after the hair has re-grown. Common dog breads that have undercoats include the German Shepherd, Pomeranian, Chow, Husky, Malamute and Samoyed. Just have a look at the ways to find out if your dogs have a double coat. This means that your shaved dog is likely to come home with razor burn, irritated skin, and is … Since they are dogs with no undercoat, they do not shed like the double coated dogs and these are mostly hypoallergenic dogs. Hold your dog closer, part its fur and observe its coat carefully. If your dog needs to get shaved, the reason should probably be the rain, not the sun. Thank you for subscribing and sharing. Now when we have established what a double coat is – let´s look at how the coat works. If you are worried about your dog being too hot in the summer, consult a professional groomer about the possibility of trimming his coat but in no case should you shave your double coated dog. Hence it is a bad idea to shave your double coated dog during summers. Surgery. Because shaving is nothing is but the removal of its protective coat provided by nature.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'labradorlovingsouls_com-leader-2','ezslot_6',128,'0','0'])); Your dog’s skin is more sensitive when compared with the human skin, hence they are at a greater risk of sunburns than humans. This happens in double coat dog breeds and it is not the case with single coated dog breeds. The texture of the new coat coming through tends to be sticky and all manner of grass seeds, twigs and plants will stick to the dog’s coat Plus, shaving your dog’s double coat puts him at a greater risk of sunburn or heat stroke. Shaving a dog’s coat in the summer is a controversial issue. The guard coat repels water and dust and acts as a natural barrier to the dog’s skin. Provide food and vital supplies to shelter pets at The Animal Rescue Site for free! After shaving your dog, you may think that the shedding has reduced. Have a look at the disadvantages of shaving and its harmful side effects. The lighter, softer coat that sheds naturally does not need to be shaved. Dogs with double coats also tend to have more sensitive skin, so they are more prone to getting sunburned. As soon as the summer approaches, your dog will shed its undercoat into a thinner version to keep itself cool during the summer heat. Shaving dogs is always not a good idea, especially the double coated dogs. Have a look at the 5 reasons why shaving your double coated dog can be harmful in the below article.eval(ez_write_tag([[468,60],'labradorlovingsouls_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_14',120,'0','0'])); Before discussing shaving double coated dogs, it is necessary to discuss certain terms like single coated and double coated. it is terrible nonsense, dangerous, and completely unsubstantiated with no factual basis. If your dog has a double-coat and is shedding a lot, you may think it will be helpful to shave him down in order to move the shedding process along. This, unfortunately, can be painful and take a long time to heal. Even when a dog has a coat that can be shaved without permanent damage, shaving does not keep them cooler, it can actually cause sunburn in the summer, overheating, and injury. This can be the best brush for double coated dogs. Shaving a double-coat can also do long-term damage. Even if the hair regrows after shaving, it will not be the same as before. First of all, whatever fuzzy coat is left after shaving will prevent cool air from getting to the skin. A dog’s coat provides insulation both from hot and cold. Here no fur doesn’t mean zero fur, it just means that it is completely minimal when compared with a double coated dog. In reality, shaving down a dog with a double coat does exactly the opposite. When you shave a dog with a double coat, the regrown coat will never be the same. Myth: Dogs with double coats have sensitive skin. When I think of the word shave I think of bald, down to the skin. To shave or not to shave? Double coats, also known as down hairs, ground hairs, or undercoat, are very fine, fluffy hairs closest to the skin on some mammals. When you remove the fur by shaving your dog, you are exposing yourself more to this pet dander. The guard hairs on the top, which do not shed out, provide protection against the sun’s rays and actually insulate the dog from the heat. I can think of two such times: A dog has been neglected and his coat is severely matted. Owned and operated by, LLC. The only time shaving should be done is when it’s absolutely necessary. Because i have seen many dogs with improper hair regrowth after shaving. Since shaving the dogs myself, I have NEVER had a situation where their hair did not grow back in properly. Thank you! Shaving a double coated dog.? Shorter hair will be messier and will be more widespread throughout the house. This is why vets, groomers, and breeders all agree that shaving off a double coat is almost never a good idea. Also, a shaved dog is more susceptible to sunburn – skin damaged by UV rays. Shaving a dog with serious mats, for example, is more humane than leaving them there or attempting to brush them out. Double coated dogs need both layers of fur to keep them cool. Nature has provided the dog with a double layer of fur not just for aesthetic purposes. Many people have several misconceptions regarding shaving dogs and prefer to shave them due to various reasons. Many people prefer to shave their dogs to make them cooler and comfortable during summers, but actually, the reverse happens. You might also notice that shaving a dog can change the texture of its coat. Why shaving double coated dogs is not a good idea? This thicker regrown dogs undercoat obstructs the air from reaching your dog’s skin. The undercoat helps in protecting the dogs from extreme climate changes and keeps a dog warm during cold climate and cool during hot climate.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'labradorlovingsouls_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_0',121,'0','0']));eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'labradorlovingsouls_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_1',121,'0','1'])); Many people know about single coated dogs as “dogs that dont shed”. The lighter, softer coat that sheds naturally does not need to be shaved. Nature has given it this coat as a protective measure from extreme climates. By signing up, you agree to our Privacy Policy. Shaving a double-coated breed can result in improper re-growth. Shaving a sheep might be fine, but what about dogs? Unless the dog has passed the point of no return in the matting department, the best type of grooming for these dogs is a vigorous undercoat raking with a special tool that helps remove the undercoat. Some have described it as being like Velcro and you will find that things like grass, burrs (or stickers) and other things will stick to your dog’s coat. Actually, single coated dogs do not have an undercoat like that of double coated dogs. Shaving a double coated dog is rarely done at … The guard hairs are slower to grow. Some owners who you live in a warmer climate, assume that by shaving their doable coated … You can find softer and fluffy hairs at the bottom. But the guard hairs, i mean the outer coat does not grow quickly like the undercoat. This keeps them warm in the winter and cool in the summer. See if you can find any difference in coat underneath. Michelle & The Paw Pack Post author January 15, 2021 at 2:39 pm. Why do people get a dog WITH a coat, only to turn around and SHAVE it??????? The cycles are run by several factors as hormones, temperature, daylight, nutrition ,stress and genetics If you have a dog with double coated fur their insulating coat keeps them cool in the summer, not hotter, and without their guard hairs their skin is exposed to harmful ultraviolet rays, making it easy for the dog to get melanoma. It helps me help so many others! German Shepherds, Golden Retrievers, Labrador Retrievers, Australian Shepherds, and Siberian Huskies are just a few examples of double coated breeds. For example, a single coated dog like Maltese sheds minimal or almost no fur when compared with a double coated one. Especially, avoid shaving the double coat of your dog. But it won’t. Or what kind of coat does my dog have? Excess exposure to harmful sun rays can also keep your dog at risk of skin cancers. Hence this increases your dog’s risk of sunburns. Funds are paid by Greater Good Charities to benefiting organizations as a grant. But the shaved coat also lets the sun through to the skin. When I think of the word clip I think of clipping the coat to a different length with clippers. There are many single coated dogs with minimal shedding such as the poodle, Bichon Frise and many other dog breeds. Unlike humans, dogs do not sweat through their skin – they pant to keep themselves cool and need that fur to protect them. It is important for you to understand how to groom a double coated dog properly. These are rays that the dog would not otherwise be exposed to. To say in simple words they are nothing but dog breeds without undercoat. So, if your dog has a thick double coat, and he still has his undercoat in summer, you might think that getting rid of the whole lot of it will help keep him cool. German Shepherdeval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'labradorlovingsouls_com-banner-1','ezslot_2',123,'0','0'])); Pomeranianeval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'labradorlovingsouls_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_16',124,'0','0'])); Many people have these questions, like, does my dog have a double coat? As mentioned before – all dogs have a double coat – wool and guard hairs. A dog’s double coat is part of his natural cooling system and each layer helps not only to keep the dog cool, but it protects his skin from sun damage as well. However, the older the dog is, the less likely the guard hairs will re-grow. Shaving a double coat down to the skin. Unless medically necessary it’s normally not recommended to shave a dog with a double coat down to the skin because it can expose their skin to harmful UV rays which can cause serious burns. It typically means t hat the dog’s coat is made up of two layers, the short woolly textured underneath coat and a protective upper layer overcoat, which is longer. Yes, Labradors belong to the category of double coated dogs like many other breeds like German shepherds, Golden retrievers and Pomeranians. So shaving your long-haired, double-coated dog in the summer is not really necessary, according to some veterinarians. If you are allergic to dogs, then shaving increases the risk of these allergic reactions. Along with the removal of loose undercoat gently, it also helps in removing the tangles and matted hair from your dog’s fur. Your dog will also have heavy shedding during the spring and before the arrival of the winter season. Just a few examples of double coated dog properly has thicker, coarse and unruly texture hence if notice! Increases your dog, you may feel so because the hair has re-grown unsubstantiated with no undercoat, they not! Double-Coat can also do long-term damage – they pant to keep themselves cool and comfortable after has... Get this thought of shaving and its harmful side effects out all around the year not shed lot! 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