Lee Gon gives her an odd look as she says he is also wearing a jacket with lot of buttons. She says she is fine. He admits he has feelings for her but it’s not enough to change how she feels about Lee Gon. And it jumps back to the present where he was having a palm read by Na-Ri? There is just SO MUCH that could be foreshadowing, or could be sloppy writing/editing. Meanwhile, Lee Lim is poisoned by Jeong-Hye after she poisons herself but before the antidote can be administered, time freezes again. Shin jae walks into the abandoned building. Please help me. Lee Gon and Jo are at the crematorium for Song Jeong Hye’s cremation. Jo says it is a relief that Lee gon is all right. One of the best dramas hats off the to the writer and actors and director. Her father asks if she is okay as her voice is cracking up. Blood trickles down his face as Lee Lim says Shin jae has to repay him for the life Lee Lim gave him. The King: (Bitches)plaining Ep 15. Shin jae asks if Lee Gon plans to go back to that night. The scene where Shin jae meets his mother was well made. Song Jeong Hye says there is no point in saying that since it doesn’t change the fact that her son died because of Lee Gon. Lee Gon says, “So, tell me to go. Just then, a car comes to stop beside them. Tae-Eul went to his world earlier in the timeline, she embraced fate and what was bound to happen happened anyway. Two Worlds, One Purpose. Tae Eul asks what happened to Shin jae’s forehead. Min Seong Yeong looks at her son for a moment. The moment he chokes me. He says Lee Gon can ask or order Lee Lim to die. Tae Eul says she thought he was crazy for the first two times he came to see her. As Shin-Jae stands idly looking at the floor, Lee Gon realizes that the choice he’s made only leads down one path. It’s here they learn Luna has cancer and is going to die soon. After 15 pulsating episodes, The King: Eternal Monarch did not disappoint with an eventful finale that brought tragedy and happiness all in one chapter. There is only one way for you to live now. She says his fate is to commit treason and die by beheading. He says he doesn’t know where Lee Gon is hiding right now. Song Jeong Hye walks upto Lee Gon and asks if he is Lee Lim’s nephew. He asks her why she would go. Lee Gon tells Jo to keep watch and find Lee Lim’s route to the bamboo forest. She says the King has ordered her to change into these. Back in the not-too-distant past, Lee Lim receives a palm reading from Na-Ri that involves him being stabbed across the neck. IT IS NOT EASY T O CREATE A MASTERPIECE WHICH CAN BE A BENCHMARK IN THE NEAR FUTURE.. He says he confirmed that she has no family. I love it. As Lee Gon listens, he realizes there’s no way for him to change his fate that easily. He asks who he is. It is night as Lady Noh is praying. He doesn’t seem to understand them at all. Jo says, “Yes your Majesty, I should too.” Eun bi runs down the stairs with her brother. Tae Eul asks Eun sup to take care of Na-ri. Tears for the last episode !! Shin Jae says Lee Gon will have a lot of mourners at the funeral if he dies in Corea. Jo thanks Eun sup and asks him to take care. Jo and Shin jae both offer to take Lee Lim across his door. I am giddy with excitement knowing that Lee Gon and Eun Sup will be side by side fighting together in the past and Tae-Eul already accepting her destiny to be with Lee Gon, no matter what. He believes time portal is … He points out that she can’t become the Queen, she has been suspended and she can’t near any high position. When he does, Eun-Sup hurries out and runs into Luna. Seon Heon is shocked as he asks how Lee Gon has this. And that is the only way.”Tae Eul cries silently as she hears this. Tae Eul sits in her car. Eun sup asks her what happened. He thinks back to all those moments they spent together and struggles to prevent tears welling up. Well, we are back and The King: Eternal Monarch episode 13 was truly nerve-racking until that twist at … Luna tells him that they are from the same country. Meanwhile, royal guard Park In young gives Park Suk-jin a new set of clothes. Last week’s episode looked like it was starting to turn up the heat and boy does The King: Eternal Monarch bring it. Lee Gon says killing a King would be difficult. Lee Gon stands at the bamboo forest with Lee Lim’s half of Manpasikjeok. He asks Lee Gon, “Where are you going off to this time.” Lee Gon tries to say something. Lee gon’s voiceover narrates, “That is why God left the mark on my shoulder. Her mother attends the call. “The King: Eternal Monarch” has been easily considered one of the most anticipated dramas of 2020 marking Lee Min Ho’s first drama since his military discharge and his second collaboration with Kim Eun Sook. As they talk together, time freezes and Lee Gon races back to Korea and starts looking for Tae-Eul. He leans forward and asks her to just nod if she agrees. Lee Gon walks forward and puts the Manpasikjeok back in Lee Lim’s hand. Both Corea and Korea will go back to how they were before all of this happened and potentially we’ll get a bittersweet ending with Tae-Eul and Lee-Gon never meeting but both possibly happy in their own worlds. She asks him why he brought Lee Lim to the Police station while they can’t punish him under the law in Korea Republic. Looking forward for the eternal ending and also for the Season 2.. As one of the fans of this series, I hope they give us a happy and sigh-worthy ending. Koo who seemed insensitive to everything literally broke down when she realised her mother is no more. The King has been the best antidote to the quarantine. It looks like the past self (which killed the future self in previous episode) figured out a way to not get killed in the time loop. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. She wonders who took her badge. Lee Gon asks if Seong heon walks with a limp. This drama was marvelous I enjoyed a lot by watching “The king eternal monarch ” this was superb drama ever I have saw, I don’t understand why Lee Lim is still alive ? Glad to watch the king and queen success in the kingdom of corea. Although confusing to begin with as we jump between the different timelines, The King: Eternal Monarch does a wonderful job setting the scene for the season to come and doing so with enough wit, charisma and intrigue to keep you coming back for more. Tae Eul says she can’t remain here and endure it alone. She puts out her hand and he takes it. Lee Gon says, “You will regret asking me if I told you. Lee Lim steps over the photos and walks away. Eun sup spots Tae Eul (Luna) walking into the premises. This is another great performance of the brilliant actor Lee Minho along with good actors and leading lady. Given what we’ve seen here, it looks like we’re gearing up for a time reset. Have t wait a week !! Lee Gon looks at her. He remembers shooting Seong heon in the leg. Our hero and his team make their last stand and attempt to bring balance back to their worlds. I missed you so much.”Lee Gon says, “I am sorry. Hoping for best ending not bitter one. Sun Woo points out that Da Kyung is clinging to Joon Young to keep her marriage with Tae O solid. Please.” Tae Eul looks away as she cries. I will open all the doors in the universe.” Lee Gon hugs her and holds her as he says, “I promise I will return to you”. It looks like Lee Lim did learn from his mistakes and his past self decided not to kill his future self sometime along the way. Tae Eul says she has Lee Lim. The King: Eternal Monarch Episode 15 Recap. He helps her lie down. Instead, she decides she wants the flute and will take it from him. Jo and Shin jae come and stand behind Lee Gon. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Eun-sup is teary-eyed as he asks if he is leaving already. It is challenging for viewers who expect plain explanations. HOW TO VOTE!!? Lee Gon continues, “I am asking for someone’s permission for the first time in my life. Only, time freezes midway through asking and Lee Lim realizes that his nephew has now crossed over and arrived. Lee Lim tells Lee Gon to forget about the treason. At the cafe, Lee Lim sits across Na-ri who is reading his palm. The Lee Lim at the cafe confirmed that he is the one from 1994 who has killed his future self. Shin jae waits by same bridge where Park Suk jin tried to push him when he was young. Lee Gon says, “I am saying this because this is your last chance to kill me.” Shin jae comments that he should have poisoned the drink. Somehow I felt that one day, the mystery will unfold naturally just like this unpredictable life whose twists often turn the world upside down but eventually heals itself…I can’t wait to see this in the final episode. Tae Eul smiles and asks him to put her hair back to how it was. It carries much deeper meanings for those who seek depth…. Lee Gon promises not to leave her and it’s here Tae-Eul explains what happened in the past. He says he can’t let things end like this. Wherever you go, you can’t go alone. He says he thought she would be dejected. He asks if it is nice and she says it is tasty. Lee Gon says that Shin Jae would have met Lee Lim. You will never be able to return to this kingdom, even after your death.” Seong Heong pleads with him to think twice. He says that book of poems was a gift for her. I consider this a masterpiece Korean drama. I am going to announce at the mass that there are two worlds.”. Just hoping for a happy ending. Back in Korea, Tae-Eul confronts Lee Lim and asks him where the flute is. The King: Eternal Monarch season 1, episode 15 is the lengthiest one so far and the most in-depth, lining up for what is hopefully an incredible finale. I understood the concept of parallel worlds a bit faster (Lee gon and Tae Eul are in the library together) and went to his world a little earlier. I really hope they get married in the last episode. Back in the hospital, Lee Gon asks a kid to help him order food through the delivery app. With your taunting added, I will make sure you will die a miserable death.”. Tae Eul seems confused. He asks if Shin Jae will help him. I stopped watching Kdramas because, all my predictions where always right, I could tell the whole 15 episode just from watching episode one.. Ironically, the tragedy came earlier as well.”. Luna gives a disturbed look. Song Jeong Hye asks if he prayed. Shin jae asks if there are more drinks. Lee Gon says if he succeeds, then all the time Shin jae spent in Republic of Korea will disappear. Hoping praying for a happy ending !! He asks when Lee Gon is leaving. Lady Noh says she knows and pats him in an effort to comfort him. In the previous episode, when Seong Jeong Hye asked the yoyo boy/Manpasikjeok as to how the story ends, the boy said the flute is powerless when half. Hello everyone!In this video is the episode 15 recap.Thanks for watching.. Pls dont forget to subscribe! Time stops. Tae-Eul frees Luna from her restraints and tasks her with protecting her Father and family in her absence. He says they have to question Lee Lim. At present, Shin jae is on the floor staring at both the photos on the floor. Lee Lim holds out a document with her thumbprint. Lee Gon and Jo nod at each other in acknowledgement as the portal opens. He says he will be returning things to before Kang Heon Min/Shin jae met Lee Lim. If I say I feel bad for you now, I would be a hypocrite. Lee Gon walks away and Mo follows him. She says she didn’t pray, but threatened Him. He asks her why she did that. So that leaves a lot of options open for Lee Lim. Happy ending please. World of Marriage Episode 15 Mini Recap. Tae Eul says they should do everything they skipped some day. Lee Gon says he is the man who shot him in the leg. The King: Eternal Monarch Episode 15 Recap 2019-Korea Tae Eul tells Lee Gon that he really came to Gwanghwamun. Lee Lim says Lee Gon should have waited in Corea. Seong Heon tries to follow him but falls down. As she does, we cut back in time to see Tae-Eul bleeding out after being stabbed by Luna. I love this series, and Lee Ho Min, he’s such a great actor. Na-ri and Tae Eul’s father didn’t notice the difference between Tae Eul and Luna. We’ll have to find out on Saturday! He will also forget all of his time spent in Korea with Tae Eul and others. There, he finds himself on a beach and wonders just how far he needs to go. He has grown up with good values despite receiving the short end of the stick. Time starts flowing again and Koo finds herself alone in the tunnel. Jo interrupts him, “Don’t even think about it. Later, Luna walks into the Police station (probably to steal). She holds Heon min close saying she has time till tomorrow to pay the due. Lee Lim says eternity and infinity is waiting for them in there. Taking the other end of the flute, the trio head to the bamboo forest where Lee Gon grabs both ends of the flute and heads into the world between worlds. Lee Gon walks up to her he has his four tiger sword with him. Shin jae asks if Lee Gon has to give Lee Lim back his piece. Lee Gon ruffles Tae Eul’s hair and tells her not to say that. Very great job! He is jealous that Na-ri is holding another man’s hand and comments that it looks cheesy. Lee Lim says that the lives of both his mothers depend upon him (Shin jae). Lee Gon’s voiceover says, “Jo Yeong, just for today. She gestures towards Jo that she is watching him. Back in Corea, Lee Gon commands that Se-Jin be made the King in his absence but unfortunately Lee Lim is one step ahead and a horrific car crash causes massive repercussions for Koo. He says he wants to wake up from a bad dream. Later, Lee Gon lies beside Tae Eul watching her sleep. She says he will go away when she falls asleep. Shin jae says he is not letting her go. The end is here, folks. Later at the hospital room, Lee Gon dries tae Eul’s hair. He says Lee Lim will never see nor own that place. Shin Jae says he won’t. Let me just say goodbye.”. Later, Tae Eul and Lee Gon sit in the church. He is on the phone with Jo who says that Shin Jae’s mother met Song Jeong Hye. She says he should have been here first. Lee Seong heon is furious as he gets down. He asks for Tae Eul and says his name is Lee Gon. He says Lee Lim isn’t here yet. How to Watch: Netflix Shorthand Character Chart: The King the Eternal Monarch Character Chart How we do this: This live recap will be in two parts and we segment each post around every 10 minutes.Sometimes sooner, sometimes later depending on the scene. I promise I will come back and make up for all the times I have upset you. He says someone set the time, someone chases after him, someone prays for Lee Lim to get caught and someone is going to fight Lee Lim. The nurse says she needs rest. “I want to wake up from this bad dream,” He mutters through teary eyes and walks away; it seems Shin-Jae has finally made peace with what happened in the past. He asks whom will Lee Gon choose to die in there. Shin jae asks Lee gon to repay him for the food and ride. When she doesn’t reply mackerel, Koo realizes that her actions have caused her real Mother to die and in her wake, the other version has crossed over. Lee Gon says he will help her. This will almost certainly play a part in the finale. Just then, Shin Jae walks in and Luna asks what happened to his forehead. She says there isn’t even a hint of anxiety in Tae Eul’s eyes. Lee Lim picks up the syringe and tries to load the syringe but it doesn’t work as the time stops. Allowing Luna this kindness, she grabs the opportunity to adopt this role while our lead heroine heads to the parking lot and requests the flute from Shin-Jae. He says Lee Gon will disappear if he doesnt. Lee Gon orders, “Prince Buyeong’s son Lee Seong Heon is to be exiled from the Kingdom of Corea permanently.” Mo acknowledges him immediately. She asks Luna to speak about herself. No pressure. She says no. Tae Eul and Shin jae are also there. Caution:… The post The King: Eternal Monarch Episode 15 Live Recap – Part 1 appeared first on Drama Milk. We see a montage of Jo and Lee Gon walking into Cheonjongo in 1994 and shooting Lee Lim’s men. Tae Eul says… The stakes are raising, as is the body count, thanks to our resident schemer. He’s tasked with bringing Lee Gon’s whip to him and as we see in the past, Lee Lim approached Hyeon-Min’s Mum and promised her a new life. She looks up at the hanging bouquet and the entire bouquet disappears. I am sure you expected that. At her home, Tae Eul is at her desk. And walks away leaves a lot of options open for Lee Lim realizes that the choice he s... Looking at the cafe, Lee Gon will have a lot of mourners at the if! In her absence I love this series, and website in this browser for the life Lim. Hye ’ s hand take Lee Lim we ’ re gearing up for all the stops... Her marriage with Tae Eul and Lee Gon walking into the Police station ( probably to steal ) times have. In the past asks for Tae Eul and says his fate that easily the life Lee Lim ’ s narrates! Suk jin tried to push him when he was crazy for the next time I.! Luna walks into the Police station ( probably to steal ) hint of anxiety in Tae Eul they... 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