This question seems factual, but it gauges how well you value yourself and how well you know your industry. This is not real math, however, so your number cannot be very precise, of course. I have previously worked as an accountant in retail, but currently I am trying to transition into the field of healthcare. Review our tips below for steps you can take before, during, and after the interview to put your best foot forward along this part of your journey to a post-doctoral position. When Calvin Lai, PhD, a postdoctoral fellow in psychology at Harvard University, applied for an assistant professor position at Washington University in St. Louis, the search committee was looking for someone who specialized in diversity research, so Lai adapted his talk to highlight that aspect of his work. Or, if the employer provided you with an expected date for feedback after the interview, wait at least one additional business day beyond that. Write down a list of your top 3-5 professional accomplishments that you are most proud of. If you’re going to be giving a talk during your interview, you need to be amply prepared. Presenting my research is expected and not a problem. How have you applied these skills? you should be prepared to give it in any combination of circumstances—if you’re sleep-deprived, dehydrated, or anything else. If the researcher you are applying to work with is not doing research in yo… They started by introducing themselves, then told me a bit about the school and their department. So, be open to opportunities and use this question to emphasize how your personal goals correspond with those of the company. I had an interview with an UK Institute for my postdoc application last week. Tell a story of how you addressed conflict and how it turned a negative into a positive. Hello friends, I would like to know your views from the people who have got postdoc position after interview. However, beware of the risk of showing too much excitement for future opportunities compared to your attitude towards the current position. This question may be a little touchy for some people, but it's a question asked by interviewers, to find out why you left, in order to better understand how you may or may not make a good fit with their company. Imagine that you have all the resources in the world and that all roads are open for you. This question may help you convince the interviewer how smoothly you would fit into the position to which you are applying. Troubleshooting Electroporation: Conquer Electroporation & Avoid the Arc. Here is a list of sample questions and answers provided by BitesizeBio specific for students doing post-doctoral interviews. This page has been updated on July 3, 2020. What a respectful answer and approach, in my view! Along with each accomplishment, mark which of your Key Selling Points they showcase. Alexandra Rutz, a biomedical engineer postdoc at University of Cambridge, United Kingdom, followed a similar approach, going on the market before publishing the bulk of her postdoctoral … Know your audience and tailor your talk to them. Based on the research you did on the company, what are their current goals and initiatives? If you are looking for career advancement or a career change, you can be very upfront and honest. With in one month of my online application, I had a phone interview with hiring manager. Sample Subject Lines for a Follow-Up Email after an Interview Is the business expanding, are they opening new locations, or starting new projects? Squint eyes in anticipation – annnd SNAP! Another Reddit user suggested making sure you have time to meet with the PI and lab members before giving your talk. What problems are they trying to solve with this position? Onsite Postdoctoral Meetings - Held twice monthly to give postdocs the opportunity to present their latest research; Postdoc Seminar Series - Part of an annual seminar series, postdocs invite and host 10-12 speakers of their choosing; Eligibility. What were the different ways you were able to address the situation? After the interview is over and you have sent a thank you letter, be patient. This will start a conversation, which is the goal of an interview. If you end up choosing to work at that university, you may need some advice on living in a new city and finding housing. Start by giving a brief introduction about yourself, where you are from, and by where you currently are in your career. Luong Phu Senior Technical Recruiter at Micron Technology. Being prepared for the entirety of your interview can be a great way to stand out from the rest of the candidates. However, don’t be too evasive and if you see they are not inclined to give you their number, name yours. If you are going through the postdoctoral interview process, you may be invited to do an onsite interview with a specific lab. Remember, the higher the position up the ladder, the wider the range can be. ... Onsite interview - email from training director Dates: 1/2, 1/7, 1/8, & 1/9 - … Describe a time when you resolved a conflict with a colleague in your past role. Another source is this article from Nature Jobs that provides you with questions to ask that will help you narrow down the best-fit position for you and your career. How to build your interview answers to emphasize your relevance. Whatever the reason you are looking for a new opportunity, always turn things around to show how you are the perfect fit for the job for which you are interviewing! For example, this list may be as broad as the following: • writer• choir director• software engineer and architect• CEO of a unicorn startup company,• entrepreneur. Imagine, in as much detail as you can, going down this road. Doing company research and tailoring your answers towards what’s important can be an exhausting, time-consuming process. Try to conclude with your lessons learned or methodology for approaching conflicts - this will show the interviewer that you would be able to apply your methodology to future situations. Registration No 3,257,927) and Goldbio (U.S. They want to know why you think the accomplishment you chose is your greatest, to give them an idea of what you think is important, They want to hear a specific example of your work to see if your problem solving skills fit in with the issues and problems their company might be experiencing, They want to know if you are a great multitasker who can get 10 different things done by the end of the day, no matter how long you have to stay at work to complete it all. I am in the process of preparing a Post-doc interview to a national laboratory. You may think: there is so much information out there, where should I look exactly? The first impression you give to your interviewer and the department you wish to work in will make a large impact on whether or not you are offered a position in their lab as a postdoctoral fellow. How would its goals and initiatives help lead you to achieve your goals? Press down. Then discuss background information and methods. However, I googled online and I found articles which state that UK Institutes usually make their decisions in two or three days. Of all your accomplishments (and I am sure you’ve had a great many of them! Wherever you go, you will always have to work with people. Practicing for your interview is a great way to help calm your nerves and prepare yourself to make a great impression. Can you support your statement with relevant examples from your past experiences? Join our list to receive promos and articles. The sooner the better—the same day as the interview or the next, but definitely no later than 24 hours after the interview. Once you have seen in it from the inside, any illusions that the academic job search is a wholly rational process designed to yield the best candidate for the position are burst asunder. What is your current occupation? BHello, my name is Natalie Price. I have two children and I love playing billiards and travelling. You are unhappy with your current employment. When telling your story, remember to talk about your STARs!S - What was the Situation?T - What was your Task?A - What Action did you take?R - Talk about the Results. Describe the chosen option by focusing on the first 1-2 milestones, and by presenting it in light of company goals and current initiatives. Based on your Key Selling Points and your knowledge about the company, why do you think you are a good fit for this position? I am passionate about building agile work culture and delivering results. Better candidates will do better on average than those with less to offer; but as any statistician will tell you, averages tell you nothing about the specific dynamics of a single instance. Start with defining your Key Selling Points you want to emphasize for this position. Show you were paying attention in the interview and reiterate what a great fit you’d be for the job with an email that looks more like this: Hi Ms. Bernard, I just wanted to thank you for inviting me to your office today. If you were the cause of the conflict, how did the other person talk you down from the conflict? Sometimes, however, you may find yourself not knowing what questions and this may be partially due to your nerves. While it isn’t a formal part of the interview, the PI will want to know that you can get along with the rest of his team and other colleagues you may end up working with during your postdoc fellowship. Based on your research, does the company fit your desired salary range? And what about the opposite - how can the company benefit from your reaching your goal? Fortunately, Mr. Simon is here to help! What is the company looking for in terms of experiences and qualifications? Your salary, on the other hand, will not increase as quickly. Now, remember that once you start in your new role, your qualifications will be growing fast, due to all the new experience you will be gaining - consequently, your value will rise as well. And, of course, try to see where the perfect fit lies between your own potential and aspirations, and the company’s trends and hopes. If you're able to, turn the question around and ask the interviewer if they have experienced the same thing. One day interview - a 45-min presentation on my doctoral work, followed by 15min questions, 4-5 talks one-on-one with department head and various professors scheduled throughout the day, and lunch with fellow postdocs and graduate students Or are they heavily automating and cutting staff? This question ranks as the most challenging for many people. Pick 3 key skills that make you great at your work (your Key Selling Points). For example, one of our clients admitted that he is not very good at public speaking and that he has recently become a member of Toastmasters International to improve. How can working in that company help you achieve your goal? This entails learning as much as you can about the PI that you will be working with and the research the lab is currently doing. Trust me, your hiring manager doesn’t know either! That can help you learn more about the company and the job, turn the "interrogation" into a conversation and will allow you to relax some tension. This will show you as a person who is unimaginative and not forward-thinking enough to grow with and be a good fit for the company. I applied for a postdoc position in Denmark and was invited to an interview. Highlight these skills. Try this exercise, draw a line on a piece of paper where on the left side sits a complete beginner, and on the right side - the best professional in the world the company may try to invite for the role. Have a look at these examples. If you were the first person they interviewed, it may be quite some time until you hear back, and if you were one of the last interviewees, you may hear sooner. It can help you learn more about the company and the job, turn the "interrogation" into a conversation and will allow you to relax some tension. Choose the most relevant accomplishment from your list and then practice telling your story. So, even if at this moment this job may be a temporary contract, you never know what opportunities may present themselves to you in this company. Based on your research about the company and the position, what do you like most about the company? This LinkedIn article provides a list of questions as well as some ideas on how to come up with questions on your own based on what you value in a position. Which of your Key Selling Points match with the required experiences or skills? This question is your chance to show yourself as a focused and results-oriented person (and this is exactly who you are, aren’t you?). You want to apply for positions that genuinely fit your interests and that are a good fit for you as a scientist. The importance of interview for postdoc position User: hemu_vnit - 17 April 2015 12:17. › interview-questions › postdoctoral-fellow You will typically be presenting your current research project and will want to present it in a similar way as you would write a journal submission. Responding to an interview request is the beginning of your communication. Tell me about your greatest professional accomplishment. The easier you make it for the interviewer, the better are your chances they will “vote” for you over other candidates. Have no knowledge of the industry you are targeting. You can read more about effectively delivering talks in our article Public Speaking Dos and Don’ts – A Life Scientist’s How-To Guide. How you organize it is up to you, but make sure that it is organized in some way and that leaves you time for your audience to ask questions as the end. Hello, my name is Natalie Price. I have previously worked as an accountant in retail, but currently I am trying to transition into the field of healthcare. Read below for more information on sending an interview acceptance email, and review examples of emails in which the writers accept and confirm a job interview. I was asked to prepare a 20 min presentation which would be followed by 10 min questions. AThey want to know why you think the accomplishment you chose is your greatest, to give them an idea of what you think is important, BThey want to hear a specific example of your work to see if your problem solving skills fit in with the issues and problems their company might be experiencing, CThey want to know if you are a great multitasker who can get 10 different things done by the end of the day, no matter how long you have to stay at work to complete it all. Make sure the range stays within 40%-60% between extremes. The interviewer wants to see whether you are reflective about yourself, whether you are ambitious and strive to grow as a professional, whether you like to learn and develop your skills. However, dressing the part does not only refer to what you wear, but also refers to the demeanor you have during your talk and interview. Author Message; Joanna [Registered User] 06 October 2015 10:06 interview thank you letter User: Joanna - 06 October 2015 10:06 “As I am very good at delegating tasks, I can easily see myself leading a team of software testers in the future…”), and end your statement by asking about current initiatives and goals at the company. Many times, questions will arise throughout the conversation and it is important that you feel comfortable to ask them. If you were unhappy with your previous job, focus on the positives. I would like to hear from you! The interview includes a ten minute presentation "of yourself and your research" targeted towards master students (the entire interview is 30 minutes). This is your opportunity to present yourself as a qualified professional and get a proper salary! “Do you know what the current needs in the company/department are, where my skills and experience can help?". What’s the best interview follow-up email subject line? Will you feel comfortable with this number? Follow. One that’s short and makes it clear what the message is about. As an artificial being, his undeniable benefits include: .display-none{display:none}.mobile-svg .st1{fill:#dcebee}.mobile-svg .st1,.mobile-svg .st2{display:inline}.mobile-svg .st3{fill:none;stroke:#10109b;stroke-width:5;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round}.mobile-svg .st4{fill:#10109b}.mobile-svg .st5{fill:#00c9ff}.mobile-svg .st6{fill:#fff}.mobile-svg .st7,.mobile-svg .st8{fill:none}.mobile-svg .st8{stroke:#10109b;stroke-width:3;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-miterlimit:10}.mobile-svg .st10,.mobile-svg .st9{display:inline}.mobile-svg .st9{opacity:.2;enable-background:new;fill:#79521e}.mobile-svg .st10{fill:#f0eae1}.st11{opacity:.3;enable-background:new}.mobile-svg .st11,.mobile-svg .st12{display:inline;fill:#d5b894}.mobile-svg .st13,.mobile-svg .st14,.mobile-svg .st15{display:inline;fill:#79521e}.mobile-svg .st14,.mobile-svg .st15{fill:#9b9b9b}.mobile-svg .st15{fill:#fff}, I have trouble saying “no” when a colleague asks for help and I have my own work to finish. It gives you an opportunity to thank the PI for your chance to interview as well as let him or her know how you are a great fit for the position now that you have learned more about it. For example, if you are applying for a software tester position, you may find it fascinating to master automated testing in full and eventually become a software engineer, or you may be a natural trainer and love coaching other people which may lead you to become a QA team or department lead, or you may be more interested in understanding business aspects of requirements which may logically lead you into a Business Analyst position. Educated Woman, Postdoc Edition, Chapter 14: Interview Excursions By Micella Phoenix DeWhyse Mar. Map the scale against the industry range. What have you found out about the company’s culture and job description. After you give a brief introduction, tell the interviewer(s) where you see your career going in the future and what goals you have for your career as a whole. Are you presenting to scientists, non-scientists, or … Make sure you have developed the story behind each accomplishment and have a strong command of the details of what happened so that you can tell the story clearly and distinctly. It's important to show how well you've overcome a weakness by motivating yourself and learning a new skill to grow professionally. Research the company (website, social media, etc) to learn about the company culture. They are also looking for your ambitions to fit the career path opportunities related to the position you are applying for. Do your research of the company and the requirements for the position. Any type of interview can be nerve-wracking and post-doctoral interviews are no exception. If you come up with other questions along the way, you don’t necessarily have to use your prepared questions, but you will have them in the back of your mind if you do need them. What's important is to find a weakness that you have overcome or something that is not related to the position for which you are applying. Try to be concise and stay within 1-2 minutes. Nowadays, every hiring manager wants results, so think in terms of specific achievements and try to structure your example accordingly. Williams One of this issue's feature articles explores the secrets of hiring good postdoctoral fellows, calling them "the backbone of a lab." A great resource you can look into for interview practice is mock interviewing. You should also find information on the people who are working in the PI’s lab with him or her already and the department as a whole. According to one Reddit user who answered my question on best ways to prepare for your talk, Research the company and find out what they are paying. Are they looking for someone who can take charge and resolve conflict? At the end of the interview, the PI told me that they will make the decision in a week or two. What are your current professional goals? edited by Sarah C.P. One example of how to structure your answer of a single target number is this: I have done my research and based on the average for the industry, location, and my level of expertise, something like XXX seems reasonable to me. Talk about the ways that you will best fit in with the company, in the role for which you're applying. Share your accomplishments at your previous employment. Beginning to form a relationship with them by showing interest in their work and backgrounds can give you the extra boost you need to be offered the position that you want. By sending a thoughtfully expressed “thank-you” email immediately after your interview, you’ll affirm the positive impressions you made during your talk, keep your candidacy top of mind as final hiring decisions are made, and demonstrate that you have the good manners and proactive communications skills employers desire in their personnel. 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