There is nothing in the love or sacrifice of the Father and the Son to prevent the whole world being saved. When you have measured between the horns of space, here is a task that will defy you — "God so loved the world." (7)It was a love of amazing strength. Had Christ's teaching, example, etc., been sufficient His blood would not have been shed. It gives its best. )God's love for a sinning worldC. H. Spurgeon.It is said that some years ago a vessel sailing on the northern coast of the South American continent, was observed to make signals of distress. There is a great deal of such which says, "Be ye warmed," etc. We admire other qualities; we only love the loving.4. Kings and queens may find room in it; and so may thieves and beggars. To give your firm and cordial assent to the truth of the substitutionary sacrifice of Christ.2. (2) The presence of such a truth in the Bible forms one of the most powerful vindications of its authority. SIN IS THE MOST EXPENSIVE THING IN THE UNIVERSE.1. If Christ be God what gift superior can be presented? God loved each, therefore all.7. I see you do. How sad that they should perish for lack of knowledge! B. Nichol.When a shipwrecked sailor, left to the mercy of the waves, has no help within reach or view but a spar or mast, how will he cling to it, how firmly he will clasp it — he will hold it as life itself. Luther maintained that justification by faith was the test of a standing or a falling Church. Like a masterpiece of music, its virtues are independent of numbers.(D. To do this for all who believe:(1)of every character;(2)country;(3)rank;(4)age.(J. (2)It was a reasonable affection. Personal trust.III. The Cross was the self-denial of God.2. But —3. When He teaches, faith admits His teaching as absolute truth. headed sinner to the boy or maiden.2. Nay, I must go further. C. If love in human form and in a fallen world be so Divine, what must it be in God Himself? J. Parry)The love of GodH. Of this the unbeliever is deprived in time and eternity. This could only be done by allowing His Son to be treated as if He was a sinner, in order to treat the really guilty as if they were righteous, and so to identify the one with the other.II. "Whosoever" has a special voice for you, my hearer! Such a gift as that of His only begotten Son is the highest conceivable gift, and this Christ intends to convey. "Oh, no; only a few seconds." (2) Without Christ there is no removal of our mlsery — the death and curse, involved in sin. Yea, but though never so excellent a gift be given, yet if it be not of use and profit to whom it is given, it doth not so testify love. The Divine love for mankind.2. Was there much labour or expense about it?" Come hither, ye that make our national surveys, and lay down charts for all nations. — Somebody said he would rather read "Whosoever" than see his own name, because he should be afraid it might refer to some other man who might have the same name. The mode of human redemption. The first cause of redemption — the love of God to man. Ours —, (1)By evident gift. Yet infidelity is the want of trust in God and Christ. Flavel.I. But Christ is God's Son by eternal generation; Son in such a sense that He can say of the Father, "I and My Father are one," and that the Father can say of Him, "Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever."2. This widest field is the world, for "God so loved the world." "When we were enemies we were reconciled," etc.4. "Whosoever believeth."1. The Bible represents God as having the attributes of a kind and tender Father. Finney. THE DOCTRINE. Oh, how he strains his eye searching for a mast, a plank, a spar! But no man has ever manifested such a love as God's. H. (Mortlock Daniell. THE RECIPIENTS OF THIS GIFT.1. Our best earthly gifts are our friends, and God gives us the best friend. LOVE IN ITS SUBLIMEST MANIFESTATION. Throughout the ages the Father stood to His gift. What adaptation there is in it to man's dire need IIII. MEN NEED DELIVERANCE FROM DEATH.II. There is nothing about man but his misery to attract the Divine attachment. A word of His could have restored the dismantled heavens; but God Himself cannot make an only-begotten Son.(S. God wishes to exhaust all means of kindness before His hand takes hold on justice. By the "world" cannot be meant any particular part. W. Beecher.In human governments, justice is central, and love incidental. God's love could not be a powerless thing dealing in fine sentiment and words of pity. There stood the man, and before him the soldiery, and though a single shot might have ended his life, yet he was as invulnerable as though encased in triple steel. Morris. Love. Eternal: "loved." Who of these should be sold? The pinch of hunger became unbearable, and their children pleading for bread tugged so painfully at their heart-strings, that they must entertain the idea of selling one to save the lives of the rest. The promise was made as soon as Adam fell. (3) Without Christ there is no obtaining our proper happiness. Little love forgets to bring water for the feet, but great love breaks its box of alabaster. There are many well-instructed people who shrink from the thought of infidelity. The impartial manner in which these blessings are offered, "whosoever." Nichol. In these words I find my religion, theology, ethics, and politics, politics being one of the chief branches of ethics.1. All its floating timbers are very rottenness. Come ye, who map the sea and land, and make a chart of this word "so." "(1) The designation of the Redeemer is peculiar and significant. He so loved, that is, so infinitely, so transcendently, so incomprehensibly (Hebrews 12:3). IN ITS MANIFESTATION, in —1. Ask Himself.1. Will he set aside the law because the offender is royal? Nichol. Like a masterpiece of music, its virtues are independent of numbers.(D. In like manner you must accept and appropriate the atonement of Jesus.3. It wants no money and no price from thee, no fitness of frames and feelings, no preparation of good works or penitence. The third article is — WHOSOEVER BELIEVETH IN CHRIST, etc. Cynddylan Jones, D. D.I. Of all sacrifices the chief are those of persons. The vessel is an utter wreck. I always have a warm side towards odd, eccentric, out-of-the-way people, because I am one myself, at least so I am often said to be. To perish is to lose the smile of God, the company of the redeemed, the society of angels, the glories of the heavenly world, and, with no ray of comfort or gleam of hope, to be driven away into outer darkness, into misery and woe, without deliverance and without end. He gave His Spirit to take charge of this work.III. To part is to perish; and so he clings — and how anxiously! The shaft is a thousand feet deep, and it was sunk at great cost to the proprietors; but it is our way out, and without it we should never be able to get to the surface." W. Beecher.In human governments, justice is central, and love incidental. God can love and does love. Guiness Rogers, B. The Bible and the nature of the case shows that the atonement must have been made for the whole. Blood to the image: that is' the essence of paganism. For an infinite being to sympathize with wicked natures He must be infinitely wicked. 14). In like manner you must accept and appropriate the atonement of Jesus.3. But "God commendeth His love," etc.3. Jesus must be believed to be what the record declares Him to be.2. Let the world know that when the king gives he gives generously, like a king.' There are many well-instructed people who shrink from the thought of infidelity. How He gave.(1)Lovingly.(2)Freely.(3)Wholly.III. "God so loved," etc.1. Its second article is — GOD HAS GIVEN US HIS SON. It existed from the first; only a century or two ago was it made manifest. There would have been no wonder had the world been drowned. IN THE PLAN OF SALVATION. When love puts on her own golden armour, and bears her sword bright with her own unselfish. When He teaches, faith admits His teaching as absolute truth. Love is the ground of His perfect happiness.II. Our Commissioners went to the Governor of the State and got him to give his consent to grant pardons to five men on account of their good behaviour. IN THE PLAN OF SALVATION. Morris. THE SPECIAL FRUIT OF THE DIVINE LOVE. (3) Without Christ there is no obtaining our proper happiness. THE PLAN OF SALVATION ORIGINATED IN THE LOVE OF GOD.1. R. Brewin.What is it to perish? BY THE FRUIT OF HIS LOVE. Spurgeon. When He commands, faith accepts His precepts as the perfect law of life. Was it sentimental? He looked all around, expecting to see a man spring forward at once; still no one arose, and he turned to the officer of the prison and said, "Are all the convicts here?" THE GIFT OF GOD MUST BE RECEIVED BY FAITH. Who is God? Free as the sun that shineth, and gilds the mountain's brow, and makes glad the valleys without fee or reward, so free is the mercy of God to every needy sinner. And He is ours absolutely, individually, and for ever — all He is and all He has. John the Baptist came from God.(J. There must be faith.(J. It is to die in our sins, without bright angels to smile upon us as they wait to carry us away from earth; to die without the Saviour's glorious presence to cheer us in the valley of the shadow of death. God gives to every man that believes in Christ everlasting life.(C. Hence the expense. It is the only lasting bond of human society — the only guarantee of the perpetual bliss of heaven, and the only attribute in fallen man which is made an emblem of God, "God is love." To confute the world's opinion who measure God's love by outward things.2. Here, then, we have hit upon the radical difference between paganism and Christianity. GOD'S LOVE IS SO GREAT AS TO PROMPT TO DELIVERANCE.III. Nor is this one act merely; it is an act repeated till a habit is formed, a habit which gives a distinctive denomination to the person — "believer."4. God gave His Son. It is set forth by THE BENEFIT THAT COMES TO US BY IT.1. If love in human form and in a fallen world be so Divine, what must it be in God Himself? Our Lord declared that the poor widow gave truly more than the wealthy worshippers.2. (Bible Notes and Queries. L. Moody. God has lavished the love of His heart on us and requires the trust and love of ours. How He gave.(1)Lovingly.(2)Freely.(3)Wholly.III. L. Moody. Coley. Of all sacrifices the chief are those of persons. H. The subject casts a shadow by its very brightness on your unbelief, state, prospects.(A. Love in man is but a ray from the sun; a drop from the ocean.II. Yet God so loved us that, to put it very strongly, He seemed to love us better than His only Son, and did not spare Him that He might spare us. In the Divine government, love is the central element, and justice only incidental. Let the world know that when the king gives he gives generously, like a king.' Love is more than a Divine attribute. "Do your gods love you?" (d)By His ascension the truth of eternal life was more confirmed. she replied; "Me think it be just like Him." Condescending.2. Easy to say, impossible to realize in all its augustness. John the Baptist came from God.(J. A. (3)Now, through Christ, in harmony once more: without Christ, still at enmity.4. But —3. Coley.King Zeleueus decreed that whosoever committed a particular offence should lose his eyes; and the first person found guilty was his own son. Few men in the time of the Saviour's advent had any idea of the love of God. Not the "elect" world, which God loves with the love of complacency.2. There is nothing about man but his misery to attract the Divine attachment. "Then, Reuben Johnson will come and get his pardon." What an awful curse is unbelief!4. Either the law must be executed at the expense of the race, or God must suffer the worse results of disrespect to His law, or a substitute be provided who shall both save the sinner and honour the law.II. )God's provision of the sacrificeJ. If you enter into that, you will know that all this love is to you — that while Jehovah loves the world, yet He loves you as much as if there were nobody else in all the world to love.(C. (2) By those who suppose that the Bible represents God as originally a stern and inexorable Being placated by Christ, and that now He is only mild and benignant to a few.2. )The love of GodJ. Baxendale.A preacher had gone down into a coal mine during the noon-hour to tell the miners of the glad tidings of salvation. Conclusion: That is our creed.1. Meeting the foreman on his way back to the shaft he asked him what he thought of God's manner of saving men. Many a man in a moment of generous excitement can perform a supreme act of benevolence and yet could not bear to look at it calmly from year to year. They concluded that it were better for them all to die together than willingly to part with any one of their children. It is the only lasting bond of human society — the only guarantee of the perpetual bliss of heaven, and the only attribute in fallen man which is made an emblem of God, "God is love." Satan tempts us to view God as unlovely or to entertain unworthy thoughts of His mercy. Sacrificial.3. This was done. When He promises, faith relies on Him to fulfil. When He teaches, faith admits His teaching as absolute truth. That all are lost.2. God wishes to exhaust all means of kindness before His hand takes hold on justice. The simple way in which we may become eternally benefited by this saving work of God, "whosoever believeth in Him." Even so Jesus Christ has taken my poor guilty soul ever since I believed in Him, and has wrapped around me the blood-red flag of His atoning sacrifice, and before God can destroy me or any other soul that is wrapped in the atonement, He must insult His Son and dishonour His sacrifice, and that He will never do, blessed be His name.(C. J. Morris.I. "Yes, indeed; that was a laborious and expensive work. This is the only possible way, God's government is moral because the Saviour is a moral agent. — God is love, and there is a something about love which always wins love. G. Jones, D. D. — Transport yourselves in imagination to Athens or Rome; observe closely the images of the gods, in motley crowds on either hand of you; see the rivers of red blood flowing towards them. It has been the custom of some, a custom too much prevailing, to represent God as being under no manner of obligation to do anything for His creatures after they had broken His law. G. Finney, D. D.I. IN THE PERSONS FOR WHOM THIS PLAN IS AVAILABLE. To believe in Christ — what is it? God still gives.II. "Whosoever" has a special voice for you, my hearer! "Read it again," asked the arrested pagan. WE LIVE IN THE GLORIOUS DAY OF SALVATION! Most patient.V. The glorious state to which the love of God proposes to raise all He found in this sad condition, "but have everlasting life." 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