iv. And if we put ourselves back under the Law, even though the Law is incredible, we lose a LOT! a. 14 You are the light of the world - like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden. V.                       Application: What is our relationship to the Law today? ii. They sweeten and sugar the bitterness of life with an all too easy conception of a loving God … But Jesus, of course, did not say, “You are the honey of the world.” He said, “You are the salt of the earth.”, iii. What does this mean? iv. a. “For truly, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the Law until all is accomplished.”. Use opportunities to glorify God. a. Everything the law wanted to be when it was young (as revealed to Moses) is found now in Christ and in the life of the Spirit. i.  Gal. BSF BIBLE STUDY. We believe that in essentials there must be unity, in non-essentials — liberty, and in all things — love. You are the salt of the earth. During his own boyhood Jesus must often have watched his mother use salt in the kitchen and light the lamps when the sun went down. ii. Maybe they are degrading women or men? You should stick out like a soar thumb. If you read the Law and pat yourself on the back, you are unsaved. How much of the Law still applies to us? Salt&Light does not organise or own the events listed below. It’s like weightlifting. Bottom line:  Jesus agrees with and believes all of the OT. 1. ii. ii. 9:1-2, Is. One example is found in Matthew 5:13: “You are the salt of the earth. He fulfills the Law in the sense that He is our Sabbath Rest. So the Bible does say sex is for a man and a woman inside marriage to nurture love and commitment in a long-term permanent relationship of marriage. (I Corinthians 11:28) We believe in the commemoration of the Lord’s Supper by the symbolical use of the bread and the juice of the vine. “If you are not an enigma to people, then you should seriously question your salvation.”  MLJ. Not only does Jesus say He agrees with it hear, but He specifically mentions Jonah and the fish, concurring with it. Jesus is saying you shouldn’t be camouflage, you should be blaze orange. Jesus is not calling us to monasticism or some kind of a retreat from society. “When the Bible tells us something about how we should live, like sex, money, power, it always does it like this: it says, God created us, and therefore God in his Word in the Bible is giving you directions for how you should live according to your own design. We had the privilege of hearing from Ron Risse, a veteran missionary from Indonesia, good friends with Chuck Harrison, who invited him to come share at Mission’s Fellowship last week. 3. A holy life makes the deepest impression. They are camouflage Christians. There is a tendency to relax the diagnosis. What does being “salty” look like? It might even feel merciful. It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot (Matthew 5:13). He is our New High Priest. Some folks would actually like to see the OT of Israel re-instituted in public Policy. But if your focus is on the being salt and light, if your focus in on redeeming culture and restoring culture, you end up creating Pharisees and self-righteous zombies. i. ii. i. Baptism of the Holy Spirit Turn in your Bible with me to the 5 th chapter of Matthew for our study tonight. Stop and capture the significance of this statement. They talk a lot. No, He is telling them to let their light shine in the dark places. We realize whether you are new to studying your Bible… The Lord says that we are salt and light.That doesn’t mean we will become salt and light in the distant future, but that we are already salt and light, here and now. Many Christians want to appease the world. d.      Jesus Christ ramps up the Law (5:19-20). What else would I rather be doing right now, than being with you? 3:24-25, “So then, the law was our guardian until Christ came, in order that we might be justified by faith. iii. “The technology and idea of a typewriter was eventually developed into an electronic, faster, and far more complex computer that does word processing. Don’t withdraw at the workplace. Q. John MacArthur is right when he says you can boil down this section of salt and light with one word: influence. 2. 4. Galatians explains this in detail. We’re a team of men and women who are committed to building up the Body of Christ by providing Bible studies for all ages and interest levels. vii. The Law is still useful. It decays. a. (Philemon 4:5) We believe that all truth must be balanced with other scriptural truth in order to avoid any extreme or fanaticism and we believe that moderation should show forth in our daily walk as a believer. Be "Salt and Light" for Jesus. d.      What happens when a culture has no salt or light? Salt&Light does not organise or own the events listed below. The more decay in society means that society looks less and less like Downton Abbey and more and more like MTV’s Cribs. The same is true in the Christian life; after redemption (not before) comes obedience to a new Law, the Law of Christ. That exactly what happened and France was ripped apart by the French Revolution. iv. In keeping with New Testament ethics, Jesus first tells us what we are and then calls us to live up to that standard. Just live the Christian life and it will happen!”. iv. vi. But when the time comes for the sustained, heavy lifting of daily obedience, we can't budge the burden. II. 2. And the thinking goes like this, “If this is the Kingdom of God, then lets bring the Kingdom of God to earth. iv. viii. d.      #2- Paul says that we are no longer under the Law. Given that this role is unique to the Church, the study aims to help us realise the urgency of our calling and the importance of maintaining our distinctiveness in order to fulfil this calling effectively. Mark 7:19—Jesus declared all foods clean. 1. Scot McKnight. b. The Law was a schoolmaster that showed us our sin. Jesus said that we are "the salt of the earth" and "the light of the world".Being salt and light is not optional. They do this because they think we are the New Israel, we have replaced Israel, and we are the Kingdom of God, and we will eventually Christianize the entire world, so let’s re-establish this OT Law. a. v.                         This compares to the law. (John 14:2; Revelation 7:15-17) We believe that heaven is a literal place, eternally existent. Let you light shine as a mother. Jesus teaches that the Scriptures are inspired. He fulfills the Law in the sense that He fills it full. 1. iv. (2 Corinthians 5:10; Revelation 20: 11-13) We believe that all shall stand one day before God in final judgment, and there receive eternal reward or eternal judgment. a. b. b. For more information, please click on the links in each listing to contact the organisers directly. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. The Gifts and the Fruit of the Spirit Jesus is showing the gap between what God actually requires, and what we can actually do. Their politicians? ii. ix. Salt was used with sacrifices as a way of honoring the King to whom the sacrifices were made (Leviticus 2:13; Ezra 6:9; Ezekiel 43:24). vii. The Influence of Light (5:14–16). But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? 40:3, Is. b. Heaven Starting now all the way through v. 48, Jesus will show a greater righteousness. v.                         They are so much like the world, they are like tasteless salt. BIBLE STUDY VIDEOS ON THE BOOK OF JAMES. 8. It’s not busywork. 6. I can think of at least three reasons. This is a great argument for the truth of Scripture: 2. Heaven and earth will pass away before God’s Word does. If anything, it creates a false sense of security. The next sections of anger and lust and divorce and oaths and retaliation and love, display the true desire behind the Law. We are not under the Law, we are under grace: 1. First, Jesus was basically saying our lifestyle should be a manifestation of his light. iii. (Malachi 3:10, 2 Corinthians 9:7; Hebrews 7:8) We believe that the method ordained of God for the support and spread of His cause is by the giving of tithes and free-will offerings. Salt and Light - “You are the salt of the earth. “You have heard it said but I say”. Are we against the Law? Now He is working in and through the Church, which is male-female-Jew-Gentile. Our goal is to provide content, delivered in a fashion that supports and enhances your Bible study experience. 3. iii. He left people curious. i.  Jesus isn’t telling his disciples to let their light shine, only when they are with each other. 5. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? Hell e.       Will He rename the city of Jerusalem to “Jesusville” or “Christtown”. b. The Law should still be taught. Was it their suave diplomats? 2. iii. For them it’s all about the motions, all about the behavior. It just happened. In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and … Let’s make heaven on earth.”  “Let’s change society and make this a better place.”  “Let’s do kingdom work.”. What happened was utterly fascinating! During his own boyhood Jesus must often have watched his mother use salt in the kitchen and light the lamps when the sun went down. ii. David has been full-time in the Lord’... More. 2. Christ’s call for us to be salt and light is not an impossible one. IV. Over the 2011, 4th-of-July weekend, a group of motorcyclists gathered in Onondaga, New York, to ride in protest against the New York state law that requires motorcycle riders to wear a helmet. It’s like accounting or engineering. e.       It will be a gradual increase in obedience, and an enjoyment to obey. Authors; Contact; Blog; Freebies; About. 5:13–16), and so we are to live out by faith what He has made us to be. i. ii. The Law is good, but following it with vigor doesn’t get you anywhere. They had laws to keep them from laws. 53:4. The Spirit-Filled Life Salt & Light succeeds the Adult Bible Study curriculum that MennoMedia has published for many years. c.       Jesus Christ affirms all of the OT Law (5:18). It is an everlasting covenant of salt before the LORD to you and your descendants with you. I am not starting something totally new. For you clean the outside of the cup and the plate, but inside they are full of greed and self-indulgence.”. Daily Bible readings, free online essays, reproducible teaching aids, and suggested resources for additional study ii. The Gospel of John says Jesus is the true light, (John 1:9). Each weekly Salt & Light session includes a spiritual practice alongside thought-provoking commentary and discussion prompts. Was it their Navy? 1. a. The New Birth The Greek word ‘phos’ used by Matthew in place of light here gives the meaning ‘manifest’. Craig Brian Larson. (John 3:1; Romans 5:8, Romans 10:9-10) We believe that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us, signing the pardon of all who believe on Him and confess Jesus Christ as their Lord. (John 4:24; Psalm 150) We believe that “acceptable” and “true” worship is prescribed by God Himself in His Word. Salvation Through Grace i. vi. They invented laws to get around the law. That's how it still works. Now we have a new Law, the Law of Christ. 4. i. the Law has come to an end. The BIG Question(s): 1. It looks like the Beatitudes. One of those riding in protest was a 55-year-old man from Parish, New York. He fulfills the Law in the sense that He was predicted: a.       Psalm 22, Mic. 2. 3. Not even a comma is insignificant. 3. a. We try it a little, and we succeed. 8. You have a group of unbelievers and they are discussing immoral things, maybe they are cussing? ‘Salt and Light’ The aim of this Bible study is to build the Church’s understanding of her vital role in bringing to the community certain qualities essential for true life. God’s Word is so refreshing and as “deep calls to deep” we hope to provide you with resources, tools, and studies to assist you in answering the call to walk in the depth of God’s wisdom. He came to our small group and shared, and we asked him questions. In fact, the Spirit is doing what the could never do. iii. If you relax the Law, there are major consequences, to society and to the individual. a. True Christianity, as displayed in the Beatitudes, has a tremendous amount of influence. 7-9—Jesus started a New Covenant. **. 23:4, “They tie up heavy burdens, hard to bear, and lay them on people’s shoulders, but they themselves are not willing to move them with their finger….”, ii. God calls us to be salt-and-light Christians in a bland, dark society. 2. There is much more evidence in the Bible of salt being used as seasoning, and in the parable we are studying, Jesus seems to be referring more to salt's taste than its effects. is now found in the computer. But what good is salt if it has lost its flavour? 2. 2. Their police force? He speaks out of His own authority. It will be thrown out and trampled underfoot as worthless. 2. What do you think it means to be good for something? Will He totally change and challenge what we have been taught? Bottom Line: We are the salt of … The Fall of Man Why? If someone asks “how are you today?”  you tell them, “Better than I deserve.”, 2. It’s like when the owner’s manual comes to a car and says something like, “Change the oil every so many thousand miles,” it’s not busywork, it’s saying that’s how the car was designed, [and] if you violate that you will actually hurt the car. Jesus is saying that the Pharisees are doing the rights things, but internally their hearts are not righteous. 6. Let me suggest three statements that declare and describe how to fulfill this role. His head struck the pavement, and his skull was fractured. iii. 4. b.      That’s the kind of external religiosity that God rejects. I thought of you. They renamed the streets, they wanted to eliminate the past, and start something totally different and totally new. d.      Will He start a different Kingdom than what Daniel prophesied about? Redeeming and restoring the business world. 3. Wesley was born again, lived out the Beatitudes, and proclaimed the gospel! Thus, when a Christian lives in the Spirit and under Christ, that Christian is not living contrary to the law, but is living in transcendence of the law. Redeeming and restoring the arts. ii. Focus on getting the gospel out! If we lived in OT times we would stone people who committed adultery and people who worked on Saturdays? b. ii. If someone spills their drink on you, you say, “I love grace…don’t worry about it.”. 4. Let’s increase it. #2- It means Jesus is the theme of the OT. This has been misapplied to say that Christians are to “spice up life” for people. The combined download below includes complete teacher notes, craft examples, object lessons, a preschool version, coloring page, and worksheets. v.                         The Law is good: 1. Deer (Copper) with a blaze orange vest. d.      “These laws were like empty jars, and Jesus comes along and fills them…He fills full the Law, as He fulfilled the Law.”. What was salt used for in Bible times? The sun produces light, the moon reflects light. viii. Dr Lloyd-Jones emphasized this: ‘The glory of the gospel is that when the Church is absolutely different from the world, she invariably attracts it. For his sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ 9 and be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which comes through faith in Christ, the righteousness from God that depends on faith—.”. i. ii. What does it mean to be salt and light? We check out of society and become reclusive. Many Christians (Covenantal) are bringing people back under the Law. This embodies individual and corporate expressions of praise and thanksgiving and reverence in holiness. 3. This Sunday School lesson is from Matthew 5:13-20. b.      Jesus Christ fulfills the OT Law (5:17b). c.       The viewer is drawn to Christ in subtle and overt ways. There is NO RECORD anywhere of a Rabbi speaking of His own authority. 1. Maybe they are gossiping? 1. Three things to keep in mind and hold in tension: c.       #1- The Law is good, but This Law was for only that Nation of Israel—we are not Israelites. Every home, however poor, used and still uses both salt and light. (Ephesians 4:30-32) We believe that it is the will of God that we walk in the Spirit continually. Obviously, the computer far transcends the typewriter. 6. It may not be your call to be in full-time ministry, rather, Jesus is telling His disciples to let their light shine, wherever they are. i. So if want to do the Law, you actually need the Spirit. The Law is like math. 3. The Law is good, not bad. I am not well-known at the Buck Center.”. This section of salt and light is actually quite simple and straightforward: 1. Gal. Jesus is saying, “No! iv. g.      If you live out the Beatitudes, if you hunger and thirst for righteousness, you won’t need to work at being salt, you ARE salt. Now we move from the metaphor of the ‘Salt of the Earth’ to the ‘Light of the World’. (James 5:20; Mark 16:15, 2 Corinthians 5:18-21) We believe that soul-winning is the Great Commission given to the Church. vii. When Jesus spoke of light He was saying that the world is in darkness. i. #1- It means that the OT points to the Person of Jesus for fulfillment. 2. 31:5, Is. This is one of the greatest statements in the whole Bible about Jesus’ view of Scripture. We are not Israel, we are a people, a new man (Eph. A Lasting Legacy: Choosing A Wife For Isaac (Gen. 24:1-67). iii. iii. My ministry is based upon the Law. I want us to avoid assuming that all possible uses of salt were in view here. Salt and light are indispensable household commodities. It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot. 2. 11:1, Jer. iv. iii. I delight in doing this. 13 ‘You are the salt of the earth. I know this comes as a shock. 1. a. ii. The group organizing the protest ride said that while they encourage the voluntary use of motorcycle helmets, they oppose mandatory helmet laws. Daily Christian Life 2. Here's a free Youth Group Lesson on Salt and Light. The beams and architecture points to Jesus. 2. 1. It matters. A city built on a hill cannot be hid. “until heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the Law until all is accomplished.”. 3. And, in some cases, that actually changes the culture. A person can’t say, “I obeyed the Law close enough.”  You either did or you didn’t, there is no middle ground. "Now that faith/Christ has come, we are no longer under the supervision of the law"—but not because the law is contrary to the promises; rather, it is because the law is fulfilled in Christ and the Spirit in a manner similar to the way a typewriter is fulfilled in the technology of a computer. Your unbelieving husband may not want to hear the gospel every day, but he can’t NOT be affected by your life. Historians have described at length the moral corruption of English culture. There is a sanctifying influence the believing spouse has on the unbelieving spouse. iii. The Logical connection to the Beatitudes: i.  Christians have an influence in the world: 1. The Holy Scriptures b.      Don’t buy in to the deadly idea that your good can somehow outweigh your bad. a. Bible: Matthew 5:14-16. The Law wounds us and shuts our mouths and lead us to Jesus: 1. a.       Mat. If you misread, reinterpret, ignore, or deny the OT, there are consequences. c.       Heb. Answer: Jesus used the concepts of salt and light a number of different times to refer to the role of His followers in the world. 1. This is an clever suggestion, but the problem is that the Law is never divided up. ii. They may even criticize other Christians for being too rigid, but their lives are so worldly that they have absolutely no moral influence. Repentance and Acceptance Only now, we need to interpret the Law through the lens of Jesus. How much of the Old Testament still applies today? 23:25, “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! They perfectly followed the Law. 3. The police and the doctor treating the man said afterward that if he had been wearing a helmet, he probably would have survived the accident. 2. The studies have been In the Bible, we find two remarkable testimonials about us, the disciples of Jesus. When Jesus spoke of salt, He was saying the world is decaying. If Jesus fulfilled the Law, how should view it? BIBLE STUDY IN ENGLISH FOR JAPANESE RESIDENTS. For more information, please click on the links in each listing to contact the organisers directly. c.       This kind of heart obedience characterizes the kingdom. During the ride, police say, his 1983 Harley Davidson spun out of control, and he flew headfirst over the handlebars. Salt of the Earth (5:13). Here are a few of the biblical verses about salt: Numbers 18:19 - All the offerings of the holy gifts, which the sons of Israel offer to the LORD, I have I to you, and your sons and daughters with you, as a perpetual allotment. The demand for higher righteousness is meant to wound us: b. Jesus did not say you can be...or you have the potential to be...He said you are.Everyone who has trusted Christ for salvation and is born again is the salt of the earth and the light of the world. Have an event, bible study or course that might interest Salt&Light readers? They are worthless at making any kind of influence in the world. 3. Salt & Light Bible Studies. I think it means at least four things. 5). Paul's critique of the Judaizers is that they are typing on manual typewriters after computers are on the desk! a.       Isn’t this what Peter tells the wives in 1 Peter 3. i.  I’m not a chemist, but I know sodium chloride is a pretty stable chemical compound, which is resistant to nearly every attack. Christians are a kind of moral antibiotic. It’s obvious we are not the light ourselves. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Some people have a difficult time with some of the stories in the OT. For more information, please click on the links in each listing to contact the organisers directly. The Church as Salt and Light Matthew 5:13-16 This series of bible studies are designed to be used in your small group, however they also contain additional ‘Going Deeper’ background notes at the end for a deeper understanding and for use as a sermon guide. Salt & Light Video Series A helpful series of supplemental videos that parallel MennoMedia's Salt & Light: Bible Study for Anabaptist Christians. Where else would I rather be? Salt bites, and the unadulterated message of the judgment and grace of God has always been a biting thing.’. vi. Jesus is the Light of the World, and Jesus says that his disciples are the light of the world. ”. What was his method:  Translate the bible, so they can hear and share the Good News, then when people got saved, they started New Testament churches. One day, God will deal with Israel as a Nation again, but not now. The Law is useful to show us righteousness: a. Water Baptism If you focus on the Great Commission. Moody. They developed a system of laws around the Law. 4. Does it still apply today? 1. 1. (Gal. But the point, I think, is that Jesus is basically telling everyone that that are hopeless. He calls them to put the manual typewriters away. 3. c.       The Old Testament was like a type-writer, Jesus is like a computer. Bringing flowers to Lonnalee: a. 3. The Final Judgment vi. 25 But now that faith has come, we are no longer under a guardian…”. Imagine if I said this, and was serious. If you focus on the Gospel. “Oh sweetie, why did you do this?”. 5. iv. The culture was lifted from the oppressive darkness, and light shone! But when you type on a computer, you are really still using the old manual typewriter's technology. 15 No one lights a lamp and then puts it under a basket. iii. v.                         The gospel produced salt and light, not the other way around! Have an event, bible study or course that might interest Salt&Light readers? The Old Testament was the sketch, and Jesus is the sculpture. God dealt with a nation, with a specific land, specific priests, we are done with that, that’s old news. ii. 2. iv. People thought Jesus might have been some kind of a renegade. However it needs to be interpreted in light of Jesus’ fulfillment. ii. The dividing wall of hostility is over. Background Study: Jesus gives this short parable during the Sermon on the Mount but it is also repeated throughout the gospels in different contexts (Mark 4:21-22 and Luke 8:16; 11:33).Rock salt came from underground mines. There is a subtle danger I want to warn you about. The Second Coming Of the many things to which salt could refer to, its use as a food preservative was probably its most basic function. The two extremes: 1. The Lord’s Supper Bible: Matthew 5:13. There were dozens of uses for salt. Like during the French Revolution there were people who wanted to change the calendar, change the week from a seven-day week to a ten-day week. For effectiveness the Christian must retain his Christlikeness, as salt must retain its saltiness. And interestingly enough, what happens when people believe the gospel and get saved, is they instantly become salt and light. In Him we are salt and light (Matt. 3. “A holy life will make the deepest impression. Jesus is saying that His teachings are on par with the OT. a. Q. Church Membership They developed a system of procedures and duties, but it was void of the heart. d.      NOTE: The right answer is: “Sweetie, how could I not? You are the light of the world. The Amplified Version makes this a lot clearer. The Pharisees externalized the Law. a.      Jesus Christ approves of the OT Law (5:17) “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets…”. iii. 2. b. iii. (1 John 5:7) We believe God is Triune: Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, the three in one. The New Covenant repeats the same things as the Law. 6. Have an event, bible study or course that might interest Salt&Light readers? Jesus is making the same point twice. Salt was a warning against being good for nothing and light was used to show us how to be good for something. x. (2 Timothy 3:16,17) We believe the Bible is the inspired, inerrant, infallible, irrevocable and complete Word of God. Ron didn’t go in focusing on changing the culture! 1. iii. Which means polygamy, it means sex outside of marriage, it means homosexuality are considered violations of God’s will, but also violations of our own design…” Tim Keller. The kind of Christians who actually live the beatitudes are light salt and light to the world, they will have an influence in the world. Otherwise your children would be unclean, but as it is, they are holy.”. d.      The less salt that Christians have, means less preservation for the rotting culture. b. Our fellowship and study group is dedicated to adults ages 18 to 35. Think of it like the sun and the moon: 1. ix. 1.4K likes. b. 2. Moderation and Balance The OT will be around as long as the universe is around. Divine Healing b. Witnessing has some persecution attached to it; … Evangelism f.        The solution to this is that we focus, not on redeeming culture, but focus on the Great Commission. Salt of the earth and light of the world are saying the same thing, with slightly different emphasis. Every maneuver on a computer is the final hope of the manual typewriter. Haddon Robinson tells the story about the French culture of the early 1700s was in the process of decay. 15:8, “ ‘This people honors me with their lips, but their heart is far from me…”. 1. I am not abolishing anything the Law or the Prohpets said…rather…I have come to fulfill them! He fulfills the Law in the sense that He was the Lamb of God. Genuine Christians will have an influence on people around them. 2. (Romans 5:12) We believe that man was created in the image of God, but that by voluntary disobedience he fell from perfection. 2. Salt and Light Women’s Bible Study Growing in Wisdom & Faith (A Woman After God's Own Heart Series) by Elizabeth George This is a study of the book of James, exploring the themes below and more: • Persevering through life’s troubles • Putting on a heart of patience • Planning the future with God in mind Related Topics: Christology, Evangelism, Kingdom, Law, Spiritual Life, David Anderson was raised in a solid Christian home in rural Minnesota and was saved at a Bible camp in northern Minnesota at the age of seven. Nothing and light - “ you are unsaved built on a hill can not be hidden first, will! What did Jesus call us the light of Jesus for fulfillment: Choosing a Wife for (... V. 48, Jesus was starting something totally different and totally new of politics in the,! T relax the Law or the Prohpets said…rather…I have come to fulfill them. ” you! 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