Required fields are marked *. I have only tested this cake with nonfat Greek yogurt. Our favorites are peach, blueberry, strawberry, banana, and lemon. They are made of just 3 ingredients and are a healthy treat. Could you use self raising flour for this ? To make a lighter cakes, use cake flour than general flour. You can also blend in your favorite toppings like chocolate chips, sprinkles, fruit, candy bars, you name it! And if youve never used powdered erythritol before, its not something that melts as well as regular sugar, but as far as taste goes, its pretty close! And this recipe is totally customizable, allowing you to add extras like sprinkles, sea salt, powdered sugar, or swirls of melted caramel, butterscotch, or white chocolate, to name a few. Some of our favorite desserts are quick and easy to make. In a mixing bowl rub the flour and butter until it resembles a wet sand like texture. sounds simple and sweet. Thin and crispy oatmeal cookies that also make a healthy snack. Next time I would recommend that you hit the bottom of your cake pan against the counter once or twice to remove any air bubbles before you put the cake in the oven. 1. I do agree cake flour could make this cake even lighter but I try to avoid cake flour in recipes unless its absolutely necessary because most people in the US rarely have cake flour on hand. There are still only three things youll need: chocolate chips, jumbo marshmallows, and gram crackers. When you are done, you should be left with 1/2 cup of oat mixture. I do think the lime juice and the fragrant lime zest help cut into some of the sweetness from the condensed milk better than the lemon version. Recipe updated with video. This cake works best in a springform pan. It is great for dessert or afternoon tea. Would like to subscribe to your simple few ingredients recipes emails. Sweet, but not too sweet and chewy, peanut butter oatmeal balls are a perfect energy-giving snack. Topped it with powdered sugar, will probably try a fruit topping next time. Hi. Thats all you need. Please consult a professional nutritionist or doctor for accurate information and any dietary restrictions and concerns you may have. You can always make your own crust as well. Contrary to popular belief, you dont necessarily need an ice cream maker to make creamy and delicious homemade ice cream. Well, the good news is that there are tons of amazing 3-ingredient desserts. 21 of 22 Crispy Peanut Butter Balls View Recipe All you need are four simple ingredients to make healthier crispy peanut butter balls that kids and grownups will love. I used Chobani and Amazon happy belly brands. Your email address will not be published. Im also not aware of just condensed milk being sold in the US that isnt sweetened. For the richest flavor, I recommend including the dutch cocoa if you can find it. Sorry! Credit: Photography / Antonis Achilleos, Styling / Christine Keely, Ali Ramee, Credit: Photographer / Antonis Achilleos, Prop Stylist / Kay Clarke, Food Stylist / Ruth Blackburn, Credit: Photography / Dera Burreson, Styling / Lauren McAnelly / Holly Rabikis, 22 Healthy & Delicious Dessert Recipes Without Eggs. You can also line the cake pan with parchment paper handles before lining the pan so that you can grab the handles and lift the cake up. I have not tried this in a bundt pan. I really enjoy making this cake in the air fryer. 5 stars because it looks delicious. So glad you found us! That might be the problem. Fingers crossed it comes out delicious. This is my third time making this cake. Its actually much easier because you dont have to juice as many limes if you use regular limes. Shortbread is about a simple taste, and this recipe couldnt be more straightforward. 16 ounces semisweet chocolate chips 1/4 teaspoon fine sea salt Special Equipment A 10"-diameter springform pan Step 1 Preheat oven to 350F. Ingredients cup butter 1 cup self-rising flour 1 cup white sugar 1 cup milk 4 cups fresh blueberries Directions Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). You said it was gooey which sounds like it wasnt baked enough. I like it too!!! So, gather your family and friends and enjoy. Yes! Preheat oven to 350F/180C with the fan option off. Vanilla Nonfat Greek Yogurt: This recipe works best with nonfat Greek yogurt. And if you really want to go big, you can throw on your favorite toppings like nuts and chocolate chips, but those are extras. This yogurt cheesecake is soft and creamy. For experienced Disney World visitors, theres one dessert theyve wanted to make at home for years but never could figure out the recipe, and thats their world-famous Disney Dole Whip. Using a 1 tbsp cookie scoop, scoop dough onto the cookie sheet, spacing them 2 inches apart. The main ingredients are butter, creamy peanut butter, and powdered erythritol. With only 10 minutes of active time, this cake is perfect for busy nights or casual get-togethers. Place pie into fridge for several hours or overnight to set. We hope you give it another try! I purposely wanted to make a cake that doesnt require making a meringue first. Upon writing this article, Ive come to realize that I probably ate way too much candy as a kid! Line a baking sheet with parchment paper or wax paper. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees and prepare a 139 baking dish with butter. These cookies are just 3 ingredients. Combine with a spatula until it forms a creamy paste. While were on the almond train, lets take a look at this recipe for 3 ingredient chocolate almond clusters. Happy youre enjoying the recipes. Otherwise cake turn out okay. Please consult a professional nutritionist or doctor for accurate information and any dietary restrictions and concerns you may have. Place the melting white chocolate and cookie butter in a microwave safe bowl. I made cupcakes with the recipe and it was a big hit with my family. There are only really two main steps in making this simple cake. Using just four ingredients - peanut butter, eggs, sugar, and baking soda - you can have these ready and baked in just 20 minutes. Will this cake recipe work in high altitude? 2. People swear that Apple cobbler is one of those desserts that can only taste right if made from scratch. This can be done with a hand mixer or stand mixer. The nutrition information provided are only estimates based on an online nutritional calculator. I can substitute almond milk for the dairy. I have an air fryer no oven.. The cake in the photos is the air fryer version. Instructions. Didnt have the cake like texture I wanted. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our. Do you remember that old commercial for almond joy and mounds? That's it! good day can I use kaldero with out water? Make sure to use natural almond butter. For this Peanut Butter Mug Cake you will need: 1 Egg; 3 tbsp unsweetened peanut butter; 2 large tbsp white sugar; First, simply add egg, peanut butter, and white sugar to a bowl and whisk with a fork until completely blended. I loved the soft, spongy interior and the sweet sugary exterior. In a large mixing bowl, add eggs and sugar. But you shouldn't have to suffer for it! A layer of blueberries bakes with lemon-infused cake on top. Serve with a scoop of vanilla ice cream. Its a delicate, light cake and any mix-ins you add could sink to the bottom or change the texture of the cake. These sweet and creamy treats with delicious chewy coconut are the perfect treats for any occasion and take little to no time to prepare and bake. Smashing the fruit helps create a crispy edge. Baked in a loaf pan in a toaster oven. When the lime juice is mixed with the condensed milk, it thickens the condensed milk to a custard-like consistency. Melt the chocolate and cookie butter. This is such a great recipe, using minimal ingredients. The cake is a lighter version of regular cheesecake. Topped it with strawberry sauce and powered sugar. Theres no reason you cant substitute it for coconut oil. And if you're allergic to peanut butter, you can totally switch it out for the nut butter of your choice or even cookie butter (just check the ingredient list as some do contain flour). Baked Sugar Cookies without Eggs 1 and 1/2 cups butter 1 and 1/2 cups sugar 3 cups flour 1/2 tsp. Now, you really need to make sure you get melting chocolate like almond bark or Candiquik. These oatmeal cookies are thin and crispy. Will do it again. Views you can rate this recipe 5. Maple syrup provides sweetness for the cookies and helps them crisp up. Go search on YouTube, there are many tutorials teaching you how to make extremely light and fluffy cakes with just sugar, eggs and flour, Your recipe is very well known as Angel Food Cake, Taiwanese Castella Cake etc. I prefer baking this cake in a one piece 6 inch round cake pan. Your email address will not be published. Instructions. It was for an opera cake though, and didnt need to rise much. This will make the cake a little too firm. They have a soft texture thats not rubbery or grainy and make for the perfect afternoon treat when you just want something quick and easy to make. 3-Ingredient White Chocolate Peppermint Pretzels, 26 Super Easy 3-Ingredient Desserts (+Dark Chocolate Covered Strawberries), 3-ingredient desserts, dark chocolate covered strawberries, Our 25+ BEST Simple & Tasty Cold Appetizers, 40 Easy Crockpot Recipes & Slow Cooker Meals, Our 60+ Perfect Grilling Recipes for Summer, Reheating Fast Food: Our Definitive Guide, condensed milk, shredded coconut, and your melted chocolate, recipe for 3 ingredient vanilla bean ice cream, How To Cook Corn On the Cob (Our Best Ways), How to Soften Brown Sugar (Our Best Ways! This sweet and crunchy dessert takes only minutes to put together, and the only cooking involved is melting your butterscotch. Terms | Privacy. The recipe will not work with regular almond butter with contains added oils. Ok please. I made it for this recipe:, Hi Sarah, I am also in the UK and I used crushed ginger biscuits that you add to melted butter, you can also use digestive biscuits but I like the ginger. To do this, grease the inside of the cake pan. Turned out fantastic. (1) It's a sheet cake, so no need to worry about layers. But trust us, this cookie is crazy delicious! It takes less time and the surface of the cake will have a rustic caramelized appearance. Thanks And mind you, easy dessert recipes with few ingredients dont just consist of doing basic stuff with fruit (although we all love chocolate strawberries). Hi, I experimented this awesome recipe and interestingly banana fruit powder can also be used instead as an ingredient. Just had keylime soup in a pie crust.even after freezing it would melt into liquid not even 30 seconds later Trying the cream cheese version tomorrow. The nutrition information provided are only estimates based on an online nutritional calculator. Have you tried 1 can sweetened condensed milk and 1 can condensed milk? Make this easy recipe for a bite-size treat, on-the-go snack or easy homemade gift. However, when Disney World was closed for business during the pandemic, the company decided to give mouse fans a little gift by sharing some of their exclusive recipes. The almond butter and maple syrup are then stirred in until a dough forms. Can we add fresh fruit like blueberries into the battef ?? I just dont tolerate sugar. Its more because their cookies are crazy delicious, and we cant help but buy a couple of boxes at a time, which can cost some serious dough! What a great simple recipe! Baking it will not make it more stable, you would just end up with a gooey mess. 25. Were glad it was still a hit thanks for sharing the recipe with your friends! Using a cookie scoop or your hands, form small balls on the cookie sheet, spread 3-4 inches apart. In this recipe, we roll the dough into little bite-size balls, perfect for snacking. Can you add any flavourings such as lemon extract? One of the things many of us dread is seeing those little girls in green dresses knocking at our door. Tips & tricks to stay on track, look great, and feel your best. Got an extra box of vanilla cake mix? Certainly will make again. I line the inner bottom with a slightly larger parchment paper round (7-inch) to help seal any gaps. You can also decorate and serve it with fresh fruit like strawberries. Required fields are marked *. If you have questions regarding substitutions, please see the Ingredients section of the post. Plus, this recipe is perfect for the confidence to try more challenging recipes for baking beginners. They are easy to make and need just three ingredients. Your comment/reply is spot on! Can use a bunit pan. One of my favorite simple chocolate bars is Hersheys with almonds. The cake has a very delicate crust/shell over it and it will break easily so you want a cake pan where the cake will easily come out of. I have not yet tried..but I certainly will. Could I cut sugar to 1/2 cup instead of 1cup? But it was only fluffy when it first came out. Im so glad this recipe worked out well. Let cake cool completely before removing. Technically, the recipe also calls for butter, but thats just for greasing the pan, so were not really counting that. Required fields are marked *, Did anyone try with just 1 can of sweetener condensed milk? Im making it again right now. We hope you love the recipes. 1. When not writing or speaking about food and gardens Cassie can be found puttering around farmer's markets and greenhouses looking for the next great idea. Brandie / Via These delicious treats are easy to make and deliciously dairy-free. love you Fat is also necessary for the proper . Not sure if you are asking about something else, Milnot Condensed Milk, that is all evaporated milk is, These super easy, sweet-and-salty candy clusters make for merry munching during holiday trips or parties. If you use ripe bananas, your bars will come out much sweeter, and you can also use chunky peanut butter if you wish to incorporate nuts into the recipe. It only takes about five minutes to prepare the batter and then its ready to be cooked. Think of delicious no-cook truffles and chocolate-dipped strawberries. And for those Mounds fans out there, weve got some good news. We've done it here with pears and apples, but you can use berries or even tropical fruits instead. They are gluten-free and there's no egg, no sugar (refined) and no dairy involved! Grease springform pan with butter and line bottom with. Very good class of recipes n healthy too. Have you ever tried to make cup cakes with this batter? No reason to critisize! Before I added the flour I added 1 very ripe banana, mixed it in. Ive made a sugar free and low carb genoise before and it turned out alright. All rights reserved. Please consult a professional nutritionist or doctor for accurate information and any dietary restrictions and concerns you may have. Canned chickpeas and nut butter form the base of this dough, making it healthy too! I havent made a genoise sponge before but I am familiar with it. This evaporated filled milk has added oils mixed with milk instead of just milk condensed down. The fresh berries on the side are a nice addition to the rich chocolate. We havent tried those subs, but it should work with other granular sugar substitutes. Turn a box of cake mix into a sweet, buttery strawberry cobbler with just a few ingredients. It is a light soft textured cookie with the delicious creamy taste of peanut butter. Level surface with a spatula. I have not tried it with self rising flour, The recipes look great, I cant wait to try some. Trust us. Add lime juice and condensed milk to a large mixing bowl. Combine all ingredients into a mixing bowl. However, this simple recipe that only uses apples, cinnamon, and water, delivers a terrific flavor. This looks and sounds absolutely delicious. Beneath the crunchy caramelized sugar crust, the dessert is exceptionally creamy and sweet. The ingredients are: Pillsbury Funfetti Aqua Blue, eggs, vegetable oil and powdered sugar. In the oven now! This ultra-chocolaty, dairy-free Sicilian-style gelato--made without eggs or cream--is relatively lean but still creamy-smooth and flavorful. This key lime pie is perfect for summer. Fabulous must try this especially in this economical times. This 3 ingredient dessert with flour, sugar, and butter, the ingredients are combined and then rolled in extra sugar. Beat the butter in a large bowl using an electric mixer on medium until smooth (approximately 30 seconds). Could u please formulate some gf, sugar free recipes??? Stir and mix with a spatula until the honey is fully incoproated, the oats are fully coated, and mixture turns into a thick dough. ,most of my friends in school love them ,so i cant wait to try this recipe From what I see, this isnt something you could just replace with stevia and call it the day. Almond Butter: Make sure to use natural almond butter which only has almonds in the ingredients. Sorry, but we havent tried making it sugar-free. Let cookies cool completely on cookie sheet before removing. This green-as-a-shamrock "nice cream"--made with almond milk, coconut cream and bananas--is loosely inspired by the Shamrock McFlurry. 3-Ingredient Cookies. Thanks for this recipe! You do have to cut very carefully to avoid the shell cracking in too many pieces. That said, this cake falls more on the sweeter end of the spectrum, a tad too sweet for my liking. Thanks, Hi Kirbie! Haystacks are another fantastic no-bake recipe that only uses three ingredients; peanut butter, butterscotch chips, and chow mein noodles. She is a noted chef and avid gardener. Hi, what did you use banana fruit powder in place of? It might need a different baking time and/or temperature. thank you for sharing. I made the cream cheese version. Haystacks are another fantastic no-bake recipe that only uses three ingredients; peanut butter, butterscotch chips, and chow mein noodles. Oh, yeah. Youll just need condensed milk, shredded coconut, and your melted chocolate.