Epithet-rich allusions to baseball bats kept getting smuggled into the prose stemming from undiagnosed coprolalia, the acute swearing component of Tourette’s Syndrome. You can watch movies peering through your knees while you think about how nice a hot meal would be delivered by the stewardesses of yore. Why? A NY Jets wide receiver got caught snarfing up $1.2 million from the PPP Funds. I get it, but how do we get out of this metastable mess without having to put our affairs in order? No, not by Covid-19 (unless this is The Sixth Sense) but by the diversity-industrial complex otherwise known as the Klan of the Kancel Kulture (KKK), virtuously broadcasting to the world that I am a seriously twisted bastard. Also, the peak oil discussion has resurfaced with the failures of fracking.ref 20 I am looking at the dividends of the big caps like Chevron (5.7%), Conoco Phillips (4.0%), BP (5.8%), and the recently Dow-Exiled Exxon (8.2%) and wondering if they are steals or dividend traps. The Fed busily bought Amazon bonds, which actually trade at interest rates below US Treasuries. Wow. It would appear that corruption, child trafficing, insider trading by our elected officials, violations of the Constitution at every level just to name a few, have not gotten the attention of the people. The Comex started breaking records for demands of physical delivery while Covid-19 created sourcing problems.ref 5 Approximately 550 tons bled from the Comex, causing the price of gold futures and the spot price of gold to part ways pronto. If stupid hippies hadn’t killed nuclear power, we’d have nuclear power plants, safer and cheaper than coal-fired plants, all over, and electric cars really would be zero emissions. The Bezos dynasty has racked up a 1,000% return in 6 years. Varidesk Cube Corner Standing Desk Converter, Read our full review of the VariDesk Cube, 12. ~ John Hussman, a rare example of showing an emotion. It is an act of both economic insanity and ethical corruption to provide a financial safety net to its most reckless speculators. For more details about X-Lifts, see our comprehensive review Best Standing Desk Converters in X-Lift Category. The Varidesk Cube Corner is purpose-built to fit inside the confines of a small corner desk. It’s an addiction. Unlike the similarly-designed VariDesk Pro Plus, the Workfit-T offers superior neck and wrist ergonomics with its optional monitor kit. A low-cost entry into the growing field of electric standing desk converters, the VIVO Electric Corner Desk Riser combines value and ease of adjustability. That beast needs to be fed continuously. (Really? Over a hundred companies including GM, Ford, and various mortgage REITs took their generous dividends down to the studs (zero) to preserve cash during the crunch this spring.ref 21 There’ll be more if the post-Covid-19 world proves problematic. The Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) and Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act were named accordingly. Hundreds of millions of peasants, when left to their own devices, will innovate and create a lot more wealth than a few Kings busily molesting wenches and attacking their neighbors. This market is divorced from reality…there’s such a strong bid to this market—particularly in the overnight futures trading— it just doesn’t make any sense. The fiercely libertarian Ayn Rand Institute got some freebies. What is a backorder? With a five-year warranty and high-quality components, it is built to last, unlike many of the products in this price range. The built-in grommet hole makes it……, Extremely stable; extremely ergonomic. [email protected]. The Small Business Administration running the PPP told the media that it was “too consumed by the urgent effort of helping small businesses through the economic downturn” to track the loans. The utility of a bomb is truly ephemeral. VIVO Electric Corner Standing Desk Converter (DESK-V000VCE), Rocelco ADR sit-to-stand adjustable desk riser review, UpTrak Square Standing Desk Sit-to-Stand Desk Converter review, Readydesk 2 Standing Desk Converter Review, Ergodriven Spark Cardboard Standing Desk Converter Review, Top 8 Factors to Consider When Buying a Standing Desk Converter, the first site to review the original Varidesk back in 2013, Top Z-Lift Standup Desk Converters – Experts Review, Top X-Lift Standing Desk Converters – Expert Reviews, Top Electric Stand Desk Converters – Experts Review, Top Standing Desk Converters for Corner Spaces – Experts Review, Top Sit-Stand Desk Converters – Post & Base Models – Experts Review, The Most Stable Hovering Standing Desk Converters – Experts Review. Figures 1–4 show the markets have been above historical valuations since the mid-90s. Robust build quality, top notch stability, classy finish options, and precision height adjustment. Adobe reached 15 times sales at the apex of the dot-com bubble, which is nuts. It would be noisy and should curve upward due to compounding, so let’s simplify it to a fault by linearizing everything. Still, there’s no denying that a lot of standers will find these converters to be an extremely convenient and cost-effective alternative to changing out their beloved sitting desks. Recall that PE-owned firms are ten times more likely to go bankrupt. ~ Chamath schooling slack-jawed Scott Wapner on CNBC, ~ Ben Hunt (@EpsilonTheory), Epsilon Theory. It boasts a heavy-duty motor with 150 lbs. Learn more about Corner Standing Desk Converters. The average nominal (non-inflation-adjusted) return for US stocks is about 5.5% annualized for 120 years and >6% in the post-war period.ref 14 Typical retirement plans assume a 7.5% nominal return. The Fed and treasury slapped together bailouts estimated at $6 trillion in short order; it’s not surprising that there were a few mishaps during the 50 Shades of Bailouts.ref 26 Remember: The banks get the fees with no obligation to monitor how the money is spent. As Jim Bianco noted, “To put it bluntly, the Fed isn’t allowed to do any of this. I’d be looking for tens of billions of loss to fraud….With the [Main Street] relief, you might see $50,000 frauds, $100,000, $4 million…, ~ Neil Barofsky (@neilbarofsky), the Special Inspector General for the last bailout. In earlier centuries, fishing through the sewers for valuables—so-called “toshing”—was a career choice. We wanted flying cars; we got 140 characters. It’s also important to consider a monitor arm to make sure you can get the correct ergonomic position for both sitting and standing. Skype gave up a 35:0 lead to Zoom, which tacked on 800% as of October before dropping back to a net 500% gain. Salesforce.com. Read our full review. We finally got a Dick Tracy watch! This world in arms is not spending money alone. The John Elways might escape and the David Teppers pile drive it, but for most investors it will be a curb stomping. The central bank is only allowed to purchase or lend against securities that have government guarantees.” Jim: You’re thinking like a peasant! If you strip out the inflation component from this nominal return (which you would need to do however inflation fluctuates), that’s 4% in real terms. These were crazy-high numbers even for the dot-com era. Who could object with names like that? The derivatives gurus are somewhat horrified that equity pricing is now following derivative pricing.ref 42 A single purchase of $300 million call options, by example, is a lot of leverage even for a whale.ref 43 Many think the Whale is SoftBank, an institution of dubious repute, and its founder, Masa Son, of Karate Kid fame (not really). A Muzinich executive noted, “The Fed has been about as supportive, helpful, accommodative—whatever word you want to use—as anyone could imagine.” Indeed they were. Yes, but look at gold in previous equity bear markets: A tsunami of $8.5 trillion of Treasuries will be maturing by the end of 2021! A little Googling to ascertain what the hell Salesforce.com does for a living suggests the Dow is moving to the cloud. It got entertaining when a rag-tag bunch of loons called the Robin Hodlers (see “Broken Markets”) put the silver ETF, SLV, on their buy list.ref 17 It rallied briefly but then gave that gain all back as is always the case when the amateurs get in the game. Straight up-and-down lift, removable and retractable keyboard tray (no tilting though), and all models fit comfortably on narrow 24″ deep desks. The following standing desk converters have been slated for future reviews: For all our tips for buying a standing desk converter, check out our article Top 8 Factors to Consider When Buying a Standing Desk Converter. CFO of two very small businesses (10 employees). When a company fails, it does not fire its employees…it goes through a packaged bankruptcy…if anything, what happens is the employees end up owning more of the company. I was reading in the paper today that Congress wants to replace the dollar bill with a coin. Reddit went nuts as though it were Bayes Theorem on mushrooms. Install is simple, no tools required. 500 JPM employees inexplicably bagged some salary relief funds, which got unwound when they got caught. Having long regarded [the technology] sector as dominated by cyclical stocks masquerading as ‘growth’ stocks, I expected their inflated valuations would be blown apart by the recession. Eureka Ultra Slim Portable Sit Stand Desk Converter, 7. I don’t do it. Banks used to be about matching lenders and borrowers—savings and loans—but are now systemically risky bucket shops with customers as prey. Depreciation rates are very high. Z-Lifts, Dual ergonomics, dropped keyboard trays, VESA mounts—it’s important to know these technical terms so you can find the right standing desk converter for your work style, body type, and office area. Tesla imitates SpaceX (650% gain ytd). Must be a new paradigm. 3) Ergo Donald Trump's efforts to overturn the 2020 election is an attempted self-coup. Meanwhile, the cubicle farms are stuffed full of twenty-something, dip-buying prairie dogs (occasionally poking their heads up) who think markets only go up. We will be working for them someday. After tanking 75% over several years, a 10-year 2,000% run now has it priced at 21 times sales, which is 4.5 times nuts. Historical Valuations. The only drawback is that you’ll have to use Ergotron’s proprietary monitor arms to work with the low-resting work surface. The personal savings rate during the sheltering hit a historic 33% in April,ref 16 shattering the previous 1975 high of 17% as people holed up in their abodes bought only necessities, which apparently included shares of bankrupt companies using the Robinhood app. Section 13(3)(D) of the Federal Reserve Act lets the Fed keep the specific details of the credit confidential.ref 13. I love medieval history, had just finished a book on the Black Death in the fall of 2019, and was pondering immunology when Covid-19 struck. But the Cube Corner still suffers from some Varidesk-specific shortcomings, most-important of which is its antiquated height adjustment mechanism. I dedicate far less page space to the pandemic or the elections than you might expect. Read our full review. Climate Change (2019): Where science and politics collide (briefly mentioned in Part 2). While trying to avoid stage three, I put on 6 lbs sheltering but ripped off 26 lbs in the last 10 weeks (within 40 lbs of my crack weight.) It was that same S&P-gold ratio that kept me white-knuckling gold from 2013 forward; it never plumbed serious lows, leaving potentially more multiples of relative gains prospectively. It is yet another data scraper cannibalizing each other’s revenue streams, but you should listen to the more learned individuals on this one. Adam Taggart documents how the Fed bailouts lined billionaire pockets to the tune of $637 billion…. Most modern medicines are welcome additions but are more about maintenance than cure. Railcar usage, trucking revenues, and auto and truck sales were on a luge run.ref 2 Germany, Japan, China, and the US were witnessing dropping exports and reduced consumer demand.ref 3 The large bucket shops including JPM, Barclays, HSBC, and Deutsche Bank were slashing jobs.ref 4 Andrew Lapthorne of SocGen noted the earnings for the bottom five deciles by market cap were putrid.ref 5 Legendary intellect Lacy Hunt had been warning of the fragile consumer and slowing global growth and suggested that the ineffectual Fed would remain ineffectual.ref 6 BMO Capital Markets noted that “given the backdrop of a ‘relatively’ strong domestic economic profile coming into 2020, the rapidly deteriorating outlook is remarkable.” Record consumer and corporate debt suggested a bad moon was rising. They may get me to buy a Saatva rather than a Tempurpedic mattress, but I am only buying one. The next hundred years witnessed automatic ice makers. I tease Dave about his “Technical Analysis Wizardry,” because I want him to write a children’s book on charting. All this was under constant bloviations about “stimulus”, which is Fed-speak for bailing out leveraged speculators (monetary camel toe). Running water via plumbing was developed millennia ago, but routine indoor plumbing in the early 20th century allowed homemakers to stop hauling 50–100 gallons of water a day in and out of the house. My reasoning behind the decision to sit it out (delineated in “Valuations”) was based on far superior reasoning to the completely vacuous reasoning in the 1990s that lavished me with wild returns including one year >100%. His compensation to date has been sufficiently generous that Musk and the Tesla board are being sued for ‘unrelenting avarice.’ref 41 Tesla may have also woken the giants. It is a power grab of government running the energy sector, centralizing it, controlling it and ergo, controlling you and me. We could witness 25 years of downward pressure provided Covid-19 doesn’t compress that timescale the hard way. More realistically, markets will serve up a price–time combo platter and slowly drift lower while the GDP slowly grinds higher. In a fabulous book, The Rise and Fall of Growth in America (see “Books”), Robert Gordon argues that the industrial revolution from 1870–1940 was a unique and not-to-be-repeated period of wealth creation. IBM’s market cap is now $105 billion. Nikola shares jumped 50% when GM announced it was taking a $2 billion equity stake. Ground transportation. He suggested I was full of shit (paraphrased) by noting a 15% growth in GDP during the war and that the war-time hardship stories are overstated. They may have reached breakpoint, although those hospitals have a lot of staff and beds, and big-city hospitals always appear to be at a breaking point from the patient’s perspective. Let’s look at these new-era industrial juggernauts one at a time to see where we are. This time the ER was a ghost town. Oil futures hit –$37 per barrel albeit for different reasons,ref 7 but that sure as hell wasn’t supposed to happen either. Overall our review staff was blown away by the quality of the design and construction for a product at this price point, and dubbed it the Expert’s Choice for the single platform converter category. My Keiser Report interview got translated to Spanish and was real haga clic en cebo.ref 24 I had a tweet make it into an elite medical journal, Stats:ref 25. The Buffett Model—the S&P’s price-to-GDP ratio—is popular owing to its namesake. Plus, the Patriot is made in America which opens it for GSA and TAA compliance. Maybe, just maybe if folks have to depend on one another, work for a living and work for self respect this country can once again be called the land of the free and home of the brave. Penicillin and its offspring introduced in the 1930s saved millions of lives. Inventions Past and Present. Robinhood added more than three million new users by the end of April. Three……, iMovR’s latest standing desk converter is one of the best on the market. They appear not to have gotten bailout money. (See “Douche Bags”…no…sorry…“The Tweet”.) A satisfyingly “clicky” switch and a highly responsive electric motor don’t disappoint – the Executive is downright enjoyable to adjust. Everything is not OK, and then you look at the S&P 500—it keeps going up. Big trade deficits steer the US toward the Trouble with Triffin—Triffin’s Dilemma —which is the ultimate and supposedly unavoidable collapse of the reserve currency as delineated by Robert Triffin.ref 1. Two haircuts may last you two months whereas one pair of hair clippers can shave many heads, crotches, ears, backs, eyebrows, armpits, and dogs. (The book Salt is a comprehensive treatise on the importance of salt to civilization that lives up to its sexy title.) Most customers already have an autonomous driver. One small rise for HealthPostures, one giant leap in riser design. I have become increasingly aware that we are all looking through our own lens with an emerging plotline that is self-consistent with our own unique narrative. ~ Mohamed El-Erian (@elerianm), former manager of Pimco. ~ Kevin Warsh, former Federal Reserve governor. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. This year posed challenges writing the damned thing, some common and others unique. As long as you’re not lured in by the promise of an “eco-friendly” product, the Cooper is a solid choice. One ETF trades under the symbol “AAA.”ref 68 Somebody has a sense of humor. THEM. “Quick. Sleek, modern aesthetic – clearly the ‘looker’ in the bunch. (The authorities love inflation because they get to tax it.). Employment completely collapsed across the globe…and the markets kept going up. Your house is full of crap with the life expectancy of a Clinton email server, none of which can be repaired. Apple’s five-year sales growth rate was just 4.1%.ref 20 Their product line suggests that they replaced Steve Jobs with John Sculley again. That’s an incremental change—a BIG intercept, rendering the slope a rounding error (curve a at best). Dozens of Austrians—not Austrian economists but real Austrians—got coronavirus stimulus checks. What follows is a compilation of thoughts that are loosely stitched together in an attempt to drive economists completely nuts. Let us not forget that all central banks work for the multinational banks, not sovereign states. Not the most ergonomically sound given the lack of adjustability on the keyboard tray. ALL. Social Media. Oh, yeah: Tesla baby! Unlike the One-Touch line of risers, there is currently no option for a drop-down keyboard tray, but if you’re willing to live with that you’ll find the Kangaroo a roomy experience. Learn more about X-Lift, These units sport a sturdy post that holds a keyboard platform and a monitor. A few others are worthy of bullets just to highlight the markets of 2020. Do ya feel lucky? Figure 4. We entered 2020 having escaped severe turbulence in the leveraged loan markets causing equities to tank in late 2019 requiring abrupt Fed intervention. At bubble levels the bulls are in autoerotic asphyxiation while the grizzled veterans start waffling about “stock pickers market”, implying that when the market goes full-Antifa on your ass you picked the wrong stocks. A face plant while gardening? Why did we do the bailouts? Upgrade the strong and stalwart Kangaroo Standing Desk Converter to Electric, and you’ve hopped your way up to most sturdy electric riser on the market. This iatrogenic Monetary Munchhausen-by-Proxy Syndrome is also WTF Happened in 1971.ref 5. No siree, we are doing it with solar, wind, geothermal, and biomass, all displaying energy densities that are no match for a barrel of Saudi crude let alone a single nuclear reactor. We’re in the craziest monetary and fiscal mix in history. 3. [Investors] do not care about the movements in the price of the stock. Let’s ponder a few technological changes from the near and distant past to understand wealth creation. One last truly random and haunting thought: Civilization is, by definition, sandwiched between two ice ages. There are a ton of social justice crazies (SJCs) out there. Long soup lines suggested folks had cars and gas but no food. Having to put our affairs in order 3 ) Ergo Donald Trump 's efforts to overturn the 2020 is! With its optional monitor kit has racked up a 1,000 % return in 6.! Could witness 25 years of downward pressure provided Covid-19 doesn ’ t that. 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