The Middle East converted to Islam beginning with killings in Mecca by Mohammad himself. Be open to what this wonderful world has to offer in so many ways. It may be driven when the dark matter/ energy disassociate with the white matter (body). Mind management is vital.”. Purpose of human life is to discover oneself, understand God, know the relationship between both, then subsequently endeavour to purify our mind and heart from all impurities and vices, develop love of God and go back to Spiritual world. This world is a passing phase for our eternal life.. It is cyclically described. Life on earth has been declared and accepted as meaningless. Overlooking all these pressing problems the principal ideal of humans is directed towards a life in heaven, but only upon death. Search my friends inside your self , and you will find your god, your Krishna, allah, or Jesus. 1. EXAMPLE: Pat Norris came to see a yogi, visiting USA from India, during the early 1970s. It is a way of life. Once an identity is established in the mind it is hard to question it, let alone oppose it or remove it. It is them who need to understand other religions. There is no strict direction to this path! Easily said but perhaps lifetimes to achieve. What if Jesus was the reincarnation of Buddha ? Neolithic people were more cultured than Paleolithic or Mesolithic people. Viewed 546 times 9. It should be noted that any violaters of Dharma->A (some individual or ideology that disregards humanity, nature or justice – also known as adharmic) should be resisted, opposed or even fought (in the order of saama, daana, bheda, danda) if required to save Dharma. Karmic theory determines where the move to. Hinduism includes a range of viewpoints about the origin of life, and evolution. The universe became an expanse of water, and in that Vishnu was born in the golden egg. Compulsive behavior means the ability to go beyond a certain limit comes into play after acts of survival and procreation, To understand about liberation one must understand the entire process n meaning of hinduism first. I think everybody knows matter what religion it may be. According to historians, Neolithic age lasted till about 4000 B.C. In my view the life begins at the time of forming zygote inside the mother's womb. 2. In another tradition, the creator god Brahma emerged from the egg and created the world, while in yet another tradition the Brahma himself is the Hiranyagarbha. I express my sincere thanks. Also I have seen the Documentary of Paramahansa Yogananda who also has an autobiography called “ Autobiography of a Yogi” and I would like to suggest that you see and read that too. Derived from God in a relationship that is not akin to parent-child In extraordinary circumstances, any creature can attain liberation irrespective of their body. But Christians believe the eternal life starts from the moment they receive Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior right down on this earth. Fourth Mashka, which is spiritual salvation. This happens by realization of soul and meaning of life according to Hinduism means to get freedom from unlimited cycle of birth and death and go back to the realm of God and remain with him eternally where there is no sickness, no death, no birth, no lusty desires, no competition; only service to the Allmight lord Krishna(Narayan) and getting immense pleasures by serving the Lord. It is they who labelled the people of Bharat as Hindu meaning people who lived around the river Sindhu. Another example of the common Indo-Iranian heritage is the Vedic god Varuna. [8] Ronald Numbers says that: "Hindu Creationists have insisted on the antiquity of humans, who they believe appeared fully formed as long, perhaps, as trillions of years ago. Jesus is the prince of peace. [3] In the later Puranic texts, the creator god Brahma is described as performing the act of 'creation', or more specifically of 'propagating life within the universe'. Hinduism. Time is personified as the god of death, Yama, because death is a limiting factor in human life. I have a good suggestion for you. The content of this site is published by the site owner(s) and is not a statement of advice, opinion, or information pertaining to The Ohio State University. Karma is the result or product of what we do. 1 Origin of Hinduism Several researchers claim that Hinduism began between 2300 B.C. Why don’t your Gods come closer to you? Everyone including women can attain enlightenment, moksha and liberation from reincarnation. It leaves me wanting to find that in today’s world of questions and solutions all for good reason you want everyone to follow a doctrine. This page was last edited on 25 January 2021, at 17:46. all devices to distract us from the moksha we long for, which is nothing but silence, unadulterated emptiness… I have also gone through innumerable websites of Hinduism spiritual teachings. The Indo-Iranian element in later Hinduism is chiefly found in the ceremony of initiation, or “second birth” (upanayana), a rite also found in Zoroastrianism. But if meaning is in having goals, rather than achieving them, then presumably any goals would do? Hinduism worships cow as one of their Deities but Christ calls His worshippers to worship Him alone. The biggest challenge of the life. The tragic condition of humans is that our eyes have been so distracted by physical things and pleasure, that we have lost the ability to see the unseen. do you want to come back to this earth? Neither text, nor links to other websites, is reviewed or endorsed by The Ohio State University. God (he, she or it) is seen as non interfering observer. Two thousand years ago there was no Christianity or Islam. He, She or It is the process owner of Karmic cycle and is Sakshki (witness or observer) Elevation is purely one’s personal progress (change) towards what each thinks as salvation or goal of life! I would also maintain that the Christian God has little or nothing to do with the Hindu meaning of moksha – though what ‘God’ is, is open to interpretation. From my insight of the many online books and purchased books from ISKON, RAMAKRISHNA MISSION, etc i have come to the conclusion from my small foresight and understanding that, the true meaning of life as per Hinduism is to get God. Jesus said, “the kingdom of God is within you.” That’s about as Hindu, Buddhist, Zen as you can get. I have read various scriptures of Hinduism as Srimad Bhagawadam, Bhagawad Gita from various authors and the original ones. In many Puranic notes, Brahma is the creator god. See, there are a variety of religions in the world with varying beliefs; but ultimately every religion preaches love and peace as the ultimate path towards enlightenment and oneness with the almighty because before his eyes there is no discrimination be it rich or poor, white or black, fat or thin , men or women. If the Indus valley civilization (3rd–2nd millennium BCE) was the earliest source of Hindu traditions, then Hinduism is … However, most Hindus have been quoted, arguing that their faith has always existed and timeless. Discover reality for yourself, you have a mind don’t you then there is no reason not to use it. This sprang from the Productive Power. Puruṣa", "The debate over evolution in Kansas public schools", "Life comes from Life" Hare Krishna on Biogenesis,, Short description is different from Wikidata, Wikipedia articles needing clarification from January 2021, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. They are not able to use their sense of awareness and instead follow blindly, react or display compulsive behavior in place of a response that may be calculated and innocent. The entire effort is Quest or investigating the creation. I promise you that my friends. It is a continuum of learning experiencing and elevating. They are stuck on a ridge somewhere just above the valley. Concept of God is common to all race,all beings and cosmos(living/non living) and God is actually all prevailing. Men and women are considered to be equal in Hinduism. Being vicegerent of Allah means the purpose of human life is to worship and obey Allah in all walks of life, to take care of himself,his family,his clan, his neighbourhood, and humanity according to the will and dictates of Allah. Allow me to take the subject of mind management a little further. Live in the present not the past or dream of the future. [15] This being's body was the origin of four different kinds of people: the Brahmin, the Rajanya, the Vaishya, and the Shudra. I learnt about it as Sakshi – witnesses or scrupulous observer. It isn’t necessary to have a goal when you are already satisfied with the present condition. You can experience that realization by direct practice in kundalini yoga under the guidence of a competent guru who has been through it. It is developed by people as a life style. Until apparatus activates once paring complete between them, activation code server keeps, it assigns to a different client for activation. What peace when masses were converted or killed? if we think about it, there is no escape for such of suffering. Religious teachings only make a person radical blocking the natural powers of the mind. Please don’t take this in a negative way, for, i am, just an observer a witness if you will. And we know Atman is energy not any gender. A variety of myths exist regarding the specifics of the process, but in general the Hindu view of the cosmos is as eternal and cyclic. Among humans it is very rare that one even attempts, let alone achieves, liberation. In this process, the Atma takes many births with a material body to achieve divinity. "[9] Hindu creationism is a form of old earth creationism. That is why there are so many diverse religions embedded within Hinduism. The religion of Christ ( Peace be upon him) became a political power only when it was embraced by the Roman Emperor and his people. In parts it points beyond itself – a finger pointing at the moon – but search elsewhere, and it takes a tight grip on its reader and won’t let you go. So can cats and dogs reach liberation without first becoming human? It talks about the current age (and total age) of universe as described by Vedas (sacred books of Hinduism). He will judge the living and the dead. But my compassion is from my consciencesness, Self. It might, it might not. Every human being in his own capacity or ways is supposed to hold on to Dharma->A which is universal, i.e. moksha (Sanskrit: मोक्ष mokṣh), vimoksha, vimukti, mukti, the experience of blissful egolessness, nirvana, imperturbable stillness of mind after the fires of desire, aversion and delusion have been finally extinguished, emancipation, liberation or release. Show More. Bible is all about fear so that humble people follow the book, get converted and empower Christianity. There is no faith involved, no dogma, or do’ and dont’s like in religions. There is a problem with the Bible though…. one must not step outside moral and ethical grounds in order to do so). Try vipassana at Some racist people like to insult Hindus by talking about caste-system:- it’s important to know that higher caste were simply more spiritually inclined and actually lived more poorly this is complete opposite of European heiarchy that was based on money! I feel that religion provides its followers a set of goals to achieve in life, and in doing so, provides a meaning to each follower’s life. )” Hello Enosh… Finding the meaning of life is not a goal. In that paper all her questions were already written along with their answers. Now we are stuck with the finger. The Shatapatha Brahmana states that the current human generation descends from Manu, the only man who survived a great deluge after being warned by the God. When Jesus died on the cross, blood and water gushed forth from his body as a fountain of mercy for mankind. The first, dharma, means to act virtuously and righteously. [17]:104 According to the Upanishads, the universe and the Earth, along with humans and other creatures, undergo repeated cycles of creation and destruction (pralaya). Religions declare they have THE TRUTH and each religion flaunts its own set of truths. Their need for such an evolved mind therefore is not there. Origin of Hinduism Based on Available Historical Pieces of Evidence: Though modern Hinduism is largely based on Vedas, Hindus still practice some traditions which resemble the Neolithic people of India. [36] Hindus are, among Atheists, moderate Christians and agnostics, people who are the most in phase with real science. it is meant to be practiced through a guru or a spiritual master who has realized the Brahman, all pervading super soul who resides within every human, animal, and material and non material things. The word Hindu was first used by people who visited Bharat from outside. I just want to say I enjoyed everyone’s comments on this board, some made me laugh very much(pro Christians and Muslim posts). we do not want to kill, murder unnecesarily or have lust or sleep with some other married man or woman, or excess greed etc… – as you know from enjoying silence. A good introduction to oneself, Amen to that. The Big bang theory, which says the universe began with a point of energy exploding in a "big-bang". Is that your personal opinion or the teaching of Gita? I ended up here by a very odd dream last night in which a man came up to me and smiling placed his hand on my chest and said “Hello Mr Moksha” – very weird dream indeed. Good or Bad, Pious or Sinful, Dharma or Adharma – all generate effects. Really you are a nice person. However, dharma also has a secondary aspect; since Hindus believe that they are born in debt to the Gods and other human beings, dharma calls for Hindus to repay this debt. life over all is meaningless and the only thing we can do to avoid such a meaningless life, it to live distracted all the time. His body hair became herbs. Which means He doesnt look to different from us perhaps. It is essentially how one lives from day to day, and how one manages their mind. According to the Ramayana alongside these ape-men existed modern humans. You can fool people one time but to fool them all the time should not work. you are the energy that has no bounds unless you impose one. Religion is not meant to be studied from a book, i agree it is a good starting point. Dr Tahir please try to understand what you say is just a simple and innocent belief. But each of other humans have to discover their own path of salvation. If you get blindfolded its one thing but to blindfold yourself is foolish. This article is not well written and shows the author is unclear about Hindu philosophy. Or is that even true? b. That is what the mind should do. don’t you think, after doing everything, it is time to return to the creator. Thank you, Human includes men and women both,not just men, Hey… Soul is free from gender and after death our soul exists not our body moksha means “Aatma ka paramatma se milan”. From primitive life to forms of present day (humans), a hidden conjecture of some advancement is embedded. However there are Christians who misrepresent Jesus at times. I am saddened when my friends say they must have noise (I’m a music lover myself, with times of silence) because the quiet drives them crazy. silence is connecting to God in the most highest form.It is the Atma or the soul that is within us is through god.When you feel your breath while sitting in silence is the energy of GOD.Why do YOGIS sit in silence? The five different debts are as follows: debt to the Gods for their blessings, debt to parents and teachers, debt to guests, debt to other human beings, and debt to all other living beings. This is a great post. Everyone at some point in their life must have wondered, how it all began and where we came from. So my question to you is” What does the Hindu Gods tell about Christians when Hindu souls go through reincarnation?” They have replaced it simply out of ignorance. Hi friends, I have some idea on “Meaning of Life according to Hinduism” and i would like to share in this platform. Religions could be said to fully depend on only compulsive behavior. The mind needs control and supervision at all times or it easily gets diverted to outward senses like sight, sound, taste and touch. The Meaning of Life According to Hinduism. Following Jesus Buddha or Krishna is a choice but there is no way to 100% emulation as each life is different! They are led by either the past or a dream in the future instead of living in the present. Lot of great thought has gone in with very fine detail (bottom-up) and grand unification (top-down). Humans are not children of God. Then 1 will know hw cat dog monkey get liberation. It is polytheistic, characterized by wrathful gods, based around a caste system and primarily practiced in India. So a human being is much, much more likely to contemplate and achieve liberation. New research on how many bacteria cells exist on human body, point to the earth being ruled by bacteria? These things included the animals, the Vedas, the Varnas, the celestial bodies, the air, the sky, the heavens, the earth, the directions, and the Gods Indra and Agni. The problem now to be addressed is how a human should behave to be able to do the right thing to get the right results and refrain from harmful activity. But ultimate goal is to get moksha. Isn’t it? We are top Mobile App Development. There are multiple stages in creating universes and all the planets within them. Friends the mind is god made, the Bible is not. Well said but the sad fact as it appears is that there is no clarity in your outlook to differentiate dharma from religions. So with intrinsic force of appeal has always been working behind conversions. Hinduism, that’s not even a sanskrit word, as I understand the Vedas talk about Sanatana-dharma and there’s never a mention of Hinduism. To me that would mean using a book like Bible is only an aid to open up your mind so that you may look beyond a book.”. He releases the waters and enters them in the form of an egg that evolves into the cosmos. Your email address will not be published. and 1500 B.C. It is not the work of power hungry people. Scholars often refer to Hinduism as a “way of life.” Humanism also is a way of life, the lifestyle of many people across the world. If we do our duty, then we create good karma, since the next life we may have is directly related to the actions of our present life. It is a way of life. But you must believe. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Pittsburgh. Subscribing to the idea – “no two butterflies have fluttered the same way in this earth”, the impossibility of 100% emulation of anyone else’ life is the conjecture. accept Him as their God. 2 These Brahmaṇaspati produced with blast and smelting, like a Smith, By far the most difficult meaning of life to achieve, Moksha may take an individual just one lifetime to accomplish (rarely) or it may take several. They had lost their identity as humans and called themselves either Christians or 3 Existence, in the earliest age of Gods, from Non-existence sprang. You are absolutely wrong if u think i m introducing a religion, no i m not interested in religion either, I m interested in having a relationship, relationship with GOD who created everything and the relationship is through Jesus christ. Of my actions in the form of old earth creationism of philosophy, in... Am sorry but faith and science have little to do with either or. 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