16.Aries woman is a little shy but mostly stubborn. Aquarius is another sign who values their freedom above everything else. She is competitive but not mean-spirited. Libra and Aries are polar opposites on the Zodiac chart. 5 Cruel Zodiac Signs Who Have No Problem Hurting People, Men Born Under These 4 Zodiac Signs Will Treat You Like A Queen, Emotionally Intelligent Zodiac Signs Ranked From Most To Least. She's not above playing mind games. If you encroach on that; there will be consequences. She'll gladly match wills and wits with any malealpha or otherwisewho crosses her path, and yet, she secretly yearns for a lover who can make her feel powerfully feminine. Aries and Leo have a lot in common, and these relationships can be quite fiery. You might agree and think Yes, an Aries man is testing me! And feel totally overwhelmed because you dont know what to do about it. It all depends on his chart and what other influences he has to contend with. She is willing to take the first step to all aspects of her life, even the romance. I don't want anyone to be afraid of Aries women. Required fields are marked *. It's a lot easier to just come clean about what you're feeling and go from there. Show her that you are willing to explore, as this will make her feel more attracted to you. But what do you do when an Aries woman is done with you? When she also notices when you are acting out of line, she will most likely argue. You're trying to protect your heart andwant to make sure the person you're dating is just as into you as you are with them. Aries is a very fiery sign, which comes through in the way she approaches life and love. As an example, an Aries man with a Taurus Venus and Mercury would never think to play mind games with you. She is bold and courageous and isnt afraid to take on challenges. The sign of the scales, the Libra lady is terrible at making decisions about basically anything. You're the kind of person who would sweep those tensions and tough decisions under the rug, rather than face them head-on, just to make your partner happy. Mind games arent going to help you build a strong foundation for a relationship. These are the most common mind games men play, and what you should be doing in return. Gaming By Your Zodiac Sign - What's Your Video Gaming Style? They do exist! Click Here The #1 Reason Men Lose Interest In Women They Love. This will without a doubt drive him crazy and make him desire you more. The Aries woman is a risk taker who thrives on the sexual tension of early romance. Show her your intelligent side. RELATED: 3 Strange Myths & Facts About The Gemini Zodiac Sign That You Should Know (Even If You Think Astrology's Fake). IfScorpio is seeking revenge, their best tactic is taking advantage of their skills. 2 Get ready to be challenged. Anna, your monthly predictions are so useful with navigating his moods, date ideas, when to stay home, when to go on adventures. Its fun and titillating to a point. Aries and Cancer must find a way to come to terms with their differences, and if and when they do, they can be an excellent pair. This is definitely not a Husband Material Sign. Her nature is to provoke and test limits. Check it out Click here to discover Alisters secrets. When an Aries woman walks inside a room, she makes it known through her presence. She doesn't care what people think, and she won't be a stickler for tradition. Flirting is like a second language to this Fire sign, and since shes so used to taking the lead everywhere else, shes happy to guide the conversation and the date to wherever she wants it to go. This sign knows the power of affection, which is why she might decide to withhold it from her partner in a bid to get them to work harder for her love. ", How to Win the Heart of a Capricorn Woman, Discover the Love Compatibility of Venus in Aries, Venus Leo Compatibility With Other Venus Signs. If you make her think she can't have you, she'll chase you around forever. Aries' big ego makes it hard for her not to take things personally. And she doesn't like pathetic behavior from her partner. When you follow these tips, you are most likely to get your Aries woman. Why would you continue doing something when you know you're causingconfusion andpain? She is always trying to reach a goal and find something to shoot for. If you are expecting an Aries woman to chase you after making her jealous, you have done the worst move of all time. You may not realize that Gemini is playing mind games with you until after they've ended. HubPages is a registered trademark of The Arena Platform, Inc. Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners. He is honest, he is fun, the sexiest man I have ever been with and he is completely adorable. Do Aries Women Come Back? You believe that sleeping with someone new is the best way to get over someone old, so it's not uncommon for you to clock out early in a relationship for that exact reason that you'll find someone elserather than working it out when these feelings of claustrophobia set in. I tell you what, if you want to know more about Aries man, check out my book Aries Man Secrets. She's not above playing mind games. But the harder the challenge, the more engaged this zodiac sign will be. This can cause their SOs to feel like theyre not a priority or that theyll always take a backseat to the Capricorns career. First, you need to know some basic characteristics of an Aries woman. Therefore he wants to see how much fun youre willing to have. Itll definitely make him think twice about you and in a very good way! Taurus like to test people to see if they're trustworthy enough to be in their life. Well, ladies, you have come to the right place. She is a highly private partner, and is confused about handling the pressure of love. See additional information. So it is really a fine balance between giving too much and giving too little. Whatever his mind game is, act cool about it as though you will be happy to accommodate it [you just have to put on a mask] but give him a hint about the negative consequences. He may want to see how much you will or will not do in bed to make sure youll suit his desires and needs. If you encroach on that; there will be consequences. One of their biggest fears in relationships is someone that will try and control them and tie them down. She just cant make up her mind! An Aries woman doesn't want to be smothered. When he is ready to start actively dating someone or to get more serious; he will stop playing games. Aries feels attraction towards Virgo as Virgo is in the Sixth house. Stand your ground and let him earn your respect! Bluffing To Conquer The Battle This article is going to give you the total lowdown on what to expect from an Aries man and to recognize the signs that an Aries man is playing games. Virgo man is naturally shy, but in bed, he does everything to keep his partner happy and satisfied as Aries woman is passionate by nature, so she wants more and more from her partner. This man speaks to your soul, and you feel such a deep connection with him, but are you the only one? You can but make sure that you are not being too vulnerable. The proof is the proof. The previous point may apply to sex as well. If you are looking for in-depth training and the secrets that only a woman would know to get your Aries woman to chase you, then Id also suggest you check out Marnis program, Wing Girl Secrets. However, she wants it to happen fair and square and not just because you let her. She is the type that enjoys the company of men. She may seem tackles, but she wants you to be the same. They make you feel the need to second-guess yourself on what you thought you knew. It could be the way she speaks, dresses or something else that draws your attention, but you can bet she won't be a wallflower. Know that she will be flying solo on many projects, so you need to be able to adjust to that. There is a side to an Aries man that loves the idea of commitment and loyalty. An Aries man will simply never settle for anyone, he wants the best of the best and he needs to test all the women in his life to see who actually deserves a spot in his life. Because she likes to challenge herself as much as she likes to challenge others, she's always exploring new places and pushing the envelope of her comfort zones. However, never be a pushover with an Aries man. RELATED: What Everyone Hates About Sagittarius, According To YouTube + Zodiac Sign Astrology. Your charm is just naturally always on, and that often comes with flirting and playing the field a bit. First, you need to make yourself very unappealing. The fiery nature of Aries makes them animated and self-directed. Aries women are imbued with "yang fire." 2023 The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers on this website. Aries and Virgo may seem like total opposites, but if they take the time to get to know each other and focus on each other's strengths, they really learn a lot. Fun, free-spirited, and fiercely independent, the Aries woman is a breath of fresh air - a brightly burning candle in human form. Our website services, content and products are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. She could be totally into him and he wont even know it, because shes waiting for him to make the first move. In other words, she does not take slowness, indirectness, and stupidity very well. 10 Signs that an Aries Woman is Falling for You. Its her confidence that allows Aries to play this sort of dating game, because she knows that the person wants her its just more fun for her to keep him dangling on the hook. She loves to play little mind games and test the person she's talking to, and if you pass, you'll get to move on to the next level. Aries men are very frank and accessible, despite their tendency to play mind games. This means she may get a little too serious too fast, but hey, whos got the time to dawdle when you have a family on your mind? Shes not a sign who means to play games, because she tries to be straightforward in most aspects of her life. Unlike other signs, she can recover quickly, and you cannot take her down emotionally easily. Scorpios are good at getting people to do what they want. She's not the most romantic of all the signs in the zodiac, but she commits and she's loving. Aries' big ego makes it hard for her not to take things personally. [2] [3] In Ancient India, the term rya was used by the Indo-Aryan speakers of the Vedic period as an endonym (self . And since Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, as your relationship progresses, make sure to include as many "firsts" as you can in order to keep things fresh: First time eating Tibetan food. Aries women love competition and, out of all the signs, they adore the chase that comes before a relationship the most. It can leave quite a few dudes in the dust, but hey, its just the sign she is! An Aries woman will likely be filled with ideas or desires, and those ideas are often intertwined with her ambitions. She's the one you'll find hanging with the guys, and when it comes to sports, she's an avid competitor rather than a cheerleader. But just because you're all for the soulful and seductive experience of love doesn't mean you don't play a few mind games in the process. If given a chance, she'll even play on your weaknesses. As such he may start to go out more and more to see how you handle it. They might be dependent on someone else in certain waysfinancially or physically, let's saybut they will never ever lose their sense of self. An Aries woman will often pretend to not be interested in a man to see if she can get him to work harder to win her affection. He'll admit it if you ask him outright if he's playing games because he likes you. He will always find this surprising as he is so used to women running after him and coming across as needy, that when he meets a mature and independent woman, he almost doesnt know what to do but fall in love. Keeping her dating pool wide open is way more appealing to her, plus she cant deny the attractiveness of having a bunch of guys fighting for her favor. We will motivate the needs of any person & make them inspire instantly However, just because an Aries man is testing you, definitely doesnt mean that he using you. The lady Ram admires confidence and competitive spirit. If there wasn't a chase, it wouldn't be any fun. They like gentlemen who open doors for them and call instead of text. She won't behave like those other girly submissive women! Let's go through some of the reasons a Gem might ignore you: First, the simplest answer: He got distracted and is now paying attention to something else. RELATED: Best & Worst Personality Traits Of The Aries Zodiac Sign + Their Perfect Love Match. Being an idea rather than an actual person is the way Leo wants to be thought of, and have the guy relentlessly persist. "I'll be right there" 1.7 7. You can pique her interest with tales from your best moments. She loves to move physically and get some exercise, so suggest outdoor sports like lawn tennis and badminton. . If an Aries man is messing you about and doesnt give you the same kind of love in return, then he definitely isnt worth the effort or your time. Hell fluff up his chest and give you what for if you go against what he believes to be right. That means that they are always waiting for the dude to make the first move and, no matter how long it takes, they wont message them first. Novelty thrills her, and when it comes to new love, she hits the ground running. When Sagittarius and Aries come together, the result is a thrilling romance and great friendship. Thats not always a bad thing though. Send mixed signals. If there was a gold medal for playing hard to get, Aries would. For you, love and romance are what make the world go 'round, and you always want to be a part of that movement. Let them out in front of her. It may take awhile for them to realize you're serious, and by the time they do, you may have already lost them. Sometimes you may feel judged or likeVirgo doesn't approve of you, but when you ask them, they say you're imagining it. Dont pretend to be something you are not because an Aries man will smell this a mile away. She cant handle being around someone who needs her all the time, because she needs to be her own independent person. Be straightforward with your words and do not show weakness. The Aries man will want to be sure that you will understand his need to have time to himself or with his friends periodically. I wouldnt recommend constantly battling though; that would become tiring for you both and may lead to an unceremonious ending. So if you are one that doesnt do this, start to change that. Taurus has the ability to balance out Aries' wild and impatient side. Winning an argument with a Cancer isn't hard, but doing it without causing an emotional breakdown is tricky. He told her that she broke his heart and he thinks she will do it again. All isnt lost, however, because when you do win over a Cancer, shes there for you forever. Take the secretive side of you, for instance. They probably sound like a bit of a handful, but there is plenty of good to go along with the bad. Find a balance between the two of you. But I would not trade him for any other man. Submission like this when there is a need is important in keeping the Aries woman interested. Plus, some part of her thinks that the detached cool girl aura makes her even more alluring. The Aries woman is a tease. As the Aquarius man comes into contact with the Aries woman, instant sparks of attraction are felt between the two. However, if you want to know the difference between him playing or using you, continue reading here. This may require some intellectual jousting or bouts of marathon sex. She'll take that no as a challenge and pursue to the endan Aries woman always wants what she's not supposed to haveand she always gets what she wants. If she gives you her soul, she expects yours in return. That said, you have a tendency of using your heart to make decisions when you really need to use your brain. The problem is that an Aries woman won't understand if you can't do the same. Very very good article!! It may be amusing for a while, but at what point is it enough? 5 Ways An Aries Man Tests You 1. The Thought Catalogs platform is a perfect choice. Blaming you. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Yesterday he was trying to make me happy by telling me sweet things but I told him it was not necessary. An Aries woman will never be part of someone else. The only thing you could possibly do in this situation is to simply be yourself, and let your own intelligence shine. (After A Breakup, No Contact). This will definitely boost his ego and make him feel desired, but he will also realize that you are an independent woman and deserve to have your own fun without him. Now, all of these may seem to be a little out of our comfort zone. Seeing where your limits are will help him gauge how much he may be allowed to do without you getting upset about it. Gemini, you're a natural-born flirt, and just because you're in a relationship doesn't mean you don't like to break out that dazzling smile for someone other than your partner. He might be bored and in need of some entertainment. Another problem, especially in long relationships, is running away from him or denying him problems. These articles are properly written. Aries are confident, and they know they're worth the effort. Lastly, learn to not hold grudges. If you are too needy and clingy you are going to push your Aries man away for good and that is the last thing you want to do.\. I think the more appropriate question would be, when wont an Aries man test you? Aquarians are very smart, and they'll use any opportunity to show how intelligent and clever they are. If a girl isn't sure how you feel or just wants to test you to see how you respond in the face of jealousy. You might not necessarily consider yourself a mind game-player, but you do have a habit of running hot and cold, and itcan make your partnerfeel like you're playing games. All of us, at some level, want stability and security in our relationships. Born under the planet Venus, they are always looking for their other half, and if that means settling for someone wholl do for a short period of time, they will. This could be a very cerebral tug of war between you. But she never loses that inner sense of playfulness and if she likes you, it'll brim up to the surface. She has written over 500 articles on the zodiac signs and how the stars influence us. First dates featuring an activity she's never tried beforeanything from paddle boating to sailing or ballroom dancingwill bring out the best in her. She just likes keeping her options open. Individuals who play mind games with their partner do it for a variety of reasons. You may not realize that you're being tested as it happens, but you may feel confused when Taurus does one thing but says another, or seems to contradict what they told you 10 minutes ago. He may also keep an eye on how much you go out. Aries woman enjoys a great time in bed with Virgo man. In fact,Aries gets depressed when denied challenges and will be grateful if you set up scenarioseven sexual ones (think post-fight "make-up sex")that lead to catharsis. In this way; hes testing your ability to stay interesting. They can be dangerous because of their indifference to how their actions may affect someone emotionally. He wants someone who can give him all the freedom in the world to follow his passions. If they like you, they will very often just say so! The combination of the air sign - Aquarius and the fire sign - Aries can be quite fierce. Almost always, these games only make for a tense, dishonest partnership. Maintain the upper hand by evading more than you agree. OK, Geminis do suffer from short attention spans. The Aries woman is looking for a partner who is heroic, so trying to bond with her by revealing your vulnerabilities is a bad idea. Ride this wave; it is powerful, emotional and quite frankly, it's the right way for you to go. Aries women are impressed by passionand action. You know it's wrong but are always secretly hoping it isn't such a big deal. In very rare cases (this usually only happens with Capricorns), you'll feel a strong desire to run in the opposite direction as fast as you can, and only look back to make sure you aren't being followed. But as with any sign, the Aries woman defies stereotype. She looks forward to new challenges and novel situations, and is up at the crack of dawn each day, raring to go. RELATED: 5 Magnificent Traits That Make Virgos The Most Beautiful Of All Zodiac Signs. In this situation, the best thing you can do is to tell her you're sorry, but don't spend too much time apologizing or grovelingacting pathetic is not going to get you any bonus points with an Aries woman. ChristineSchoenwaldis a writer, performer, and astrology lover. When it comes to sex for the Aries woman and . Either way, playing mind games almost never turns out okay. She likes pretending thatshes something unattainable, but shell still give him just enough hope so that hell continue to pursue her. But this man is a lot more intelligent than he first appears to be. This is definitely one of his biggest tests because he thinks he can live this life of independence and freedom, while he has you chained to a leash. Until then, however, shell happily date around. Aries (March 21 - April 19) Aries love competition of any kind, and they want to win every game especially mind games. If you mention that he seems distant, he blames it on you not texting as often. They . Continue going about your life, and show her that you're functioning and even happy without her. Aries Man and Mind Games Is He Testing You? After a while, like when things evolve into a real relationship, the game-playing can feel contrived, juvenile, and even hurtful. She needs a significant other to feel good about herself, and so a guy might just be a random placeholder until someone more suitable comes along. We depend on ad revenue to keep creating quality content for you to enjoy for free, What Mind Games She Plays, According to your Zodiac Sign. Unbelievably idealistic, sometimes she searches in vain for that brave knight in shining armor, who will sweep her off her feet, conquer the world, hand it to . As I said earlier, an Aries woman loves a challenge, and she wants everything she thinks she can't have. They usually initiate the romance, asking their crush out on a date or letting them straight up know that they like them. An Aries woman is strong and straightforward. Give it your best shot and see if you can play the part of a trickster. He believes he should do what he wants but his lady should have some reservations and not do the things he would do. Theres something exciting about the gameplay of it all, of not knowing for sure how the other person feels, and reading just a little too much into their actions or gestures. As I mentioned at the beginning of this article, if you want some insider information about your woman then check out Marnis program, Wing Girl Secrets, for more in-depth training and details that will get your Aries woman to chase and desire you. Well, she's going to play this game. 12 Things You Must Know! Sometimes, she just needs some me-time to remember who she is. But if you really want to be your Aries woman, then youll have to do the following tips that will follow. Never make him think that you are dependent on what he can give you. If you are looking for a unique way to keep the fire burning with your Aries woman by text, then Id recommend Alisters Get Her With Words Method. She may try to make you jealous to remind you of what you've got or to make you up your emotional game. Hers is a cardinal sign, meaning she's an initiator. Whatever she puts her mind into, she pursues it with tireless effort and heart. The Aries dark side manifests in an urge to stir the pot of conflict and to vent frustrations. He's upset or has been hurt by you. The mind games you play leading people on by being flirty and trying to be your partner's savior means you're painting yourself inside a box that eventually makes it impossible to get out. If you show weakness; he may either steamroll you or hell lose interest in you. She doesnt want any guy to get too comfortable before shes ready to make things official, because she worries he might get lazy and stop trying to win her over, since he thinks hes already won.