It is widely known for its highly controversial practice of spiritual healing. At the Spiritual Science Society, we believe that the highest purpose in Life is to embody your True Essence, that your purpose is to ​Be Your Self, that your duty is to live your truth. Matt creates for himself a set of forms, a set of rules to fit his needs. That there is such a thing as spiritual science, in rather similar manner as there exists physical science, or for that matter, any other field or branch of science, should not come as a surprise to anyone. I see awakening experiences as encounters with fundamental consciousness, in which we sense its presence in everything around us, including our own selves. Spiritual Science teaches continuity of life, but first of all it teaches man s co—relation to God! And do not say, “There, but for the grace of God, go I. Past programming of parents, peers and society must be dissolved, the canvas made blank so the unique essence of the individual may be painted upon it. It aims at being a reference to the work of Rudolf Steiner. SPIRITUAL SCIENCE places an emphasis on meditation as the path for getting in touch with one’s inner guidance, and to … 'Religious Science', also known as 'Science of Mind' and now currently referred to as 'Centers for Spiritual Living'; is a spiritual philosophy for the modern man and woman. It does not have the nature of a specimen that can be dissected and analysed. The third consists in the appli­cation of the six qualities for initiation… control of thoughts, control of actions, perse­verance, tolerance, faith, and equanimity. Spiritual Practice. Spiritual Science is a lifestyle. In other words, not only do you have the right to experience it, but it is an integral part of your destiny as a spiritual seeker. That would be like saying that images on a computer screen can change the software or hardware inside the computer. The great spiritual traditions of India commonly teach that the world is Maya, … Scientists have long been trying to understand human consciousness – the subjective “stuff” of thoughts and sensations inside our minds. A branch of knowledge or study dealing with a body of facts or truth systematically arranged and showing the operation of general laws: The mathematical sciences. The puzzle of altruism can also be explained. Energy in spirituality, refers to a widespread belief in an interpersonal, non-physical force or essence. Science cannot solve the ultimate mystery of nature because we are part of it. The systems view of life, not surprisingly, includes a new systemic understanding of evolution. Simply put, Science of Mind teaches the unity of all life. Esoteric and Occult means hidden. It teaches humanity whence it came and wither it goes! It is a door that will unlock the truth. We have been all levels of humanity from the lowest to the highest. In some parts of the brain, you can identify neurons associated with conscious experience, while other neurons don’t seem to have any affect on it. Senior Lecturer in Psychology, Leeds Beckett University. Diane S. Nagorka on Sunday, January 4, 1976, as printed in Spirit as Life Force. The brain does not produce consciousness, but acts as a kind of receiver which “picks up” the fundamental consciousness that is all around us, and “transmits” it into our own being. Although mutation and natural selection are still acknowledged as important aspects of … The show follows Patchman, a little multidimensional patch-doll who takes you on a journey into the unknown and begins a long discussion about what it means to be Spiritual. Conventional science also struggles to explain the powerful effect of mental intention and belief on the body (as illustrated by the placebo effect and the pain numbing effects of hypnosis). The religionists use the word Gody or Brahma, or Buddha, in speaking of the Infinite Intelligence. spiritual science; science of meditation; What is Meditation? Science of Mind was established in 1927 by Ernest Holmes (1887–1960) and is a spiritual, philosophical and metaphysical religious movement within the New Thought movement. But this assumption raises questions. SPIRITUAL SCIENCE is the sci­ence of individual spiritual growth. Because the human brain is so sophisticated and complex, it is able to receive and transmit consciousness in a very intense and intricate way, so that we are (probably) more intensely and expansively conscious than most other animals. First, it can explain the relationship between the brain and consciousness. If we are fundamentally selfish, why should we be willing to risk our own lives for the sake of others? Though listed as a religion for legal and tax purposes, SPIRITUAL SCIENCE is a philosophy, a way of life, a non-sectarian spiritual practice that teaches individuals to plumb the depths of their relationship to ALL things, to their concept of Deity (God / Goddess / All That Is), and to their own selves. Copyright © 2010–2021, The Conversation US, Inc. ” For, my brother, there have you gone and there have you been. One of my main areas of interest as a psychologist is in what I call “awakening experiences”, when human awareness intensifies and expands and we experience a sense of oneness with other human beings, nature or the world as a whole. How is it possible that this grey soggy stuff can give rise to the richness and depth of your conscious experience? Julia Forrest, First Spiritual Science Mother Church in New York City, 1935. SPIRITUAL SCIENCE  teaches – Man’s relationship to God: Spiritual and Scientific. I believe the idea of consciousness as a fundamental quality of the universe has a great deal of weight. It is the origin of science and religion. A Guide to the Spiritual Science of Rudolf Steiner by E. Weisshaar. It makes sense for us to be altruistic to people who are closely related to us genetically, but not so much to strangers, or to members of different species. Christian Science, religious denomination founded in the United States in 1879 by Mary Baker Eddy, author of the book that contains the definitive statement of its teaching, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures (1875). Meditation is a spiritual practice performed for mental, physical and emotional well-being. However, this doesn’t invalidate the idea that the brain may be a receiver and transmitter of consciousness. Spiritual Science, Higher Conscious Thinking, and How to Access The Universal Consciousness: Learn How To Expand The Power Of The Mind At Every Level of Existence Paperback – January 29, 2015 by Aage Nost (Author) 4.6 out of 5 stars 128 ratings. It is hidden knowledge of the universe. Dada Bhagwan Foundation is a spiritual non-profit organization whose goal it is to spread peace, harmony and everlasting bliss to the whole world through the spiritual science of Akram Vignan. No matter what age, gender, race, background, intellect or level of spiritual development you have, oneness and wholeness is your birthright. 1969. For example, as the neuroscientist Giulio Tononi has pointed out, brain cells fire away almost as much in some states of unconsciousness (such as deep sleep) as they do in the wakeful conscious state. SPIRITUAL SCIENCE places an emphasis on meditation as the path for getting in touch with one’s inner guidance, and to develop intuition and psychic abilities. As a result, many eminent philosophers (such as David Chalmers and Thomas Nagel) and scientists like Christof Koch and Tononi have rejected the idea that consciousness is directly produced by brain processes. We are a community of people who hold each person individually. SSRF uses a scale between 1 and 100% to describe spiritual level. Thoughts, Chakras, Sacred-Geometry, Astral Travel, and even Atlantis, through Spirit Science we look at all of these topics. In the year 1920, the author was asked to introduce the teaching of Rudolf Steiner to a group of people. Rev. We have been many colors. It is related to empathy. Leeds Beckett University provides funding as a member of The Conversation UK. One of the arguments for assuming that the brain produces consciousness is that, if the brain is damaged, consciousness is impaired or altered. Human shared fundamental consciousness means that it is possible for us to sense the suffering of others and to respond with altruistic acts. There are also cases of a very low level of brain activity (such as during some near death experiences and comas) when consciousness may not only continue, but even become more intense. But these effects are comprehensible if we presume that mind is more fundamental than the matter of the body, a more subtle and fuller expression of fundamental consciousness. You experience all things and you must understand all things before you are Master. It is the understanding and application of the universal laws and principles. Since we share fundamental consciousness with other species, too, it is possible for us to feel empathy with – and to behave altruistically towards – them as well. While some modern scientists dogmatically reject spiritual science under unconscious critics, spiritual science takes an unbiased approach to understanding true reality. What is Spiritual Science? Much of the philosophy behind SPIRITUAL SCIENCE can be summed up in the following excerpt from a channeling by Rev. Forever ago we met in the Temple of the Sun, for the Sun has keen forever. Altruism is often instantaneous and spontaneous, particularly in crisis situations, as if it is deeply instinctive. Spiritual Science observes four faculties: The ability to distinguish between truth and appearance, What is your identity then? If you held a human brain in your hand, you would find it to be a soggy clump of grey matter, a bit like putty, weighing about 1.3kg. It is based on the Truth which arises in every culture in the form of science, philosophy, and religion. Spiritual Science is soul development, soul-unfoldment, soul-progress and the cul­mination of these three-in-one is: Love, Unity and Peace. This is the ultimate walk. In other words, all that you see and experience becomes a symbol of the functions of a metaphysical nature (God) that is incomprehensible to the human mind. The spiritual science of the ancient Africans taught that everything is an aspect of Ntchr in another form. By picking up signals from light-years away, we can get a glimpse of activity from the distant past whose light is only just reaching us now, billions of years later. Hidde… Science of Mind is a philosophy that integrates spiritual truths with science and physics. The LOVE, which is GOD, revealing the UNITY of all mankind as children of God and this realty in turn, resulting in PEACE!”. Rather than seeing evolution as the result of only random mutations and natural selection, we are beginning to recognize the creative unfolding of life in forms of ever-increasing diversity and complexity as an inherent characteristic of all living systems. It is our prayer to be in a place of Love and to welcome each person who enters our doors as unique and special. They have turned to the alternative view that it is actually a fundamental quality of the universe. Scientists are vying to see who can be the first to discover what happened at the moment of creation. When you meditate on an object, mantra or a guru your mind becomes still because you are making the mind concentrate on one thing. Matter is an illusion. Spirit Science is a platform for the evolution of consciousness! We worshiped at many shrines. Intentions and ideas flow through a field of consciousness, which actually affects and creates the world around us. This is is known as the “hard problem” of consciousness. As I point out in my book Spiritual Science, it may be that the best way to understand the world is not through science or spirituality alone – but through an approach which combines them both. And forever has man worshiped within his heart – within his mind, within his Spirit the King of the Kings, that Presence, sacred and holy, called by different names throughout the Ages: Each of you is to understand at this time that there is no one religion, there is no one dogma, there is no one form of worship. There used to be an assumption that consciousness is produced by our brains, and that in order to understand it, we just need to figure out how the brain works. Most importantly, SPIRITUAL SCIENCE teaches an expec­tation that through their thoughts, words and actions, every individual takes respon­sibility for their own selves, and their own lives. Why? As a result, it has the capacity to alter the functioning of the body. Spiritual science are neither of those. One of the reasons I’m in favour of this approach is that the idea of consciousness as a fundamental quality offers elegant solutions to many problems which are difficult to explain using the the standard scientific model. UNITY, and PEACE! For the next 25 years, as Weber finished his PhD; married and raised two kids, and made his way through a string of industry jobs – eventually culminating in a senior management position, running the R&D operations of a big manufacturing business – he got spiritual. Spirit Science is the animated series that started it all. Steve Taylor does not work for, consult, own shares in or receive funding from any company or organization that would benefit from this article, and has disclosed no relevant affiliations beyond their academic appointment. As you sit and examine yourself, understand what you find within yourself as you dig and dig and dig. ), As the consciousness of man unfolds, it “reveals LOVE. The following introduction is the result. Based on an individual understanding and application of the laws and principles of the universe, and on esoteric and meta­physical philosophies, it encourages each person to test their beliefs and prove them scientifically to themselves as much as possible. From a “spiritual” perspective (which sees consciousness as fundamental), though, altruism is easy to explain. We walked together through many temples. We experience a sense of oneness because oneness is the fundamental reality of things. (See History. In the latter cases, from the conventional point of view, there must be some benefit to us, even if we’re not aware of it. Spiritual science… Uses the soul as an instrument to conduct … One might recall a definition of science, which was put forth in one or more previous discussions as: a branch of knowledge or study dealing with a body of facts or truths systematically … If the mind is just a byproduct of matter, it should not be able to influence the form and functioning of the body so profoundly. ”, Paraphrased from the tenets, originally from Rev. Ask a question and Get an assured response But these explanations seem unable to explain the full range and depth of human altruism. Apart from the fact that decades of research and theorising have not shed any significant light on the issue, there are some strange mismatches between consciousness and brain activity. While there are many generic paths to God, the path of Guru’s Grace is the most important from the point of view of achieving the ultimate in spiritual evolution. National Spiritual Science Historical Society, Preserving the Integrity of Spiritual Science Education. Answer: Spirit Science is a video series on an Internet website that explores spirituality from a humanistic, New Age point of view. In general, the term "Science of Mind" applies to the teachings, while the term "Religious Science" applies to the organizations. A bit about First Spiritual Science Church. SPIRITUAL SCIENCE speaks of four facilities that must be acquired on the so-called preparatory path, or path of probation, before one can advance to higher knowledge. From a “spiritual” perspective (which sees consciousness as fundamental), though, altruism is easy to explain. The second is the abil­ity to value truth and reality in relation to appearances. Spiritual Science declares that there is an Infinite and Eternal Intelligence from which all things proceed. It is related to empathy. This might sound far fetched, but think about the other “fundamentals” in the universe we take for granted, such as gravity and mass. For when you understand all manner of experience, you become a total and whole individual. Although I have been an energy healer, channeler, and Spiritual Intuitive for about 7 years now I STILL think. A Spiritual Life in a Scientific World. Consciousness would have the same status as those. an online self-study programme exploring the relevance of Rudolf Steiner’s spiritual science, known as Anthroposophy, in our daily lives. Michael Laitman, On Quora: "According to the Bible, what is spiritual growth?" The name changes nothing. Then all forms are good according to the development of the individual. According to Spiritual science, a person who is an authority in the field of Spirituality is known as a Guru. Spiritual Science offers a new vision of the world that is compatible with both modern science and ancient spiritual teachings. If we look at science today, we find that one of the goals scientists have is to discover how creation came into being, and how human beings came into being. This state is called “the revelation of the Creator to the created beings in this world,”* and it is attainable while we are alive in our world. SPIRITUAL SCIENCE. Then do not turn up your nose at your neighbor or sit in judgment upon your sister or brother. SPIRITUAL SCIENCE is inclusive, believing that all people and all religions arc inherently good. Alice Wellstood Tindell, What Is Spiritual Science, as published in the Psychic Observer, October. Spiritual Science is a way of life. Perhaps being kind makes us feel good about ourselves, impresses other people, or encourages people to be kind to us in return. We do not find that this declaration is in conflict with material science as defined by Herbert Spencer. Spiritual: Pertaining to or consisting of Spirit or Soul as distinguished from the physical nature. Spiritual Science shows the mechanistic worldview is passé and that the science that once seemed to support it has well and truly moved on. ©2020 National Spiritual Science Historical Society. If, as many scientists believe, human beings are just genetic machines, only concerned with the survival and propagation of our genes, then altruism is difficult to account for. Spirit Science purports to rediscover ancient wisdom, lost through the ages, and to offer a view of reality midway between the … The fourth is the love of inner freedom. SPIRITUAL SCIENCE is the sci­ence of individual spiritual growth. For a Master is one who knows, who understands, who is filled with compassion. It is not ideal to consider spirituality as a thing, an object. The first is the ability to distinguish in our thinking between truth and appearance – between what is true and what is simply opinion. Mankind thus gains knowledge. Disclaimer: We are not responsible for the accuracy of data on this site or the  individual ministers listed in the alumni directory. Write an article and join a growing community of more than 120,000 academics and researchers from 3,857 institutions. In the eternal search for identity, you seek the true God. SPIRITUAL SCIENCE is inclusive, believing that all people and all religions arc inherently good. ”, Rudolf Steiner, How To Know Higher Worlds. SPIRITUAL SCIENCE is an investigation of a person’s relationship to God/Goddess on a very personal level. It provides a more accurate and holistic account of reality than conventional science or religion, integrating a wide range of phenomena that are excluded from both. A radio doesn’t produce the music that comes through it, but if it is damaged, its ability to transmit the music will be impaired. The purpose of our lives is to reach a state of perfection by harmoniously unifying with humanity in a single integral system—our soul. 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