J Med Microbiol 2006;55:809-18. Poulopoulos A, 50. Toothpaste containing 1,450 ppm sodium fluoride is recommended. There are several types of drugs that cause CIPN. Extractions should be followed by socket curettage, removal of any debris, and finally suturing. Before any procedure takes place, the oncologist should inform the dentist of the patients current health status, the characteristics of the pathologic entity, and the antineoplastic therapy to be prescribed. A clinical finding of exposed bone in the oral cavity for eight weeks or longer, despite appropriate therapy, is the distinctive diagnostic feature of ONJ. Zygomyces and endemic fungi, such as Histoplasma capsulatum, should also be considered as well as Fusarium species. [2], Taste disturbancesare widely detected in patients undergoing chemotherapy. Curr Oral Health Rep 2015;2:202-11. Specific instructions concerning oral hygiene and caries prevention are given to the patient. In addition, post-herpetic neuralgia may be present in 6-18% of patients over 60 years old. 39. Bui N, Wong-Sefidan I. Reactivation of hepatitis B virus after withdrawal of erlotinib. It was rinsed for 2 min and then swallowed 4 times a day for a month. Patients must be evaluated before radiation therapy and at that time all unrestorable teeth and/or teeth with periodontal problems must be extracted to reduce the post‐radiotherapy exodontias that contribute to ORN. Herpes zoster in the immunocompetent patient: management of postherpetic neuralgia. We thank Dr. Jon Wagner for his contribution in language editing. The patient also reported … The latter must be repeated every 3 months. 0000023689 00000 n 80. The usual symptoms are erythema, edema, and purulence. Itraconazole is rarely used, but serious side effects can occur in patients with cardiovascular problems, especially those who receive cisapride, pimozide, and guanidine therapy. APCs Cancer 2014;120:1453-61. Semin Oncol 2003;30:740-8. Thus, epithelial proliferation in impaired. Tongue necrosis due to chemotherapy with a nucleoside metabolic inhibitor in a patient with acute myeloblastic leukaemia, Oral mucositis is handled by the physician following set guidelines. Defensive properties are impaired as well, due to the lack of lysozyme, lactoferrin, immunoglobulin, and antibacterial substances. Streptococcus viridans usually causes bacteremia. Imai H, Soeda H, Komine K, Otsuka K, Shibata H. Preliminary estimation of the prevalence of chemotherapy-induced dysgeusia in Japanese patients with cancer. Dental oncology: the management of disease and treatment related oral/dental complications associated with chemotherapy. Treatment of oral mucositis due to chemotherapy. Curr Oncol 2015;22:430-2. Dent Update 2012;39:135-8, 140. Fink M. Vitamin D deficiency is a cofactor of chemotherapy-induced mucocutaneous toxicity and dysgeusia. Neurotoxicity can appear in up to 97% of patients treated with oxaliplatin,[18] whichis manifested in an acute or chronic form. Bisphosphonates are mainly responsible for the development of osteonecrosis of the jaws (ONJ) [Figure 2]. The patient must then be counseled and be made aware of all the possible oral complications caused by chemotherapy. 0000014385 00000 n Dental treatment considerations in the chemotherapy patient. 42. Sucralfate has limited effectiveness on OM and is often followed by nausea, rectal bleeding, and multiple rectal disorders. Staphylococcus aureus is most usually responsible for the parotid sialadenitis. 72. 26. 34. All these can justify the hypothesis that the lichenoid reaction lesions may be related to altered expression of epidermal markers because of the imatinib. Adjuvant chemotherapy in breast cancer patients induces temporary salivary gland hypofunction. 45. [2], The herpetic infections with the most favorable HSV-1 subtype, are common in chemotherapy patients. Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal 2009;14:E108-13. Cell-mediated immunity is the first defensive wall against viral infection and is mediated by T-lymphocytes. 49. [30] It is recommended that cryotherapy 5-30 min before treatment with 5-fluorouracil can limit the mucositis symptoms. Figure 2. Von Bültzingslöwen I. Rahnama M, Madej-Czerwonka B, Jastrzębska-Jamrogiewicz I, Jamrogiewicz R. Analysis of the influence of parenteral cancer chemotherapy on the health condition of oral mucosa. Many studies suggest several agents in the treatment and prevention of OM with varying results. Dermatol Online J 2011;17:4. Fark T, Hummel C, Hähner A, Nin T, Hummel T. Characteristics of taste disorders. Mazzeo MA, Linares JA, Campos ML, Busamia BE, Dubersarsky C, Lavarda M, Jarchum G, Finkelberg AB. J Pediatr Hematol Oncol 2007;29:208-9. The reduction of the dose or discontinuation of crizotinib was considered necessary in 6.5% of the patients. A platelet count under 20,000/mm3 increases the risk of excessive bleeding, especially throughout the manifestation of gingivitis. dentures (1 year). Due to the history of zoledronic acid infusions and the risk of MRONJ, a review appointment was arranged at 8 weeks. Lerman MA, Laudenbach J, Marty FM, Baden LR, Treister NS. Indian J Dermatol 2013;58:380-2. 55 0 obj <> endobj Ecchymoses can reveal a low platelet count during chemotherapy. Eur J Cancer Care (Engl) 2006;15:431-9. Oral mucosal lesions, microbial changes, and taste disturbances induced by adjuvant chemotherapy in breast cancer patients. In addition, trauma from an extraction, or any other invasive procedure should be minimal. The study focused on the papers published in the last 25 years. 35. Pericoronitis often arises in the area of the third molars accompanied by ulceration, necrosis and severe pain. Pfuhler S, Fellows M, van Benthem J, Corvi R, Curren R, Dearfield K, Fowler P, Frötschl R, Elhajouji A, Le Hégarat L, Kasamatsu T, Kojima H, Ouédraogo G, Scott A, Speit G. In vitro genotoxicity test approaches with better predictivity: summary of an IWGT workshop. [69] Dysgeusia lasts for a few weeks after the initiation of the treatment. 6. 0000003283 00000 n Imaging modalities, such as a CT, may be useful in delineating the extent of the disease, and are helpful in planning a surgical intervention. invasive dental procedures (eg, tooth extractions, dental implants, oral surgery) comorbidity (eg, dental disease, anaemia, coagulopathy, infection) advanced cancer 0000234516 00000 n 11. Increased levels of amylase and peroxidase are observed. [2] Generally, disturbances retreat in a few hours, days, weeks, or even months after chemotherapy is initiated. [2], Agents such as vinblastine and vincristine are associated with neurotoxicity. The overall death rate from the disease in our patients with sequelae and … 69. Prins C, Gelfand EW, French LE. [84] Recently, new treatments have been tried. Candida albicans is widely detected in such infections. Spielberger R, Stiff P, Bensinger W, Gentile T, Weisdorf D, Kewalramani T, Shea T, Yanovich S, Hansen K, Noga S, McCarty J, LeMaistre CF, Sung EC, Blazar BR, Elhardt D, Chen MG, Emmanouilides C. Palifermin for oral mucositis after intensive therapy for hematologic cancers. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 2009;23:82-3. It causes local vasoconstriction, reducing mucosal blood flow and thus exposure of the mucosa to the agent. Dentures should be removed if they are even minimally traumatic, and the patient must be re-examined after 7-10 days. Göteborg (SE): Göteborg University, Institute of Odontology 2002. [2] Finally, reexaminations every month for the first 3 months is recommended, and then every 3 months for the first year. [6], Disorders in the activity of certain enzymes that participate in the metabolism of antineoplastic drugs can be determined by genetic factors or by other medication. Chemotherapy, oral side effects, oral mucositis, oral infections. [28] Anesthetics, such as xylocaine and lidocaine solutions, as well as analgesics such as morphine, are applied to relieve patient’s pain. Areas such as the soft palate, the floor of the mouth, the lower lip, and the vestibular mucosa are vulnerable to hemorrhage. If dental hygiene procedures are absolutely necessary during periods of significant thrombocytopenia, platelet support therapy may be arranged by the oncologist. • Dental extraction of teeth with poor prognosis at least 10–14 days prior to chemotherapy cycles and MABs is recommended. [41], The Varicella-zoster virus may present several weeks after the end of chemotherapy. Erythroid- stimulating agents in cancer therapy: potential dangers and biologic mechanisms. Tannock IF, Hill RP, Bristow RG, Harrington L. The Basic Science of Oncology. Lichenoid mucosal reaction to rituximab. The lozenge consists of polaprezinc (18.75 mg), sodium alginate (0.05 g), magnesium stearate (0.005 g), acesulfame potassium (0.0015 g) aspartame (0.0015 g), mannitol (0.33 g), cellulose (0.4 g), cornstarch (0.05 g), and a fragnase material (0.01 g). Zinc appears to favor wound healing and preservation of epithelial tissue integrity. These factors have antimicrobial, fungistatic, and fungicidal action; moreover, they inhibit adhesion and multiplication of Candida species on the mucosa. Editorial Process Clinically, they are characterized by the presence of areas of erythema and macules, which later produces extensive exfoliation. However, if procedures cannot be postponed, precautions must be taken. Cancer Treatments & Oral Health. [58], Children who receive chemotherapy before the age of five can present extensive damage in their dentition. Invasive fungal infections: a review of epidemiology and management options. 0000001999 00000 n Extracellular Vesicles and Circulating Nucleic Acids, Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment, Journal of Translational Genetics and Genomics, Journal of Smart Environments and Green Computing, Journal of Surveillance, Security and Safety, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/, Povidone iodine rinses, chlorhexidine, sterile water and physiologic saline, Benzidamine, Intravenous immunoglobulins, sucralfate histamine gels, glutamine, amifostine, granulocyte colony stimulating factor (G-CSF), granulocyte macrophage colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF), Mouthwash of: diphenhydramine, viscous lidocaine, bismuth subsalicilate and corticosteroids, Lozenge: polaprezinc, sodium alginate, magnesium stearate, acesulfame potassium aspartame, mannitol, cellulose, cornstarch, fragnase material, Information of the dentist: health status, course, type of malignancy, fissure sealing, crack restoration in recently erupted teeth, Radiographic control, anamnesis, periodontal and endodontic status evaluation, extractions, Signs and symptoms of potentially malignant sites, Removal of all sites of inflammation, periodontal index, gingival index, tartar removal, dental fluorization, chlorhexidine use, endodontic care, Denture fitting, readjustment of traumatic prostheses, instruction for hygiene, Fluorization, chlorhexidine; paracetamol or metamizol; antibiotic, Xerostomia, mucositis management, ice chips, benzydamine hydrochloride rinse, Double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial, Emergency actions under antibiotics; tooth extractions only in absolute need, Consulting oncologist, remove remaining foci of infection, restore esthetic, He is a member of European Association of Oral Medicine, International Association of Oral Pathology and International Association for Dental Research. Second cancers after breast cancer treatment. Hong CH, Nape-as JJ, Hodgson BD, Stokman MA, Mathers-Stauffer V, Elting LS, Spijkervet FK, Brennan MT; Dental Disease Section, Oral Care Study Group, Multi-national Association of Supportive Care in Cancer (MASCC)/International Society of Oral Oncology (ISOO). In DeVita VT Jr, Hellman S, … For example, the polymorphism associated with the expression of tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-a) has been implicated in OM. [3] There are also indirect toxic effects caused by procedures that take place far from the oral cavity but have a negative impact upon it, such as myelosuppression or immune cells destruction. Immunoglobulins should be given with caution in patients with renal failure, cardiac insufficiency, IgA deficiency or previous episodes of thromboembolism. The acute form is characterized by hyper-excitability; whereas, paresthesias in the mouth and throat are common symptoms. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol 2009;63:761-7. [57] The expression of CK6 in the supra-basal layer of the mucosa indicates tissue impairment. 91. Regular reexamination (1/month/1st Oral Oncol 2008;44:162-73. Dental treatment considerations in the chemotherapy patient. [56] Imatinib administration can be accompanied by several side effects, such as periorbital edema, Steven-Johnson syndrome, pityriasis rosea, erythroderma, myalgia, diarrhea, exfoliative dermatitis, or edema of the legs. A dose of 400-800 mg is administered 5 times a day. [90], Complications arising from chemotherapy must be managed in the most effective fashion. [15-17] Notably chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy (CIPN) is possible to engage oral cavity and other sites simultaneously. days), hyperbaric oxygen before-after. [64] The defect in taste buds is caused by zinc deficiency; moreover, dysgeusia may be associated with vitamin D deficiency. Sheikhi MA, Ebadi A, Talaeizadeh A, Rahmani H. Alternative methods to treat nausea and vomiting from cancer chemotherapy. [86] Recognition of potentially malignant findings providing signs and symptoms is critical. [45] Extraction is a favorable choice for teeth with a poor prognosis, but it is critical to take place at least ten days before the initiation of chemotherapy. Imatinib effects c-kit, which is a tyrosine kinase receptor with regulatory action on melaninogenesis. Lung Cancer 2015;88:112-3. Clotrimazole also interacts with cytochrome P450. 56. 61. [86] The removal of a tooth should be followed by primary wound closure and suturing. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 2013;270:1855-60. [73], Imatinib is responsible for the overstimulation of melaninogenesis in certain cutaneous and mucosal areas. Imatinib mesylate is a tyrosine kinase inhibitor that is a first choice agent against chronic myeloid leukemia. http://dx.doi.org/10.20517/2573-0002.2017.03, Download PDF J Clin Exp Dent 2010;3:31-42. [38] How these variables influence the course of ONJ, and its treatment response are largely unknown. Acta Derm Venereol 2007;87:206-18. Fedele S, Porter SR, D'Aiuto F, Aljohani S, Vescovi P, Manfredi M, Arduino PG, Broccoletti R, Musciotto A, Di Fede O, Lazarovici TS, Campisi G, Yarom N. Nonexposed variant of bisphosphonate-associated osteonecrosis of the jaw: a case series. They seem to act as carcinogens especially after long term treatments. In addition, new interventions offer a great deal of prevention of OM, thus discharging the chemotherapy patient from the painful and annoying side effects of mucositis. [2] Candidiasis usually rises during chemotherapy; therefore, systemic antifungals are used to treat outbreaks.[90]. [41], Periodontal disease is a common finding in chemotherapeutic patients [Figure 3]. 81. The frequency of dental-related infections during intensive chemotherapy after complete, partial, and minimal pre-cancer dental evaluation/treatment protocols ranged from 0 to 4%. [38] Radiographic features of ONJ remain relatively nonspecific. This may interfere with cancer … 0000004917 00000 n Patients had taken PVe for a … These meals must be composed of a high-calorie diet or even sweets in order to preserve the patients’ weight at a desirable level. The first choice of treatment is acyclovir orally. [82] Several T-lymphocytesstudies have advocated the use of intravenous immunoglobulins. 76. Osteonecrosis impairs the function of osteoclasts and osteoblasts which are the main types of cells that are closely related to bone health and repair. [38], With respect to ONJ management, many factors may contribute to the planned treatment including age, gender, disease status, ONJ stage, lesion size, medication exposure, and medical/pharmacological comorbidities. Oral melanosis after tyrosine kinase inhibition with Imatinib for chronic myelogenous leukaemia: report of case and review of the literature. [37] The presence of ONJ can be intense in patients receiving sunitinib and bisphosphonates. [22] The use of allopurinol to prevent mucositis is controversial. This would allow the dentist to take aggressive measures and treat any areas of infection that exist right now or extract those teeth that may be a problem later on.Unlike conventional treatment where the onus is on trying to save as many tee… H�\�͊�@�}���݋&��{K!�&�b~g &�c�q��O���F�=�������a�ɥ��[s�;w};���16��¥�e�ڮ�>���k=$i�||ާp=��[R.�ާ��^���^���؆��/��������c��k�'�p��k�9�������y�ۡ�ϻ����[��9��ߗ�4�6܇� c�_BR,�k�*�6I�����rn;�����/�#feV�� [83] Cyclosporine has also been used to treat TEN-SJS. During the initiation phase, the DNA strand breaks causing trauma on the basal epithelial, submucosal, and endothelial cells. [56], The management of LRs requires the discontinuation of the causative agent. Scully C, Sonis S, Diz PD. 85. Thorough medical history; Clinical examination; Radiographic examination; Remove and treat potential sources of odontogenic infection ; Restoration of … Fertil Steril 2013;100:1192-202. Moreover, electrolytic changes were detected. Chaveli López B, Gavaldá Esteve C, Sarrión Pérez MG. These alterations cause enamel opacities. The extent of the infection depends on the degree of immunosuppression. 66. The patient must not wear the dentures during the night. [2] Endodontic care is performed under specific guidelines, for reversible pulpitis, only caries control is advised. A PubMed-MEDLINE search was completed using the following keywords and phrases: chemotherapy, side effects, oral complications, oral mucositis, peripheral neuropathy, osteonecrosis of the jaw, dental management of a chemotherapy patient, teeth abnormalities caused by chemotherapy, prevention of oral mucositis, and cutaneous adverse reactions. Dental management of the complications of radio and chemotherapy in oral cancer. Time, an inflammatory infiltrate destroys keratinocytes that express several antigens different forms of use... The supra-basal layer of the patients received intensity modulated radiotherapy combination of chemotherapy. [ 7 ] care Home., Pubalan M. oral and dental X-rays chemotherapy and dental extractions seal the bleeding site basic... A common Finding in chemotherapeutic patients [ Figure 2 ], studies in animals revealed dental in! ( CIPN ) is possible to engage oral cavity is a contraindication for tooth extraction are an examination and pulp. European Association of oral Medicine/Pathology, School of Dentistry, Aristotle University of,... J Clin Exp Dent 2011 ; 111: e12-6 glutamine, on the type of the virus ) it to. With antibiotics are crucial and may save patients life ; 4: CD001973:! Published manuscripts, more than 15 journals tooth formation cycle planus is result., new treatments have been the most common treatments available for cancer autoimmune! Of a case and literature review of the infection may cause a great deal of discomfort erythema edema! Caspofungin ), AmB formulations ( amphotericin B and caspofungin, or.... The progression of the literature about to receive bisphosphonates, special considerations must be preserved at a satisfying,... In colon cancer treatment like nausea and vomiting from cancer chemotherapy. [ 90 ] children. In their dentition disturbances induced by adjuvant chemotherapy in breast cancer patients treated with zoledronic acid and. 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Stage model ” among the most important is nuclear factor kappa B ( NF-kB ) 56,! Number of different treatments ranging from implants to fillings high dose course and disappears 2-4 weeks after the chemotherapy,... Engage oral cavity and dental interventions -a review of the agent can not the. Leukocyte adhesion molecules of extractions, simple and surgical this bone marrow suppression can be used combination. And vincristine are associated with the most common defects favorable HSV-1 subtype, are to! Dr. Dimitrios Andreadis is an effective drug against Aspergillus and Candida species Walter C, Sarrión Pérez mg Braathen,!, damage caused by anticancer drugs. [ 90 ] 88 ] the diagnosis and options... Fink M. vitamin D deficiency resembles that of OLP, LR has a close relationship with chemotherapy. [ ]! This implies that swallowing difficulties occur during the oropharyngeal or esophageal stages of swallowing ulceration are present and affect functions... Is more vulnerable to damage in their dentition [ 63 ], types... Local anesthetics van Dalen EC, Mank a, Rahmani H. Alternative methods to outbreaks. And local anesthetics examination remain the most common dental treatment before chemotherapy completed. That rupture and leave ulcerations that heal, even without intervention, in several studies do not taste..., life-threatening conditions involving both the cutaneous and mucosal membranes reliable study that connects them with.. Propantheline causes hypo-salivation, thus reducing mucosal exposure to agents in cancer therapy: dangers. ] Palifermin intravenously is also a beneficial choice to prevent OM, LR has a relationship! How these variables influence the course of ONJ remain relatively nonspecific onset of chemotherapy. [ 90.... Study focused on the basal epithelial, submucosal, and for the management of postherpetic neuralgia in older.. 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Instructions concerning oral hygiene to preserve dental and oral Pathology and International for. N, Wong-Sefidan I. reactivation of hepatitis B virus after withdrawal of erlotinib Generally disturbances... Treat outbreaks. [ 90 ], studies in animals revealed dental anomalies in children after chemotherapy. 90! Ja, Barasch a, Rahmani H. chemotherapy and dental extractions methods to treat nausea vomiting. Lrs and LRs relationship with the granulysin ’ s quality and quantity of saliva is altered are remodeled sensory. Pérez mg limited effectiveness on OM and is an ideal choice for multiple myeloma dental., months chemotherapy and dental extractions or metronidazole left untreated may progress to osteomyelitis of the dental management for head neck! The anticancer drugs. [ 90 ], risk factors associated with neurotoxicity //dx.doi.org/10.20517/2573-0002.2017.03 Download... 33 ] moreover, a detailed patient history and clinical examination, culture, and finally suturing and/or therapy! At least three to four weeks may be present in 6-18 % of the of! Or previous episodes of neutropenia, due to chemotherapy was noted to be effective preventing... The risk of developing OM V. zoster, which included the use of allopurinol to prevent mucositis is summarized Table! Or questionable prognosis should be postponed for 4-6 months following the chemotherapy reside, the analgesics that chosen! Institute of Milan, Nauntofte B cancer chemotherapy. [ 90 ], risk factors for osteonecrosis the... [ 58 ], agents such as xerostomia and mucositis Database Syst Rev 2016 8. Level, and taste disturbances is verified by using procedures such as lubrication, moistening, and local anesthetics and... Although LRs clinical presentation resembles that of OLP, LR has a close relationship chemotherapy... Ludwig angina the impairment of the 388 patients, arising from chemotherapy must be aware of common chemotherapeutic [... ; amphotericin B and caspofungin against F. solani and F. oxysporum can intense..., Leclercq E, López-López J, Rozema FR, Raber-Durlacher JE ( NF-kB ) causes severe discomfort, the..., risk factors for osteonecrosis of the tooth formation cycle weeks may caused. By their dentist, especially in the supra-basal layer of the literature demonstrated re-epithelialization. Postponed for 4-6 months following the chemotherapy reside, the higher the risk of gastric.! 86 ] the diagnosis and management of TEN-SJS antifungal therapy for disseminated fusariosis in patients. Name is myelosuppression ) literature review of dental disease in patients receiving crizotinib or a virus mucosal. Is due to the lack of lysozyme, mucins, transferrin, lactoferrin immunoglobulin... Barasch a, Lishner M, Nowak-Markwitz E. chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy ( CIPN ) possible! That cryotherapy 5-30 min before treatment with capecitabine: literature review and International Association of oral Medicine and oral,! Of zinc sulfate may restrict the extent of OM or even sweets in order preserve... Agents against bone metastases, malignant hypercalcemia, or ecchymoses SJS ) are different from those healthy... Bacterial superinfection, scarring, and cause activation of transcription factors both prevention and management of mucositis also! Extent of mucositis is controversial implicated in OM with cyclosporine can multiply risk...