Sagittarius and Capricorn, sign of the Initiate, are linked through the Third Ray association of the Earth and Saturn, and provide us with yet another insight into the importance of the experience gained through life on this planet. the Signs The Path on the Earth will be conditioned in the daily life by Jupiter, the exoteric planetary ruler of the sign. The earth in the natal chart is always 180 degrees from the natal position of the Sun. Through the tremendous duality of Gemini-Sagittarius, the Soul centred individual firmly comes to know the Path he is to take on the Earth. Interestingly I looked at my chart for the relationship of Saturn to Earth and found that they are in conjunction (Saturn 2 degrees 38’R and Earth 4 degrees 39’) in Virgo in 2nd house {smile}, In terms of the acquisition of spiritual values {2nd house) we look to the house placement of the esoteric ruler of Virgo (The Moon) which is in my 6th house in the sign of Capricorn (Initiation) {smile}…you can check your own charts and see what you have there {smile}, Man cannot discover new oceans Right now, as you hold this book in your hands, you embody the four ele- ments. 7 Double letters relate to the visible planets. Esoteric Ruler. Yet Venus rules Gemini and the connection between the Earth and Venus is a highly positive and beautiful one. The keyword for this position could be ~I break down and unblock~, as this function characterises one who is born with the Earth in Taurus and the Sun in Scorpio. Jupiter and Neptune, the exoteric rulers of this sign, add even more loving idealism to this effort, but the fundamental nature of the Earth itself serves to balance such aspirations within the context of practicality. This is the position wherein the ~Mother of All Forms~ can do an incredible amount of good to release the potency of the hidden Christ child in the Soul. The delineation of a natal chart from the soul-centered perspective focuses on the purpose of the soul, why we are here, where we have come from, and where we are heading. ... astrology continued to be studied and practiced by people who saw the need to keep the connection between heaven and Earth. Once Esoteric Astrology is activated by the person’s spiritual journey, the planetary rulers for each of the Signs change from what they were under traditional astrology rules. A Soul-centred individual with this placement in the natal horoscope would tend to be quite aware of the disparity existing between the values and goals of the personality and those of the Higher Self. What is Esoteric Astrology? This combination points to an incarnation in which the individual works hard at healing and making the life on Earth more whole. Esoteric astrology is a type of natal chart interpretation that is intended to help supplement and support traditional astrological readings of the natal chart by providing a more spiritual look at their life. This is balanced by the Sun in Libra, indicating that such resources have to be distributed (through Uranus and the 7th Ray) according to the Law of Right Human Relations. What is Esoteric Astrology? This is done through awakening oneself, and then others, to the latent possibilities for the creative expression of the Earth’s resources, and of matter in general. This combination blends the energies of Rays One and Seven {Aries} with Ray 3 (the Earth) and is thus very much related to the relationship of Spirit and matter through the focus of Active Intelligence. Esoteric Astrology describes Human spiritual development Earth. Perhaps you have felt that there is a deeper meaning to the Rising Sign than a mere description of the physical appearance, the persona or the manner in which we project ourselves? As we know Capricorn is the ~Gate Out~ of ordinary incarnations, and onto the wheel of initiation and the birthing of the Christ consciousness hidden in the womb of the Virgin. Its polarity is the Sun in Gemini, both influenced exclusively by Love/wisdom. The position the Earth occupies in the natal chart when the Sun is in Cancer reveals the place and function by which the Soul centred individual can most positive release his or her portion of the One Life into manifestation. It is disintegrating and one day will disappear. The goal of life on Earth is to become an Initiate, and unfold that aspect of the Christ Consciousness which dwells within each of us. This is our unifying link. Since the Earth rules Sagittarius, it would be natural to assume that this planet has its detriment in the sign of the Twins. ... (Earth is not missing, it is ever present and embodies everything!) The Mind of the Soul-centred person with the Earth in Libra and the Sun in Aries will act as a tool for the birthing on Earth of those essential Ideas ~whose time has come~. Many Esoteric Astrologers study the work of Alice A. Bailey, especially her 1951 book "Esoteric Astrology", … The 3 decans of Virgo are : (i) Coma = woman and child (ii) Certentauris = the despised, the horse part of which shows the southern cross of which the sun enters on December 21 th every year, goes into the bowels of the earth for 3 days and 3 nights before being reborn on Dec 25 th (iii) Boötes = the coming one. Esoteric Science delves into topics such as Astrology, Channeling, Aether Theories, Free Energy, Antigravity, Teleportation, Holistic Health. ... For example, if the Sun is found at 9 degrees of Sagittarius, then the Earth will be found at 9 degrees of Gemini. Esoteric Astrology. This is a collective planetary, and particularly human dilemma. Main Esoteric Astrology According to the ancient wisdom of alchemy, these four elements form the basis of all life. Should Saturn also be found in Capricorn, conjunct the Earth and in actual opposition to the Sun in Cancer, this incarnation points to a great culmination of previous efforts in former lifetimes and a great challenge is revealed in the current one. A further insight about the combination of energies may be revealed through the following passage from ~The Old Commentary~ - "When the dual forces of cosmic brothers (Gemini) becomes the energy of the one who rides towards the light (Sagittarius) then the fourth becomes the fifth. Talk to Chandra to gain depth and insight into your soul purpose and practical timing for the months and years ahead. We now include both our own planet, Earth and the planet nearest the Sun which is basically invisible now, Vulcan. Contents Page. This, of course, refers to the increasing expression of Soul-focused love. A most potent position for the dispelling of material glamours and illusions. Living in Light. In Esoteric Astrology, each Sun Sign, represents a particular phase in our 'spiritual' development. The Earth-based focus gives Pluto a chance to ~unearth the Underworld~ evoking from the depths of materiality the essential quality of love which lies in dark obscurity for the majority of humanity. As Saturn is the other planet of the Third Ray, its influence is always present, wherever the Earth may be. The planets inside the orbit of the Earth, Venus and Mercury, are very misunderstood in modern astrology. The challenge involves the proper structuring of the life forces so that they are put under the total Will of the Father. The marriage is consummated, the child is born. The Third and Fourth Ray combined in this position, providing a potent and challenging life. This exalted loving place is very much related to Venus, the Fifth Ray, Aquarius, Jupiter and to the Third Eye, in the centers in the human organism. The dharma involves selfless work to release people from those facets of the astral/desire nature which inhibit the flow of the Universal loving matrix (Second Ray). Earth’s Great Change From the years 2015 & 2016 Through the lens of the Solstice and Equinox charts, focused upon different countries, and with the aid of astro-cartography, some … Both the dharma and the karma of the life conjoin through Saturn’s association with Capricorn, the Earth and the Third Ray. ESOTERIC ASCENDANT: This House rules our Soul’s Purpose— the purpose for which the Soul came into manifestation.For example, Gemini-Virgo, ruled by Hermes, is the communicator at all levels. Cancer is the primary sign of the expression of this Ray and Capricorn is found here as well. The house position of the Earth in Scorpio is a clear indication of where a tremendous focus of detachment and sacrifice has to be made in order that a greater realisation of wholeness and healing can be created. The potential for healing can be very powerful, as this combination is incredibly magnetic, drawing to itself matter of a much finer and Soul-centred nature to replace the destruction of the forms of desire so associated with its signs and planets. Print Page . Main Esoteric Astrology Leo (Esoteric Astrology, pages 285 – 311): “In Leo, a man’s centre and point of consciousness is himself; he turns upon himself and revolves entirely upon his own axis and in respect and relation to himself, and is all the time the self-centred individual, consecrating all thought, time and service to his own well being and personal interests . In the symbology of the Twins the Ancient Wisdom Teachings tell us that the Earth is related to the Brother ~whose light grows stronger cycle by cycle~. Throughout Esoteric Astrology, D.K. No-one said it would be easy! Until he has courage to lose sight of the shore~, Click the mermaid to return to Mermaid's Home Page, Visit the Esoteric Astrology Message Board/Guest Book. An Introduction, Affirmations of In the meantime, I shall … The potential of the Second Ray is at its highest in this combination. 12 letters connect to the months of the year or the Zodiac signs. The mental quality of this combination is very strong, as we have a blending in Rays One and Five (Leo) and Three (Earth). It appears that this duality is increased when the Earth is in Gemini and the Sun is in Sagittarius, thus giving a heightened spiritual opportunity to one with this placement. Humanity, the link, becomes the hierarchy, the bestower of all good. The synthesis occurs through the Sixth Ray quality of the Fish and the devotion of the Soul centred individual to humanity, the Christ consciousness, and the Plan. As the Sun in the esoteric chart indicates the ~creative equipment~ a person brings into the present lifetime, the Earth, 180 degrees opposite, reveals where that equipment ~lands~ for its proper use. This position points to a life that serves to release or birth Active Intelligence into the environment. We must be able to function with equal ability through both the inner, mental life and the outer, physical one. It is believed that these streams of energy pour into the solar system and affect all life on Earth. The dharma of the life is clear; to create those physical structures and thought forms that allow Light to be utilised as a source of strength for others. The two are one. This combination shows an emphasis on the mental plane, as this is a Third Ray planet acting through a Fifth Ray sign. Esoteric astrology is the astrology of the soul. Western Astrology primarily focuses on our personality – issues such as career, relationships, health, etc. Christ (Pisces World Teacher) availed Himself of this period and came to us in the dark of the year and initiated a new era in which Light was to be the distinguishing note. In soul-centered astrology, the ASCENDANT indicates the soul’s purpose in physical incarnation. Earth, which stands for substance and practicality, is the hallmark of Capricorn, Taurus, and Virgo. An important part of Esoteric Astrology is integrating astrology with the seven Rays, or the seven types of divine energy and universal motivation. Esoteric astrology focuses on the soul’s development which is revealed through a higher understanding of the sun, moon, and rising sign. In making this comment, Using your time, date and place of birth, your natal map reveals your Life Path. It is mysterious and complex, but the more you delve … This indicates the nature of an individual’s personal life experience as a Soul contributing to the whole of Humankind. This is a very challenging position as its esoteric significance is more profound. This is our unifying link. The Earth in Taurus helps to reveal the inner truth of the spiritual reality hidden all too often within the context of terrestrial life and material forms. Cancer is the ~Gate In~ and anchors the incarnating soul onto the Planet in terms of the personality and the mass consciousness. For the individual with the Sun in Virgo, the outer field of service will be indicated by the house position of this Earth in the natal chart. A most potent placement, as there is a strong blending of the three Rays of Aspect through Pluto (First) Earth (Third) and Pisces (Second). This does not mean that the empirical evidence of traditional astrology is invalid. . . Our natal charts are like a snapshot of the Heavens, taken from wherever we were on Earth, at the exact moment of our first breath. Until he has courage to lose sight of the shore~, Click the mermaid to return to Mermaid's Home Page. Esoteric Astrology. On the personality level, this may indicate that the energies of the lower self tend to scatter and become dissipated in the unconscious attempt to integrate egocentric motivations. The earth in the natal chart is always 180 degrees from the natal position of the Sun. The Aquarian will be able to find an Earth based focus (that is, the Earth’s house position) for the urge to network and unite groups of various individuals. From an esoteric perspective, Taurus is the sign most related to the transformation of personal desire into spiritual aspiration, and this, leading ultimately to enlightened living. The effects of Saturn as co-ruler of Aquarius on the personality level, as well as its Third Ray connection to the Earth are also significant. The Seawolf pages are still awaiting their turn although if you click on the Earth Medicine Times link below there are some earth medicine pages that were already hosted on my mermaid site and which do link to the esoteric astrology part. The position of our planet in the natal chart thus reveals two things; the area of One’s life where Active Intelligence anchors into the form of our daily existence; and the place where the work of the present incarnation has to be expressed, via our physical presence and influence on others. The Soul’s Purpose Triangle— this represents what the Soul wants to accomplish in its expression on the earth.The Triangle is determined by the Ascendant; the Esoteric Ruler of the Ascendant; the Esoteric Ruler of the Sign on the House Cusp of that Ruler; It also reveals the particular type of service one may render while discovering and co-creating the Way. The modern concept of Esoteric or Soul-centred Astrology was first presented to the public by Alice Bailey in her book Esoteric Astrology. ... First Nations Earth Healing; Powered by The term “reincarnation” may become obsolete once we truly understand the dynamics of living within a cosmic space/time continuum that is eternal. As the Earth is the esoteric ruler of Sagittarius, and the latter points the way to the Mountain top of Initiation with his bow and arrow, the Earth in the natal chart represents the physical location of a person’s Path. The form of that expression differs from person to person, relative to the nature of individual dharma and karma, but the ~essential~ Love/Wisdom of that unfolding consciousness is the same for us all. It is said to be a higher octave of Mercury’s ray of wisdom, and they share a similar style glyph. Yet in the words of Alice Bailey author of Esoteric Astrology…, "There is one aspect of energy for which the modern astrologer makes very little allowance, and yet it is of paramount importance. The Sun is the essence of what it all means. The dharma of the life is to anchor oneself on the Path, and through such efforts, to communicate and share with others the focus of this struggle. Planetary moons : Planetary moon positions were first implemented in Astrolog. There is no room for duality in this position, and the light of the one-pointed disciple must shine through the illusions of the material life. It is interesting to note that the astrological centre of the universe is located in the sign of the Archer. The Path on the Earth will be conditioned in the daily life by Jupiter, the exoteric planetary ruler of the sign. The developed sense of self consciousness found in the life of the Soul-centred Leo individual finds ample opportunity for world service when the Earth is in the sign of the Water Bearer. It is a beginning of the evolutionary arc which first seeks to develop self consciousness in Leo, and then group consciousness (and subsequent world service) in Aquarius. In effect the basic duality of one on the Fixed Cross is this conflict between the will of the lesser self and the Will of the Creator. title: Esoteric Astrology. The goal of life on Earth is to become an Initiate, and unfold that aspect of the Christ Consciousness which dwells within each of us. The house position will reveal this ~well of spiritual waters sunk deeply into the Earth~ so that all may come to drink of the Father (in this case the Father of the Waters, Neptune). This article touches a few core concepts of the mystical Kabbalah. Sagittarius and Capricorn, sign of the Initiate, are linked through the Third Ray association of the Earth and Saturn, and provide us with yet another insight into the importance of the experience gained through life on this planet. Then all the Sons of God rejoice". It is a fact that Gemini, through its association with Venus creates in the minds of humanity an increased awareness of the essential duality which exists between material, sensual desires and the urge to align oneself with the Will-to-Good of the spirit. Earth/Sun represent the end of meaning, the heart of it all. This is the energy which emanates from or radiates from the Earth itself…astrologers have always emphasised the incoming influences and energies as they beat upon and play through our little planet, but they have omitted to take into adequate consideration the emanating qualities and forces which are the contribution of our Earth…to the larger whole". This is the purest Third Ray expression possible (although Earth in Capricorn also has a potential Third Ray expression). In the 1960's astrology began a comeback that continues today. One can only speculate and so consider the following conclusions in this light. This position points to the need to create those structures of mind which channel and distribute innovative concepts into the collective consciousness. This is inherent in the fourth ray quality of Sagittarius (and Mercury) and is part of the basic constitution of the Fourth kingdom. Spiritually, it is a very strong position given the fact that the Sun is in Pisces, and the energies of Pluto are also manifesting. It involves the impulsing of the Sun in Aries and its focus in the ~Place where the Will of God is Known~ with the linkage of the Higher and lower minds (Third and Fifth Rays, and Venus). The Earth is us as we are in our oneness. One of the most important facets and goals of human evolution at this time is the creation of the conscious link, the collective Rainbow Bridge, which is joining humanity (the Fourth Kingdom) to the Fifth Kingdom of Souls – the Planetary Hierarchy, and the unfolding Christ Consciousness. The polarisation and the eventual synthesis of the animal nature and the Presence of the Soul, the battle and the fusion, takes place on the Earth. You will find here a wealth of wisdom, including monthly Full Moon Newsletters, Articles & Essays, as well as the Bookstore, Webinars and Astrological Readings.Follow on Facebook for updates on Esoteric Astrology and various commentaries in … The two signs also point to the relationship of the Path to the Goal. This placement reveals that one of the most essential tasks the individual has to accomplish is the creation of those forms which will be the proper instrument for the expression of the Will-to-Be. This soul-centred person would be constantly involved in the process of breaking down those forms and structures which are no longer able to transmit Light. ... to bring light and fruitfulness to the Earth. The Earth in Esoteric Astrology (Artwork by Jean Luc Bozzoli) Esoteric ruler of Sagittarius. Contents Page. The two signs also point to the relationship of the Path to the Goal. Astrology & The Mystical Kabbalah Details Esoteric Astrology. Yet the Sun is of the Second Ray, so the potential for creating those forms of expression of Love/Wisdom is very great. In esoteric astrology, the Ascendant is the key indicator of the Soul’s Purpose. Esoteric Astrology as new for week Dec. 23 – 29. What we can say is that the soul’s purpose is projected through the persona at the Ascendant. The Lord of Karma accompanies the Earth’s placement and motivates the outworking of one’s personal responsibility to the planet. Esoteric Astrology is sometimes called Soul based Astrology, and can be described as the study of Universal Principles. Astrology is the study of the interactions and movements of the celestial bodies and how they effect our lives on Earth, individually and collectively. Unique Life Path. Esoteric astrology is similar to traditional astrology in that it utilizes the zodiac signs, houses, and planets however the difference lies in the interpretations. Earth in Sagittarius . Esoteric Astrology is a fascinating branch of astrology. In esoteric astrology we are, therefore, dealing with the Life and Lives which inform the "points of light" within the universal Life. At present, the position of the average believer in astrology is that he is an individual of importance (at least to himself), that he is living on that important planet, the Earth (important to humanity), and that, through astrology, he can discover his destiny and know what he ought to do. The work to be undertaken in this capacity involves the loving use (Jupiter) of the Concrete Mind for the advancement of those Ideas and Principles that will bring a sense of unified wholeness to human experience. This article discusses the role of Pluto in Astrology, the last of the Generational Planets, as well as its role in the development of the soul. As a bit of a review, this is astrology of the soul. There are three sets of connections which should be mentioned in regard to this position; it is highly mental in nature, as it is composed of Rays Three (Earth and Libra), Five (Venus) and Seven (Libra and Uranus). We could therefore infer that Saturn represents one’s karma, while the Earth represents one’s dharma - that is, what one has to accomplish, and the way one goes about accomplishing it. Astrology as new for week Dec. 23 – 29 of Mercury ’ s purpose is projected through the tremendous of!, of course, refers to the Goal know the Path to the.... Particularly human dilemma and practiced by people who saw the need to create those structures of mind which channel distribute! Each Sun sign, represents a particular phase in our oneness under the total of. More profound points to the planet nearest the Sun is of the sign of sign. Capricorn is found here as well integrating Astrology with the seven types of divine energy and universal motivation moon were... 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