If you are looking to expand your horizons in this department, start out by purchasing a few versatile, sexy pieces that can spruce up not only your self-esteem, but your love life as well. It was stronger on the islands, where the rural population increased by 5.3% only in eleven years, whereas in Jutland the increase of the rural population between 1890 and 1901 amounted to 12.0%. In this particular they very largely understate the number of Hebrews, whose communicants (0.3%) are heads of families only, and largely of the Protestants; whereas they represent practically the total Roman Catholic population above 9 years of age. Aerate the Lawn: One of the best things you can do is to aerate the lawn to loosen the soil and allow the grass to expand. The divisions of the calyx extend only about one-third the length of the corolla, whereas in the other British species of Myosotis it is deeply cleft. We plan to expand into brick and mortar stores in the second half of 2011. As more and more families opt to try cruising during school holidays and summer vacations, Norwegian Cruise Line continues to expand its repertoire of children's programs. 15-19; whereas they are not mentioned in Mark, and in Matthew only in the saying (x. Expansion of the extra-embryonic coelom cavity allows the yolk sac and allantois to expand into the coelom cavity allows the yolk sac and allantois to expand into the coelom cavity from the gut of the embryo. 419 of a cent in 1897, whereas the Erie rates have fallen only from 1.948 in 1852 to. Volunteers already have interests in common, so it's a good way to meet new friends and expand your network. Hannah had been a kept woman with no problems since meeting Gio, whereas Katie had always struggled to find her path. Wij willen hier een beschrijving geven, maar de site die u nu bekijkt staat dit niet toe. While the compound is drying, it is a good idea to open each wood laminate flooring box at least 24 hours before you begin the flooring job to allow the wood to expand or contract. 80, but that it may nevertheless be Petrine; therefore he lays stress on the fact that whereas the tradition that Peter was in Rome is early and probably correct, the tradition that he was martyred under Nero is not found until much later. Stephanus' Greek-Latin New Testament (4th ed., 1551), whereas these divisions already existed in the Hebrew Old Testament. In an attempt to expand the bubblegum universe a three part mini series was introduced in 1990. Consider starting with the funding agency and your own professional network, then expand your search your local library and the Internet. These scars start small but continue to expand over the affected area, and they do not shrink or disappear without treatment such as a cortisone injection or surgery. In the latter period the excise proved of great richness, and quickly responsive in its returns; whereas the Customs were inelastic so long as the war continued. You can even expand your abilities by reaching certain other Gods that are willing to support you in your cause, such as Zeus, who will let you hurl lightning at your enemies and Medusa who will let you turn them to stone for a time. 2, z9) includes Iconium on the southeast within the province, whereas Strabo makes Tyriaeum the boundary in this direction. In the wars of Alexander the phalanx was never the most active arm; Alexander delivered his telling attacks with his cavalry, whereas the slow-moving phalanx held rather the position of a reserve, and was brought up to complete a victory when the cavalry charges had already taken effect. Over the years, many rumors have cropped up regarding the idea that the show would expand to an hour long format in order to increase the canvas size and the number of storylines being told. The refractive indices of all glasses at present available lie between 1.46 and 1 90, whereas transparent minerals are known having refractive indices lying considerably outside these limits; at least one of these, fluorite (calcium fluoride), is actually used by opticians in the construction of certain lenses, so that probably progress is to be looked for in a considerable widening of the limits of available optical materials; possibly such progress may lie in the direction of the artificial production of large mineral crystals. m.; but in these districts it is now stationary or decreasing, whereas the northern and western portions are filling up rapidly. Whereas the soil used to be looked upon solely as a dead, inert material containing certain chemical substances which serve as food constituents. In More's house you would see that Plato's Academy was revived again, only, whereas in the Academy the discussions turned upon geometry and the power of numbers, the house at Chelsea is a veritable school of Christian religion. The chief point of distinction was that the Girondists were mainly theorists and thinkers, whereas the Mountain was composed almost entirely of uncompromising men of action. In the bud stage the whole is orange-red, but as the lower flowers expand they change to soft primrose, the flowers opening from the bottom upwards. The glass industry of the Low Countries was chiefly influenced by Italy and Spain, whereas German influence and technique predominated in the United Provinces. There are obvious points of similarity, possibly of derivation, between the details in our text and the above myths, but the subject cannot be further pursued here, save that we remark that in the sun myth the dragon tries to kill the mother before the child's birth, whereas in our text it is after his birth, and that neither in the Egyptian nor in the Greek myth is there any mention of the flight into the wilderness. Cryolite is not a safe body to electrolyse, because the minimum voltage needed to break up the aluminium fluoride is 4.0, whereas the sodium fluoride requires only 4.7 volts; if, therefore, the current rises in tension, the alkali is reduced, and the final product consists of an alloy with sodium. This is great for creative people who will expand the definition of basket to include galvanized buckets, baby bathtubs, toy boxes and more to hold their gifts. But in any case the thickness must enter into the calculations, whereas in thin sheets no account is taken of thickness. Even the Greek cannot claim to be the original work, but only to be a recension of it; for, whereas Origen states that this apocalypse contained an account of the seven heavens, the existing Greek work describes only five, and the Slavonic only two. This group of isomers was denominated metamers by Berzelius, and now often "isomers" (in the restricted sense), whereas the term polymerism (Gr. A deduction is often like an induction, in inferring from particulars; the difference is that deduction combines a law in the major with the particulars in the minor premise, and infers syllogistically that the particulars of the minor have the predicate of the major premise, whereas induction uses the particulars simply as instances to generalize a law. In it the steel heats the converter, whereas in the open-hearth and crucible processes the furnace heats the steel. Also, make sure that additional tracks, connectors, and heads are available in case you want to expand the system later. The Judas legend, however, never really became popular, whereas that of Oedipus was handed down both orally and in written national tales (Albanian, Finnish, Cypriote). The number of products sold using the home party concept continues to expand. Exploring this question is a great way to expand your options when buying or ordering wine. These Lego Star Wars 2 Cheats for DS should expand upon an already fantastic adventure on the battlefront. The earlier foot is continually to be traced in other megalithic remains, whereas the later very seldom occurs (25). Not only does this technique teach children about the world, but it also helps to expand their vocabulary. In the main the rural towns have adhered most strongly to the old individualistic sentiment, whereas the cities have kept more in touch with the modern nationalistic trend of thought. Whereas, when sophistry began, prose composition was hardly practised in central Greece, the sophists were still the leaders in literature and oratory when Plato wrote the Republic, and they had hardly lost their position when Demosthenes delivered the Philippics. 1, whereas the old history names no ancestor of David beyond his father Jesse. In the late 1950s, as Disneyland began to prosper, Walt Disney planned to expand Main Street, change its name to Liberty Street and have it resemble a Colonial America. The claying system involved the expense of large curing houses and the employment of many hands, and forty days at least were required for completing the operation and making the sugar fit for the market, whereas with centrifugals sugar cooked to-day can go to market to-morrow, and the labour employed is reduced to a minimum. Volcanic action has likewise left abundant traces, especially in the northern half of the range, whereas the evidences of glacial action are most perfect (though not most abundant) in the south. If you don't find something in your home town, you might need to expand your search across your state, or even nationwide. Soap Central began as just the AMC Pages, but soon grew to expand all soap operas that air daily. We are different because we match singles in relationship that have real meaning. It is true that several of the Neoplatonists professed to accept all the teaching both of Plato and of Aristotle, whereas, in fact, they arbitrarily interpreted Aristotle so as to make him agree with Plato, and Plato so as to make his teachings consistent with the Oriental doctrines which they had adopted, in the same manner as the schoolmen attempted to reconcile Aristotle with the doctrines of the church. The Samsung is also an MP3 player and you can expand the memory for extra songs by using a microSD card. When you need space for seasonal, gardening or extra items, there's nothing like a utility shed to expand your storage capacity. You can expand on it if you want to; say get a driver's license in another state, or establish an address. But in natural sleep the action of all parts of the nervous system is subdued, whereas in the hypnotic the reactions of the lower, and some even of the higher, parts are exalted. Penn Foster specifically recommends its online curriculum to existing florists, event planners, or caterers who want to expand their businesses or find out more about the process of planning a wedding. Moreover, it would be further necessary to prove that the birrus, in contradistinction to the paenula, was always open in front; whereas, per contra, the paenula, both as worn by soldiers and in ordinary life, was, like the modern Arab burnus, often slit up the front to the neck. As its name implies, the type bed and impression platen are both flat surfaces as in the hand-press, but as they are self-inking and are easily driven, the average output is about moo copies per hour, and but one operator is required, whereas two men at a handpress can produce only 250 copies in the same time. The budget of Eyubi Effendi is particularly interesting as giving the statement of revenue and expenditure for an average year, whereas the budget of Ainy-Ali was a budget of expenditure only, and even in this respect the budget of Eyubi Effendi is far more detailed and complete. These insects are able, therefore, to bite as well as to suck, whereas most insects which have acquired the power of suction have lost that of biting. The main arguments brought forward by those who maintain the priority of Ezekiel are (1) the fact that H makes mention of a high priest, whereas Ezekiel betrays no knowledge of such an official, and (2) that the author of Lev. There is now nothing to suggest twin deities; in ancient times there were probably two craters, whereas now there is only one. Get all of Hollywood.com's best Celebrities lists, news, and more. Thus, during the period between 1899 and 1907 the population received an increment of ii.6% whereas the food-producing area increased by only 44%. Occasionally an event is hosted by a group of friends who just want to expand their social circle. To the mass of the people the restoration of the old governments undoubtedly brought a sense of relief, for the terrible drain in men and money caused by Napoleon's wars had caused much discontent, whereas now there was a prospect of peace and rest. If this is your day sign, the best path to growth is to expand the heart while learning to share your feelings when angry. In other words, water which has a specific gravity of 1 0280 at the surface would at the same temperature have a specific gravity of 1 0450 at 2000 and I 0540 at 3000 fathoms. If not, buy specialty drywall screws that will expand and grip the wall from the inside, providing extra support. Whereas in 1850 the production amounted to little more than a million gallons, the output to-day is, in good years, not far short of 50 million gallons. One of the big differences between Google Android and these other platforms is that it is an "open source" platform, meaning that the raw code is available for other developers to build upon and to expand. Beyond the basics of recycling trash, there are numerous ways to expand recycling in your home. How to use whereas in a sentence. In other words, to him subject meant real as well as nominal subject, and predicate meant real as well as nominal predicate; whereas modern logic has gradually reduced both to the nominal terms of a proposition. It may be asserted in general terms that whereas prophecy foretells a definite future which has its foundation in the present, apoca lyptic directs its anticipations solely and simply to the future, to a new world-period which stands sharply contrasted with the present. A little over a decade later, Hattori had amassed a small but effective workforce and together they began to expand his business. whereas every house chooses its own Speaker, the president of possibly in other states also. In fact, since the late 20th century, women also have been toting these mammoth career testimonials around the office, because as corporations grow and expand, so do the contracts, and thus the paperwork. Thinking bathroom/ laundry. Design magazine features helped Brown expand beyond his Atlanta home and develop a nationwide client base. Now in Homer there are upwards of 80 second aorists (not reckoning aorists of " Verbs in µc," such as i'ar,Y, i,3rpv), whereas in all Attic prose not more than 30 are found. Instead we will safeguard and expand the green belt around towns and villages to stop urban sprawl. An approach that seeks to expand the concept of citizenship beyond national boundaries does not have to render the nation state obsolete. It's a good thing to expand your horizons and try things you've never seen or tasted before. Florence was in the 14th century a city of about 100,000 inhabitants, of whom 25,000 could bear arms; there were Ito churches, 39 religious houses; the shops of the ante della lana numbered over 200, producing cloth worth 1,200,000 florins; Florentine bankers and merchants were found all over the world, often occupying responsible positions in the service of foreign governments; the revenues of the republic, derived chiefly from the city customs, amounted to some 300,000 florins, whereas its ordinary expenses, exclusive of military matters and public buildings, were barely 40,000. The quotation from the Iliad is of interest because it is made in order to show that Homer supported the story of the travels of Paris to Egypt and Sidon (whereas the Cyclic poem called the Cypria ignored them), and also because the part of the Iliad from which it comes is cited as the " Aristeia of Diomede.". (KB), seems as near the autograph as that of any other part of the New Testament; whereas the " Western " text, even in its earliest traceable forms, is secondary. They also employed silver freely for decorative purposes, whereas we rarely find it thus used on old Japan porcelain. The elementary schools in Hungary were a State concern and a means of Magyarization, whereas in Austria their direction was left by the State to the nationalities. Some expand in the evening only, others close soon after noon. Lean times are a great opportunity to expand your repertoire. If you need even more space, the Nook offers the ability to expand your storage simply by inserting a memory card. These stylish jeans feature an adjustable button out waistband to allow for the correct fit even as your belly continues to expand. Dystocia-Failure to progress in labor, either because the cervix will not dilate (expand) further or because the head does not descend through the mother's pelvis after full dilation of the cervix. Separate flowers do not last long, but a few expand at a time, and it is fully a month before they are all expanded at the base, by which time the seeds of those which opened first are nearly ripe. A right government is one which aims at the general good, whereas any government which aims at its own good is a deviation. But, whereas the pope was sometimes compelled to become the instrument of the policy of the kings of France or the adventurers of their race, he was often able to utilize this new and pervading force for the realization of his own designs, although he endeavoured from time to time, but without enduring success, to shake off the overwhelming yoke of the French. When the last Federal census was taken in 1910, Providence, Pawtucket, Woonsocket and Newport, with a combined population of 341,222, had four senators, whereas the remainder of the state, with a population of 201,452, had thirty-four. Engagement rings often feature the bride's birthstone, and you could expand on this idea with your wedding rings. It's no secret that darker colors help people appear slimmer, while other colors tend to expand one's frame, so choose accordingly. Whereas other remains attributable to their villages or settlements are rare, their rock-hewn tombs are found by the thousand in the limestone cliffs of south-eastern Sicily. The prefect, however, is no more than an intendant in miniature, being only at the head of a department, whereas the intendant was over a generalite, which was a much larger district. de Hollander); whereas others have maintained, with greater show of probability, that the Malays were in possession of an ancient alphabet, and that it was the same as the Rechang (Marsden, Friederich), as the Kawi (Van der Tuuk), or most like the Lampong (Kern) - all of which alphabets, with the Battak, Bugi and Macassar, are ultimately traceable to the ancient Cambojan characters. Going beyond the two core options for buying a Nintendo Wii Fit replacement game, it is possible to sift through the extensive library of games for the Nintendo Wii to expand your fitness and exercise routine. Clicking on "More Support Info" will net you even more common issues as well as Basic Setup Guides that expand on the included manuals and dive deeper into other issues that may occur. On extending his inquiry to other aelotropic crystals he observed a similar variation, and was thus led, in 1825, to the discovery that aelotropic crystals, when heated, expand unequally in the direction of dissimilar axes. The generally wet character of the seasons in 1879 and the two or three years following was mainly responsible for the high prices of meat, so that the supplies of fresh beef and mutton from Australia which now began to arrive found a ready market, and the trade in imported fresh meat which was thus commenced has practically continued to expand ever since. in the property of carbon to combine with four different monatomic elements at once, whereas nitrogen can only hold three (or in some cases five), oxygen two (in some cases four), hydrogen one. Since then he has put the winery on a course to expand and modernize their vineyards and winery. The piece travels through the rolls very rapidly, so that the reduction takes place over its whole length in a very few seconds, whereas in forging, whether under hammer or press, after one part of the piece has been compressed the piece must next be raised, moved forward, and placed so that the hammer or press may compress the next part of its length. 103/4 in., whereas in the case of the Koreans and the northern Chinese the corresponding figures for males are 5 ft. The following year Massey did expand the address into a small book concerning spiritualism, published by James Burns. If you're looking for a good laugh to expand on your love of Mario and the Xbox 360, you'll want to see some of the video game comic offerings that can be found for free on the Internet. They must also import cats from outside catteries to expand their breeding lines. But in practice the results were not wholly satisfactory, and it was a long time before he recognized one important reason for the failure in the fact that to prevent the alkalis from being washed away by the rain he had taken pains to add them in an insoluble form, whereas, as was ultimately suggested to him by experiments performed by J. China by having one or more leaves developed on the flowering branches at the time the leaves expand, whereas in most cases no leaves are developed until after the flowers have faded. Playing these new board games provides students with edutainment - they enjoy playing these games and are able to expand their knowledge or use what they have learned in their classroom. They also have throat pleats, which can expand to allow their throat to enlarge into a huge pouch. In the 1950s, however, Disney decided to expand the scope of the work his company was doing, and he began work on live-action films and direct-to-television programming. As with any do-it-yourself project, it is best to start with a small, simple project and expand on it as you become familiar with the methods and materials. While our children's waistlines continue to expand, Britain's expenditure on both cycling and walking is still among the lowest in Europe. Indeed this high carbon-content, 3 to 4%, in practice actually leads to less brittleness than can readily be had with somewhat less carbon, because with it much of the carbon can easily be thrown into the relatively harmless state of graphite, whereas if the carbon amounts to less than 3% it can be brought to this state only with difficulty. But now as we enter the Greek period (320 B.C. As we pass from the " future " of the month in which the quotation is made to the most distant "future" it will be observed that in the first and second cases price rises continuously, in the second case even passing "spot," whereas in the third case it falls first and then rises. The good deeds of a just man were a natural consequence of his justice; whereas a bad man was no whit the better, because he now and then deviated into doing right. The square root he denoted by (j), whereas Paciolus, Cardan and others used the letter R. The advantage claimed for roofs formed with one or two large spans is that they permit the platforms and tracks to be readily rearranged at any time as required, whereas this is difficult with the other type, especially since the British Board of Trade requires the pillars to be not less than 6 ft. Its aim is to acquire command over nature by knowledge, and to invent new arts, whereas the old logic strove only after dialectic victories and the 1 Thus the last step in the theoretical analysis gives the first means for the practical operation. The bride 's birthstone, and more friends and expand the concept of citizenship beyond national does... One which aims at its own good is a great way to meet new friends and expand the later. 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