You built your lives on what we gave you. I can honestly say right now that I, 100%, have no manipulative intentions to gain leverage over any other person that I know. — Nathan Burgoine, Yakov spent the whole day playing his fiddle; when it got completely dark, he took the notebook in which he recorded his losses daily, and out of boredom began adding up the yearly total. The apostle Paul could not have put it any better when he said in Philippians 1:21 that for to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain. Could have and would have are two expressions that are very often confused by many and, to use them correctly, one should understand the difference between them clearly. — Alyxandra Harvey, The music defied classification. Was it confidence that kept him so at ease? — J.R. Ward, When you have done the rashest thing in the world it is very pleasant to be told that no man of spirit could have acted otherwise. But mostly I've worked with men and women who loved their profession, and who like me, had kids to raise and houses to pay for." From this point you will finally be free.”, “How wonderful it would be if people did all they could for one other without seeking anything in return! And much more. It was evident to us that there had to be convictions. She should have told the truth. He hurried on, "As Queen of the Enchanted Forest, if you think you would like that. — Suanne Laqueur, You still love him." "I won't forget it; neither will you." "Nahh. — Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Beatrix went with Audrey to the entrance hall, she was overwhelmed by the knowledge that her friend would soon have to endure the death of her husband. Tavish had none of those things. "The look he gave me was shattering.Given everything I knew about him, though, I'd expected him to have killed a man.It was the fact that his having taken a single life had resulted in his banishment to the Underworld for all eternity that I found so astonishing. Well then, I'll try it the other way." But the gesture made her feel good. Though that phrase doesn't seem to suffice, not really - rather's it that I have been drawn into the orbit of a painting, have allowed myself to be pulled into its sphere by casual attraction deepening to something more compelling. I'm gonna do that right now. "Things didn't have to be like this," I commented. Could have vs. Should have Offer options and advice after an event has occurred . To protect myself from the sun, I can find shade under a tree. What would you say, right now, if you could immediately delete it, so no one read it? But the guitars made sounds guitarsdidn't always make. And as a reclusive Hound princess, her first introduction to the royal family shouldn't be a dose of Hypnos and four idiots gawking at her.If I'd managed not to gawk, they sure as hell could have. — Louis-Ferdinand Celine, It has long seemed ridiculous to me to suppose that the nature of things has been so poor and stingy that it provided souls only to such a trifling mass of bodies on our globe, like human bodies, when it could have given them to all, without interfering with its other ends. What else do you think happens to all the great toys we go without?He takes them and he breaks them be cause he doesn't care a bit. 'So it is, Adso. I will. ― Gabrielle Zevin, All These Things I've Done. | Contact Us |. It's about what didn't happen. "I nodded, our faces still very close together. — Sarah M. Eden, Well, until next time.' — Mark Doty, I just think that I screwed up what could have turned into a more significant relationship, or at least a lasting friendship. "The apology, so quiet and unexpected, embarrassed her. — Tiffanie DeBartolo, And war is wonderful, isn't it?For it's war, isn't it, that the Americans have been preparing for and are preparing for this way step by step.In order to defend this senseless manufacture from all competition that could not fail to arise on all sides. "A faint smile crossed her lips, and even though the face was different, there was a feel to that smilethat was uniquely Sydney. — Tom Hodgkinson. Would I would go to Pune by Flight. Yes, in many ways we fooled you, I suppose you could even call it that. She shifted away, drained her cup, set it aside. You would have told us it was all pointless, and how could we have argued with you? Should they too vanish, it would mean that the love of God was extinguished and had disappeared from the world. Could Have Quotes & Sayings. Sure, I make a sort of synthesis of what I come across, but that is all that differentiates me from another person? And therefore those forty roubles were a loss. She sat motionless, her hands folded on the pearl-gray satin of her robe. — William Dean Howells, Knowing His will is more valuable than all the treasures we could ever have, and we must always esteem knowing His will as the true treasure, and therefore make it the primary thing that we seek. Sometimes I've wondered what I could have done with their talent. You have to make the mind run the body. "I know I keep fucking up," he said, pressing a kiss to her neck, "and that by all rights you should bitch slap me, but I can't stand the idea of you getting hurt. This goes straight back to the house! Could have and would have differ from each other in terms of their meanings and applications. Very well, sometimes that meant we kept things from you, lied to you. You only have things that could have gone a different way. Say it again. A lonely boy, and a lonely girl. Hailsham would not have been Hailsham if we hadn't. Had I life to live over, I see now where I could do more; but neighbour, believe me, my highest aspiration is to be a clean, thrifty housekeeper, a bountiful cook, a faithful wife, a sympathetic mother. I could get into sticky territory here if I let myself go on about this subject. — Henry Ford. — Matt Abrams, The look he gave me ... My stomach quivered in that exact same way when I watched Before Sunset, yearning for a guy to know me so deeply and truly, we were only really complete when we were together. I have enough on my plate. I have no ear whatever; I could not sing an air to save my life; but I have the intensest delight in music, and can detect good from bad. "Mendanbar tried to find something to say, but he was too happy to think. — Pedro Okoro, But if Maggie had been that young lady, you would probably have known nothing about her: her life would have had so few vicissitudes that it could hardly have been written; for the happiest women, like the happiest nations, have no history. "I love you, and-and-""And you should have said that to begin with," Cimorene interrupted, putting her arms around him.Mendanbar looked up, and the expression on her face made his heart begin to pound. "You think he's planning a coup?" ""In the city?" I wish every medically retired serviceman could have a service dog. "It kills me to think of what could have happened that night, Joe," he explained softly as he pressed another kiss to her neck. Andy:Why did you eat too much? And I hope that I am doing that enough! They couldn't get out, nor could anyone else come in. I couldn't say no to it this time around.”, “Man was not born a carnivorous animal, but born to live on the fruits and herbs that the earth grows. Enjoy reading and share 49 famous quotes about Should Would Could with everyone. — Sinead O'Connor, And don't succumb too much to the spell of these cases. Butch was going to suck Marissa dry and not have enough and there wasn't another female in the house who could do the job: Mary was still human and Bella was pregnant.Besides, like dealing with Rhage or Z would be any easier? Don’t waste a lot of time stressing the “could have’s” – because if it should have, it would have!” ― Mandy Hale, The Single Woman: Life, Love, and a Dash of Sass Because still, in spite of everything, I have not enough faith in God. Pass me or fail me, Dear Lord, but don't make me go through high school again.Odd: If there's something we want so bad in this life but we can't have it, maybe we could get it the next time around.Chief Porter: Or maybe not getting it, accepting less without bitterness and being grateful for what we have is a part of what we're here to learn. There's always another line somewhere. As I stated before, no measurement in physics is perfect. I do mean to say that there are systems of knowledge and grand poetical schemata derived from the mobile life that it would be foolish to disregard or underrate. In destitution, even of feeling or purpose, a human being is more hauntingly human and vulnerable to kindnesses because there is the sense that things should be otherwise, and then the thought of what is wanting and what alleviation would be, and how the soul could be put at ease, restored. He believes that Santa likes him and thinks that he's a winner. It didn't do anything for me. If you want to succeed you should strike out on new paths, rather than travel the worn paths of accepted success. Discover and share Should Have Quotes. All Rights Reserved. — Kurt Vonnegut, I was rough before. Author: Harry Carey Jr. Discover and share Quotes Would Of Could Of Should Of. They should follow their sons, nothing would be more just. Because you're alive. Vow to do some of the things you have always wanted to do but could not find the time. Old Saint Nick is greedy this I know without a doubt. — Ilona Andrews, She had never heard the word 'intellectual' used as a noun before she went to Barnard, and she took it to heart. What a way to keep it fresh! It would be romantic. I've been in jail more than once and I don't do divorce business. Today we will take a look at the modal verbs could have, would have and should have. He took her hand, lifted it to his lips. Walk tall, and smile more. I can read a book all night, put the cat on the end of the bed. — Margaret Atwood, Ser Rodrik groused. But I could not walk into a hotel in America and get a cup of coffee, and that made me mad. हिन्दी द्वारा सीखो Would Have, Could Have, Should Have का सही इस्तेमाल. I'm such an idiot. It worked, and he saw Jesus when Jesus was only twelve years old. "Maybe you shouldn't have been trying to make out with him," he suggested.How did he know that? They were glad to have the work. ""I could try to guess your preferences. But do you want to own it?”, “Why didn't I go in? ""I'm in the middle of a murder investigation. — Lisa Kleypas, Nineteen people flew into the towers. It's about what didn't happen. I've worked with the great and the not-so-great. You should have been, you could have been, you may have been. Call up a forgotten friend. I would like to think I tried as much as I could.” — Imelda May —, “Before you can live a part of you has to die. "I don't think we inherited Dad's diplomacy. ""Okay," she said. I have seen many other fragments of the cross, in other churches. It was inevitable. How much of my brain is wilfully my own? The circumstances have been reduced; for those of us who still have circumstances. — Sabrina Carpenter, You see, we were able to give you something, something which even now no one will ever take from you, and we were able to do that principally by sheltering you. And that would be my life. Want to see more pictures of Should Would Could quotes? We are all so focused on getting "there," but you have to be careful. Since then I've been thinking what I would lose if I cross my line & I haven't come up with anything either. That is the way! Exploring the past! There is no problem in any Greek tragedy that could not have been solved if there had been enough time, but there is never enough. You should go.""No." Sure, I'll think of you. If pain could have cured us we should long ago have been saved.PainQuotations by George Santayana They would have so much good advice that I could be sure they would do little work. You just put your lips together - and blow. And they live in mortal fear of a rebellion...No... authority from God is not afraid of challenges, makes no defense, and cares not one whit if it must be dethroned. Quote by Gabrielle Zevin: “Should have. Then, siezed by doubt, I added, 'But the Baptist was executed at a more advanced age! The general rule is: Should for recommendation / advice "My preference is simple-you.”, “I had great Reason to consider it as a Determination of Heaven, that in this desolate Place, and in this desolate Manner I should end my life; the Tears would run plentifully down my Face when I made these Reflections, and sometimes I would expostulate with myself, Why Providence should thus compleately ruine its Creatures, and render them so absolutely miserable, so without Help abandon'd, so entirely depress'd, that it could be hardly rational to be thankful for such a Life.”, “Don't lie - when you are 105 years of age - on your deathbed, thinking, 'I should have done a few things!' If you could just hold some objectivity, a very direct, unfiltered, raw reflection of the way something is landing in the culture without any spin, or filtration, or anything, it's very raw. I wanted to use language that way, because my feeling was that a black novel was not black because I wrote it, or because there were black people in it, or because it was about black things. That is life work for any woman, and to be a good woman is the greatest thing on earth. Quotes About Should Have. Well, I should not be damned cheerful, and neither should anyone else who loved you, and some of them can knock down half of London Town if they should choose.”, “Admittedly, given the Dreamland's tendency towards the dramatic, should any ship come to the island it would probably be full of cannibalistic pirates, piratical cannibals, Jehovah's witnesses or similar. Joseph was wealthy, with the air of class and money about him. "Luc frowned. — Bernhard Schlink, This could be a college guest room, for the less distinguished visitors; or a room in a rooming house, of former times, for ladies in reduced circumstances. Now this also includes the mothers of the martyrs, who send them to hell with flowers and kisses. I don't think I'd call it that. It seems hard for me to imagine that we could go to war enough to make the world safe enough that nineteen people wouldn't want to do harm to us. — Paul Kantner, I've seen guys come along with more ability - they've been faster or bigger or stronger - but they never worked hard to develop themselves. — Gene Edwards, Why then should I often be unhappy over what happens here? ""My preferences in a kiss? I've blown it. "It's not the rings I'm worried about. I was doomed. "I hope so." — J.M. So — Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, Hey,maybe I could have a talk show, since you aren't going to be my June Cleaver anymore. Language was so important to them. "There aren't a whole lot of opportunities in the digital world. I couldn't describe it, but I could produce it. Theirs was the attitude of the social student, of the man who knows that beyond every violent act there is a vital cause. Without you, I was lonely and miserable and empty. I put her forward when I am performing so that he will approach me. That was acceptable, however. Readers who hold they would plug in to the machine should notice whether their first impulse was not to do so, followed later by the thought that since only experiences could matter, the machine would be all right after all.”. It was not logical.The trouble was though, that if the clock were suddenly right, he would be forever confused and arriving four minutes early or did he mena late? Tavish had not intended to pursue Katie in the least. So it goes. When you were youngerthe mind could make you dance all night, and the body wasnever tired ... You've always got to make the mind take overand keep going. Otherwise, more little snakes will be raised there.”, “Religion would certainly be more relevant to the hurting masses of humanity if people could express their hopes and dreams and pain and anguish to one another in the context of religious worship. Historians should tell only that part of the truth that is inspiring and uplifting.”, “From '86 until the summer of last year, wherever I went, people would say, You would have made a great James Bond! Or something from the chocolate family. As if we are shockingly unclothed when we lack the complacencies of ordinary life. “If you’ve been there, done that, gotten the t-shirt, isn’t it time to move on to a new destination? How could men be reasonable beings if they had no knowledge of the Word and Reason of the Father, through Whom they had received their being? There are times when I don't recognize this woman who plays with such self-possession. You will look 10 years younger. Robb, NAEP data show beyond question that test scores in reading and math have improved for almost every group of students over the past two decades; slowly and steadily in the case of reading, dramatically in the case of mathematics. I'd been looking for a man to sweep me off my feet when I should have been looking for one who willing to pick up the pieces. Now that he came to think about it, he must have it set right one of these days.Why should a clock be forced to go throught its entire existence four minutes behind the rest of the world? A spectre's haunting Albert Street. After a disaster, such as the sinking of the Titanic, people analyze options that were available at the time.Then they recommend changes so that accidents can be avoided in the future. To hold the respect and love of my husband is the greatest object of my life. That is to say, what blindness, what deafness, what density of ideology would have to weigh me down to prevent me from being interested in what is probably the most crucial subject to our existence, that is to say the society in which we live, the economic relations within which it functions, and the system of power which defines the regular forms and the regular permissions and prohibitions of our conduct. I am your pamphleteer. A heartless creature is a loveless creature, and a loveless creature is a beast. — Raymond Chandler, We could have simply passed like ships in the night, with serendipity eluding us. What if you should, heartless, storm the Dark Tower and win it? I say to her: you should have gone to bed earlier. Too low. To moisturize my skin, I could get really sweaty and then just rub it on myself. And second, I don't think there's much of a market for your particular brand of psychology. But in the morning, she comes downstairs and looks exhausted. Once down the track is enough of a test. — George Eliot, She took off her engagement andwedding rings and walked over to me. I should have kissed her. “Dont lie - when you are 105 years of age - on your deathbed, thinking, I should have done a few things! We tore open the windows and let in the air, the wind that finally whirled away the dust that society had permitted to settle over the horrors of the past. It's my favorite show. — Margaret Lazarus Dean, Another Kilgore Trout book there in the window was about a man who built a time machine so he could go back and see Jesus. A lot of people saved IBM. Instead of his red nose, "I" think it should be brown. Maybe they want to get ice cream?”, “Then you believe I care more for my own feelings than yours, Cathy?" "You could stay here. You have to accept that you can't change the past experiences, opinions of others at that moment in time or outcomes from their choices or yours. Should we try to find you one of those pirate costumes?”, “There are only things that could have turned out different. This outlook is certainly unrealistic and probably insincere. — Steve Martin, By the time that adorable steak and I had become one flesh I could have taken on the whole Valmy clan singlehanded. And actually, it would be perfect for Spike TV. Read the best original quotes, shayari, poetry & thoughts by Dude … ""That's a great idea. ""You're my entire world, Joe," he said, pressing another kiss to her neck, this time lingering. Or wait a minute. The more I hear it, the more it rankles, frankly. — William Petersen, My brothers are idiots.Anyone can see that under the scars and the attitude, Isabeau is more fragile than she looks. Would have. This fellow will have nothing to do with baptism; another denies the sacraments; a third believes that there is another world between this and the Last Day. You both should go. And mad to destroy.”, “And to crown the whole, you must needs come back and make a martyr of yourself, so now anyone who cares a farthing for your life must watch you hanged; that is, if they do not decide to make a spectacle of it and draw and quarter you in the fine old style. The blond woman could not forgive him for bringing her back from death. — Richelle Mead. It teaches you what you should have done next time - Snoop Dogg. These are the kinds of things that we sit around talking to each other about in our dusty libraries. If I'm honest with you, then yes. You shouldn't have eaten so much! — Joanna Lumley, I got my service dog when I was medically retired out of the military, and it was the best thing that ever happened to me. Should haveis mainly used to give advice for past events. Annabeth was a little shocked to be getting a hug from a girl she'd just met - a girl who could just as easily have seen Annabeth as an enemy. Enjoy reading and share 100 famous quotes about Could Have with everyone. Not that Madame Puta was bad looking, not at all, she could even, like so many others, have been rather pretty, but she was so careful, so distrustful that she stopped short of beauty just as she stopped short of life - her hair was a little too well dressed, her smile a little too facile and sudden, and her gestures a bit too abrupt or too furtive. "They're coming. — Adrienne Rich, She was wonderful; no mother could have been more wonderful. you know, in fact, if I get the Concorde, I could be dead three hours earlier, which would be perfect. I want you always. ""And we both have to be nake - ""Adrian," she said warningly. e.g. "But all these years," she urged, "I have so carefully fulfilled my duty. An intellectual might lose her virginity to a soldier in the park, but she could learn to look back on it with wry, amused detachment. She could not think of anything that day so she said she'd get back to me. ""Yes," Mendanbar said. It with the time change, I could be alive for six hours in New York but dead three hours in Paris. — Richard Yates, The winters were getting colder, starting earlier, lasting longer, with more snows than he could remember from childhood. "His hand found its way to her panty clad hip and gave her a gentle squeeze. I find this to be a certain type of sickness of the mind. It's more like a corkscrew than a path! Grammar-Quizzes › Verb Phrases › Verb Groups › Modals › Could have vs. Should have. Don't fear failure so much that you refuse to try new things. Then he picked up the abacus, again clicked away for a long time, and sighed deeply and tensely. You don't have any should or woulds in your life, see? They had never, ever, been truly loved, or truly loved someone else. Of all, you could find out. '' '' Screw that -... 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