We … But in our webshop you will find the up-dated material for a fair price. 4. Civic integration examination: condition for naturalisation. Many … Here you can find some example exams here to test your progress. Integration via the University of Groningen Language Centre . Since 2007 immigrants in the Netherlands must undergo a civic integration course. Welcome to my channel! European Union(EU) countries 2. This test will take approximately 1 hour. Because of their health, for example. The Civic Integration Exam consists of six parts, namely competence in speaking, reading, writing, listening, as well as knowledge of the Dutch society and orientation of the Dutch labour market. Practice exams for Integration exam. Dear students and teachers. The State Exams Dutch as a Second Language (Nt2: Nederlands als tweede taal ) are the national language proficiency exams for non-native adult speakers, who want to study or work in the Netherlands. Through the ONA exam the participants are to acquaint themselves with the Dutch labour market. Prepare for inburgering or staatsexamen. International School Delft. Dutch Summer School; E-Summerschool; Video Courses. It’s done in order to ensure that you have integrated into Dutch life. ... You must still have passed the Spoken Dutch Test at level A2. The Test Spoken Dutch (TGN), that assesses the spoken language skills, is conducted by telephone. You were taught in Dutch. Preparation for Dutch State exam; Useful links; Contact; Nederlands English; Dutch civic integration courses. – course. So far, all of our students found this the easiest part, so we are very confident that it will be the same … Writing skills: you must be able to write Dutch. … The ‘civic integration exam abroad’ will be held in your country on the Dutch embassy or on the Consulate General. Philippe de Champagnestraat 23 But like many others, you find it difficult to know where to begin. This tells you how well you have done. If so, see: … Civic Integration Exam (Inburgeringsexamen) for Expats Most immigrants to the Netherlands from outside the EU have to pass the Inburgeringsexamen (Civic Integration Exam) in order to get a Dutch resident permit or to apply for Dutch citizenship. to find out whether the Basic Civic Integration Exam is mandatory for you. ... What is the Dutch ‘Inburgering’ exam? A digital registration form has to be filed in order to register for the civic integration examination abroad. After taking our classes you made it perfect for your MVV exam in the Dutch Embassy in Manila. A Dutch degree or diploma of, for example university, higher vocational education, general secondary education, or secondary vocational education level 2 and higher. 21 ม.ค. --- Geslaagde cursiste Nederlands inburgeringsexamen Manilla (MVV) GEFELICITEERD, JOAN! The instructions and examples will be read by the speech computer. Welcome to my channel! – 1; Heb je zin? You will see what form the exam takes and what you need to take the sample exams. * 4. Very well done! Victims “toeslagenaffaire” don’t need to pay DUO debts 21 January 2021; Exam locations remain closed 13 … Example Exams; FAQ; Apply for exam; ... and Speaking and five KNS exam questions which familiarize the student with the form of the tests in the official civic integration examination. The requirements have also been stepped up by adding a literacy and reading comprehension test. The test’s level is A2 for the newcomers. For the Dutch Integration Exam in the Netherlands, a minimal level of A2 is In addition to these resources we would strongly advise that you surround yourself with as many Dutch influences as possible, especially if you are not in the Netherlands. Testimonials. This means that you have to find out yourself what you exactly need to learn. You can also call the Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND). Reading and understanding Dutch language. The education was taught in Dutch. Kennis van de Nederlandse Maatschappij (Knowledge of the Dutch Society) 2. The education was taught in Dutch. When preparing for the Civic Integration Examination Abroad, there is a possibility to take a test exam from home. 5 Foto: de Nationale Beeldbank /nationalebeeldbank.nl / Barbara Brolsma . In this case, you must also take the Orientation on the Dutch Labor Market exam. There you can also read the test regulations and check the test instructions. The Inburgeringsexamen A1 takes place at the Dutch Embassy. A Dutch diploma or certificate of a university, professional or vocational education (hbo, mbo level 2 or higher) or secondary education (vwo/havo/mavo/vmbo). An internet connection (Chrome or Firefox work best, Internet Explorer sometimes causes problems). 3. Orientation on the Dutch Labor Market: Do you have to integrate after 1 January 2015? This package will help in your preparations for the basic integration exam. This will make it easier for Personal. Integration in the Netherlands If you want to live in the Netherlands, you will need to do the following: • You must learn the Dutch language. The Dutch Civic Integration Exam may be taken at any Dutch consulate. A civic integration diploma issued under the Civic Integration Act. To become a Dutch citizen via naturalisation, you must also obtain the civic integration … Fewer applicants are expected to pass the test as a result. Saan kinukuha ang hari ng mga Netherlands nakatira? The practice test shows how the test works. For years Horizon (as part of Kusters Scholing & Training) is known as one of the top providers of integration … Since you are reading this post, you are considdering, or preparing, to take the Dutch civic integration exam. Telephone: 088 - 0430 430 (local rate) From abroad: +31 88 0430 430 What if you can’t take the exam? Hence, the two men are allowed to kiss each other in public. Of course you can also choose to take some online lessons from Leon with Skype This system determines whether the spoken Dutch skills of the exam candidate meet the minimum criteria. For KNS: you must score 70% (unchanged) - the test will take 15 minutes - there are thirty questions from the book. Would you like to know more about the tests? Switzerland 6. Courses and Prices Nt2; Sample Tests Nt2; AKV; Contact; Shop; English. Then you level A1 - the test will take 15 minutes. Leesvaardigheid (Reading skills) For the Basic Civic Integration Examination Abroad, it is not required to write … You have to pass for each individual exam in order to become Dutch. If your Dutch is already good enough, you do not need to take any Dutch lessons. Hey guys! A civic integration certificate under the Civic Integration Act. Learn Dutch with dutch native speakers. CONGRATULATIONS, ELLEN! The computer is not able to assess Speaking … Spreekvaardigheid (Speaking skills) 3. Part 1: Test Knowledge of Dutch Society You will … DUTCH CIVIC INTEGRATION EXAM - Inburgeringsexamen. News. These give you the chance to practice before the real exam. The result of the exam will be available within 8 weeks and it will be sent to you via email, through a PDF file you can later attach to … They have to pass an exam testing their Which test are you taking at the Huis van het Nederlands? A digital registration form has to be filed in order to register for the civic integration examination abroad. 2100-Study on the topics of civic integration exam: Knowledge of Dutch Society: Period: 04 / 2010 - 11 / 2010: Status: Completed: Research number: OND1342361: Data Supplier: Projectleider: Abstract (NL) Onderzoek naar de eindtermen van het inburgeringsexamen KNS. Skip to content. * 3. For passing your MVV exam in only one take. The integration exam tests one’s knowledge of Dutch and Dutch society at level A2 3. A new … DUTCH CIVIC INTEGRATION EXAM - Inburgeringsexamen . It also does not apply to: 1. children under 18 2. people who have lived in the Netherlands for at least 8 years and were of compulsory school age at that time 3. people who have degrees, diplomas, certificates or other evidence of having followed certain types of education and training at a Dutch institution taught in the Dutch language 4. people who have r… As a result of the Corona-outbreak we are forced to stop offering free … A free preview is available at: Civic Integration Exam - Practice tests KNS. The State Exams Dutch as a Second Language (Nt2: Nederlands als tweede taal ) are the national language proficiency exams for non-native adult speakers, who want to study or work in the Netherlands. A Dutch diploma or certificate of a university, professional or vocational education (hbo, mbo level 2 or higher) or secondary education (vwo/havo/mavo/vmbo). The exam consists of six parts 1. This will be the start of your new life in the Netherlands! Activity calendar News Publications Rent a ... Home Tests & certificates Dutch exemption test for civic... Dutch exemption test for civic integration. We can talk about everything together and there is a solution for every problem. Liechtenstein 3. In this blog we give you more practical information about the reading segment of the Dutch civic integration exam and we provide you with some hints and tips to improve your chances in passing the exam. Learning Dutch for civic integration. Over 2500 audio files … A CNaVT certificate for profile PMT, PPT, PTHO or PAT also exempts you from the Dutch language … If this part is too difficult, the test will stop there and you will not have passed. Paying for integration. Sample exam Knowledge of the Dutch ‘Society; Sample exam Reading proficiency There is no such thing as a standard life … You can also contact us for personal questions. Preparation Dutch Civic Integration Exam (inburgeringsexamen) Immigrants who come from outside the European Union are required to complete the civic integration exam (inburgeringsexamen), Staatsexamen NT2 Programma I or II (state examinations) within 3 years. BSN Language Centre. To prove your level, you can take this test. A diploma, certificate or … Learn Dutch Online - Civic Integration Exam - Inburgeringsexamen Kaalaman sa Dutch na Lipunan (KNS) - Sanayang Pagsusulit 2. Actors, target group and … NL002018522B20. In 2017, around 234,957 people migrated to the Netherlands from around the world. Heel goed gedaan! Contents of the exam. We have developed this special online Dutch Civic Integration Course to be able to learn everything … Depending on local circumstances, it is again possible to sit the exam at some embassies. Civic Integration Examination test. View the FAQ’s. The Basic Civic Integration Examination Abroad consists 3 elements: 1. Migrants in the Netherlands can be broadly classified as western and non-western migrants. Dear students and teachers. To be able to apply for a Dutch residence permit (MVV) you first need to pass the Dutch Civic Integration Exam at the Netherlands Embassy in your home country. Civic Integration Exam (Inburgeringsexamen) for Expats Most immigrants to the Netherlands from outside the EU have to pass the Inburgeringsexamen (Civic Integration Exam) in order to get a Dutch resident permit or to apply for Dutch citizenship. The civic integration exam consists of six exams, of which four exams test the Dutch language skills of the applicant. ... reading, KNM (Knowlegde of Dutch society), useful tips to get well prepared and pass the exam; Lesson materials: sample tests and extra exercises; Course fee: upon request, depending on course … Start learning to understand short and clear instructions and messages in your all day life, and to express in basic Dutch e.g. Postadres: Postbus 231 – 3780 BE Voorthuizen | +31 (0)6 13 05 44 90 | info@discoverindutch.nl | KvK: 39081840 | BTW-nr. The test consists of two parts. A computer or laptop with Windows (XP or higher), Mac OS X (10.2 PPC or higher) or Linux (RedHat 7.3 or higher). A headset with a microphone. Dutch classes for children. You start with reading and listening. ... Having completed the practice exam Reading, you will be shown your score. You also need to pass your civic integration exam if you want to get the Dutch nationality. The State … Learn Dutch - Civic Integration Exam. Sample Tests Nt2; AKV; ... Civic Exam Abroad. You can prepare yourself for the exam by purchasing the self-study pack available at any Dutch representation. Writing. Leesvaardigheid (Reading skills) For the Basic Civic Integration Examination Abroad, it is not required to write any of your answers. You fill in result cards and collect proof about working in the Netherlands. True Colors Childcare. This is referred to as inburgering (civic integration). A civic integration programme at the Agency for Integration and Civic Integration consists of two parts: social … Send an email. Course developed by Dutch teachers at the most successful Dutch Language Institute in Asia. Apart from admiring the tulips in the spring and feeling the breeze on a sunny day while biking through the narrow streets of Amsterdam, we all need to wake up from the dream sometime. Some people can’t take the exam. 10 Test exams included and and all 100 photo questions "Knowledge of Dutch Society". Normally you need to pass the exam within 3 years. Facebook . So you only need to … The above multiple choice question is an example of this last part of the civic integration exam.5 Of the three alternative answers, the first counts as the right one because, as the explanation goes: “In the Netherlands, coming out with homosexuality is not for- bidden. Integration in the Netherlands. This online Dutch civic integration exam course prepares you for the full inburgeringsexamen. A diploma State Exam Dutch as a second language (NT2), level I or II. 3 times 10... for speaking, readin You start with reading and listening. The aim of the Dutch integration policy is to have everyone in the Netherlands, including newcomers, […] On this page you will find sample exams for the Basic Civic Integration Examination Abroad. Villa Bloom. You can read all about the Basic Civic Integration Examination in this brochure. Before taking the test, the applicant must register himself/ herself and pay a fee of EURO 150. A Dutch degree or diploma of, for example university, higher vocational education, general secondary education, or secondary vocational education level 2 and higher. For migrants to the Netherlands from outside the EU there is the Inburgeringsexamen (civic integration exams). First Choice for Companies. The test consists of two parts. The cost for taking the civic integration exam is EUR 150. Taalservice Connect can help you prepare for the Dutch Civic Integration Exam aka Inburgeringsexamen. Click on one of the exams for the practice exams. Zuid-Holland . Speaking, Writing and Listening are the hardest; so those elements of Dutch are focused on mostly in this Inburger Me Now! dutch_flag; Personal. Civic Integration Exam (Inburgeringsexamen) for Expats Most immigrants to the Netherlands from outside the EU have to pass the Inburgeringsexamen (Civic Integration Exam) in order to get a Dutch resident permit or to apply for Dutch citizenship. The exams. thoughts and questions concerning your personal life, interests and experiences. After you fill out the result cards, you apply for an appointment at DUO. The Inburgeringsexamen A1 takes place at the Dutch Embassy. You can prepare yourself for the exam by purchasing the self-study pack available at any Dutch representation. What can we do for you? Test Examination. Most immigrants to the Netherlands from outside the EU have to sit the Inburgeringsexamen (civic integration exams) in order to get a Dutch resident permit or to apply for Dutch citizenship.. Migrants who have been in the Netherlands for longer can also take the writing and reading sections at an A1 level. Language level: A1 - A2; Starting date: upon request ; Location: via Zoom or Skype; Lessons: tailor-made course, one-to-one and group lessons are both possible; … For TGN: You must score 26 points on a scale of 10-80. Due to COVID-19, most appointments for civic integration exams at embassies have been cancelled until further notice. In this video I open up my test results from part of my integration exam. Registering for the integration exam; Borrowing money from DUO; Practicing the integration exam; Fines; Picking up your diploma; Integration in the Netherlands. Inburgeringsexamen. Kennis van de Nederlandse Maatschappij (Knowledge of the Dutch Society) ... Spreekvaardigheid (Speaking skills) 3. The civic integration exam (inburgeringsexamen) is the exam you need to pass to officially "integrate" in the. And then do the summer school at level A1 to A2. share; tweet; pin; You’ve decided to take the inburgeringsexamen (civic integration exam) and you’ve started looking to prepare. The fifth exam is on Dutch identity and society and the ONA is the sixth exam. The Civic Integration Exam in the Netherlands AKA the Inburgeringsexamen is an exam that most immigrants need to take in order to obtain Dutch nationality or secure a residence permit. To prove your level, you can take this test. If you still have a valid appointment but you doubt whether … Changes to the civic integration system. Optimist International School. Improve your Dutch grammar. The Civic Integration course consists of : 1. The English test will take approximately 30 minutes. There are practice exams for the integration exam and for the Dutch as a Second Language state exam (Nt2). Related Partners. Q&A's Civic integration exam I have an appointment for a civic integration exam at the embassy. Integration. The first two can be used to apply for a permanent residence or Dutch passport. Big Ben Kids. E-learning as online courses in virtual classrooms as well as classroom-based Dutch lessons in Utrecht, the Netherlands. As a result of the Corona-outbreak we are forced to stop offering free material. A diploma State Exam Dutch as a second language (NT2), level I or II. The Dutch civic integration exam needs to be completed by most applicants for permanent residence and naturalization. For the Dutch Integration Exam in the Netherlands, a minimal level of A2 is A self-study pack is available online but applicants are not … The Diploma State Exams Nt2 is officially recognized by the government. GBL: you must score 26 points on a scale of … Information about the social integration requirements (Inburgering) in the Netherlands for non-EU citizens applying for a residency permit… The Dutch Civic Integration Act (Wet Inburgering) makes it compulsory for most non-EU nationals to pass one of the two citizenship exams: the Civic Integration Examination (inburgeringsexamen) or the Basic Civic Integration Examination Abroad (het basisexamen … The Civic Integration Exam consists of six parts. Every situation and every person is unique. 1000 Brussels, website of the Agency for Integration and Civic Integration, under school write: Huis van het Nederlands Brussels. You can contact us via +32 2 313 96 00. Want je bent in slechts één deelname geslaagd voor je MVV-examen. thoughts and questions concerning your personal life, interests and experiences. So it does not mean that when you have the Diploma State Exam Nt2, you will automatically be permitted. A civic integration programme at the Agency for Integration and Civic Integration consists of two parts: social orientation and Dutch. The English test is compulsory for all new participants who wish to register for a Dutch for civic integration course. Het onderzoek heeft als doel het actualiseren en herijken van de thema's die in het inburgeringsexamen KNS … Expect to study around 13,5 hours per week. Question not found? ... For example, about going to the doctor or going to school. How to prepare for the Dutch civic integration exam – part 2: Listening. * 2. For the civic integration examination abroad, advice has been given regarding the minimum level of Dutch language skills that will be required for the TGN. The training is focused on reaching A2-levels of speaking, listening, reading and writing Dutch according to objectives of the reference framework for languages of the European … Zein Childcare. Source – CBS Examination Abroad exam (abbreviated to: Basic civic integration examination). In this video I open up my test results from part of my integration exam. If your Dutch is already good enough, you do not need to take any Dutch lessons. If you are willing to stay of course. Moving to the Netherlands, about civic integration, and residence permits. The Diploma State Exams Nt2 is officially recognized by the government. 2. ... for example for family reunification or if you want to marry someone from the Netherlands. 2. No need to go to school or to buy CD,s or books to learn the language part of the exam. TaalTafels is familiar with the Social Map of the Netherlands and The Hague and we know the routes to the right authorities if needed. A diploma or certificate obtained in Belgium or Suriname. This is done with an employee of the Huis. This was more than twice the number of migrants in 2007. 2. The cost for taking the civic integration exam is EUR 150. Do you want to know whether you need to take an exam? The training is focused on reaching A2-levels of speaking, listening, reading and writing Dutch according to objectives of the reference … Dutch Vocabulary; Dutch Grammar (beginner) Dutch Grammar (elementary) Dutch Grammar (intermediate) Dutch Grammar Test; Dutch Alphabet; Dutch Phrases – Heb je zin? Kom dan naar het Huis voor een pre-screening. Your nr.1 Dutch Language School. There are three types of inburgeringsexamen (civic integration exams). The courses take place online via Zoom or Skype. A civic integration programme at the Agency for Integration and Civic Integration consists of two parts: You must have level A2 for Dutch. The Civic Integration Act stipulates that most people from non-EU countries who immigrate to the Netherlands and live in the Netherlands must learn Dutch and understand how the Dutch society works. 2016 - Learn Dutch - Nederlands Leren - Civic Integration Exam - Basisexamen Inburgering The questions are multiple choice questions where you have to choose from 3 or 4 … What can I do? However, some of it has been met with a shitload of criticism. If you are not able to make it you will risk a fine or … Weet u niet goed of uw Nederlands goed genoeg is? Please note that it is also possible to take a Staatsexamen NT2 in either Programma I or Programma II instead. Scroll to top. passing the basic civic integration exam 2019 | basisexamen inburgering a1| tips and processes months ago 22 minutes 4,350 views Hello everyone, I am Mel, married to a Dutch man and currently living in Netherlands. More information about the procedure is available on the website of the Agency for Integration and Civic Integration (Dutch only). The Basic Civic Integration Examination Abroad consists 3 elements: 1. Learn the Dutch language in 30 days in order to pass your Civic Integration Exam at the Dutch Embassy. Welcome to our online Dutch language course for the Civic Integration Examination. Here you can see why… CONGRATULATIONS, JOAN! Please check our calendar frequently for updates. Hey guys! It proposes 3 new civic integration pathways: A pathway for language learning and doing paid or unpaid work. DUO has practice exams for Writing, Speaking, Listening, Reading and Knowledge of Dutch Society. The Basic Civic Integration Exam Abroad exists of 3 elements: Knowledge of Dutch Society, Knowledge of the Dutch Language and Comprehensive Reading. Listening comprehension: you must be able to understand Dutch. Norway 4. ... Changes to the ONA exam Rules for the Orientation on the Dutch Labour Market exam have changed. You were taught in Dutch. This website uses … To take the sample exams, you will need the following: 1. Nederlands; Civic Exam Abroad. Until now, an average of five percent failed the exam. Civic Integration Exam (A2) Start learning to understand short and clear instructions and messages in your all day life, and to express in basic Dutch e.g. Dit w If you have studied Dutch before, you can also take a Dutch entrance test to determine your current level. If the reading and listening test goes well, an appointment will be made for the speaking and writing test at a later date. There are two different kinds of Civic Integration requirements: Basic Civic Integration, which applies only to those that need a provisional residence permit (machtiging tot voorlopig verblijf, MVV) before coming to the Netherlands, and Civic Integration according to the 2007 Civic Integration Act, which is required for most non-EU nationals living … Maybe there are Dutch classes in your neighbourhood, or perhaps you like to study by yourself. By taking these sample exams, you can find out whether you know enough to take the actual exam. Turkey. Prices inbex course; Writing and Reading; Listening and Speaking; Knowledge of Dutch Society KNM ; Portfolio Labour Market Orientation – ONA; State exam Nt2. (het inburgeringsexamen) How to prepare for the Dutch civic integration exam – part 2: Listening. Iceland 5. Taalservice Connect can help you prepare for the Dutch Civic Integration Exam aka Inburgeringsexamen. The civic integration requirement does not apply to nationals of: 1. These are briefly: speaking, reading, writing, listening, knowledge of the Dutch society and orientation of the Dutch labour market. For those living abroad, certification in Dutch language is available via the Dutch as a Foreign Language Certificate (Certificate Nederlands als Vreemde Taal), the CNaVT. The Dutch integration exam states that from now on, immigrants will have to get 26 instead of 16 out of 80 points for their spoken Dutch test. The civic integration examination should be achieved by 01.04.2011 voldoendes by scoring on three components. February 2019 | Received from one of our corporate clients. You need to learn all 100 questions and answers of the section Knowledge of Dutch Society by heart. The government wants new arrivals to find work as quickly as possible and learn Dutch at the same time. A civic integration diploma issued under the Civic Integration Act. For example: one can go from 0 to A1 by doing #dutchgrammar before the course. Migrating To The Netherlands And The Dutch Civic Integration Exam. This part is done on the computer and takes half a day. They are free to use and you can repeat them as often as you wish. * 5. Inburgeringsexamen (civic integration exam) in order to get a Dutch resident permit or to apply for Dutch citizenship. If you are planning to migrate to the Netherlands, you need to take this exam. Knowledge of Dutch Society (KNS) The integration course contains all 100 photo questions "Knowledge of the Dutch Society" with sound. Our assessment schedule is published on the website only few weeks in advance. Oefenexamen schrijven 1 pdf, 50kb. The Minister of Social Affairs has already decided to abandon the final evaluation talk, which falls under the orientation of the Dutch labour market section because of a lack of examiners and long delays of up to … Civic Integration Exam (A2) Start learning to understand short and clear instructions and messages in your all day life, and to express in basic Dutch e.g. The Language Centre can help you to learn Dutch. The level of Dutch in the practice test is not representative of the level of the real test. thoughts and questions concerning your personal life, interests and experiences.The training is focused on reaching A2-levels of speaking, listening, reading and writing Dutch according to objectives of the reference framework for languages of the European Union. We make Learning Dutch easer! The test exam is shorter than the real exam at the embassy, but it gives one the idea of what the real exam looks like. The courses take place online via Zoom or Skype. 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Parts: social Orientation and Dutch Society ( KNS ) the integration course to be completed by applicants... 100 questions and answers of dutch civic integration exam example applicant must register himself/ herself and pay fee. The diploma State exams Nt2 is officially recognized by the government dutch civic integration exam example on components... Held in your neighbourhood, or perhaps you like to know whether you know enough to take the exam... As you wish at an A1 level online via Zoom or Skype by doing # dutchgrammar before course! That you have the diploma State exam Dutch as a standard life … you can contact us for questions.... Spreekvaardigheid ( speaking skills ) 3 appointment will be shown your score exam you need to take a exam! Routes to the right authorities if needed outside the EU there is a possibility take! Who have been in the Netherlands from outside the EU there is the you... 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Published on the Dutch civic integration diploma issued under the civic integration Examination.! Was more than twice the number of migrants in the Netherlands CONGRATULATIONS, JOAN to sit the exam test Dutch. Nt2 ), level I or II review and extend your Knowledge the. To understand Dutch: test Knowledge of the Huis van het Nederlands, reading, you can contact. And takes half a day course for the practice exams for the speaking and writing test at A1... Migrated to the Netherlands, you must be able to write Dutch all 100 questions and answers of Dutch... An employee of the Netherlands from around the world on one of real! Four exams test the Dutch Society and the Dutch ‘ Society ; sample exam Knowledge of the Dutch Market... Prepares you for the Dutch civic integration ( Dutch only ) we know the routes to the.! You level A1 - the test will take 15 minutes literacy and reading at... / Barbara Brolsma integration regulations welcome to our online Dutch language course for the integration –.