His family members were among the last rice gatherers in his Curve Lake First Nations community. There are enough individuals involved to actually do this. This agreement took two years to complete but we still are not privy to the contents of this document, nor are we privy to any progress. Who will be responsible for the removable of the planted rice in non designated rice areas. The wild rice in Pigeon Lake has been in decline for 80 years now, he said, and that's why he's re-seeding. For those of you who have not been affected by this….Try to imagine how it would feel after working long and hard to acquire your lakefront dream home and having someone just feet off the end of your dock dropping seed into the water. He also blatantly rejects non-native government authority over his seeding and harvesting activity. As Mayor of Selwyn I will champion your efforts to be provided answers. This is one way to start and it will get the attention of the Media and also the other Governments. Wild rice is a culturally important plant to Wisconsin’s Native American tribes, which have a special and longstanding connection to wild rice. Pigeon lake is a public lake like any land or parks that belong to the public. As you point out in your letter indigenous harvesting rights is not the issue. Some of you have spent many hours cleaning up this mess. Trent Severn Waterways then issued us an Aquatic permit to remove rice for approximately 10,000 ft of shoreline and three channels that would give us access to navigable waterways. Hundreds of people showed up to a meeting Nov. 3 regarding the seeding and harvesting of wild rice on Pigeon Lake. The management of wild rice involves a diverse range of issues. In addition we are happy to confirm that Maryam Monsef Member of Parliament Peterborough-Kawartha will also be in attendance. Since he started seeding he has taken the stand with TSW of confrontation,  deliberately not following the guidelines. The lakes before the intentional seeding were pristine waterways ideal for recreational enjoyment, including canoeing, kayaking, swimming, and looking out at natures beauty. As challenging as the past relationship has been, the path forward requires the Township to make an aggressive effort to find common ground and to continue to engage all parties. In case an agreement is made with the FN’s re designated rice harvesting areas, it raises other questions such as: A. Pure maple syrup, wild rice pancake mix, fish batter and gift baskets, wild rice recipes, natural foods. This in turn will mean the taxes of every home owner in our communities will face an increase in their taxes to make up for the shortfall in tax revenues caused by decreasing values of homes and businesses surrounding the shores of the Tri lakes. Rice grower unapologetic. We suggested that based on our experience the minimum requirement for safe recreational use is 1200 ft. between the rice beds and the shorelines The minimum  requirement would not be needed if the designated area for rice beds were placed along non populated shorelines as pointed out on our tour. As you are aware, an election is coming up. It is our wish to be part of this process and we would like to work directly with Parks Canada in determining the right course of action. James Whetung of the Curve Lake First Nation is unapologetic. In 1994 there was no evidence of any rice any where near us. Then there was Gannons Narrows Marina, Tourist camps like Fees Landing. Nutrition Facts. We then had a conversation with the law enforcement branch of Parks Canada and We were informed that there was nothing they were prepared to do at this time due to the sensitivity of the issue. THE WILLIAMS TREATY, as interpreted by him and First Nation members, gives ultimate freedom to proceed with the drastic changes to this part of our province. We also wrote to Jewel Cunningham ..Director of Ontario Waterways. ( This is contrary to the harvesting guidelines) Can the offender be charged? To date no solution has been found. For the last 36 years Black Duck Wild Rice has been rehabilitating, protecting, and promoting wild rice. Hopefully, today might bring an end to this behaviour. We in turn honoured the request from TSW to temporarily stop the cutting. It is easiest to get to by going east on Gray Road from Century Farm Road. This will affect almost everyone in this room. Add to cart Details. If First Nations continue to stonewall the talks, we hope that Parks Canada will take a stand to develop a master plan that will ensure First Nations have designated rice stands in non populated areas and Canadians of all walks of life will be able to once again enjoy the waters of southern Pigeon Lake. Update re Pigeon lake Wild Rice Management Plan. We have been living, not just cottaging, on the South East shore of Pigeon Lake since June of 1994. On the specific concern raised related to the use of mechanical harvesting and the issuance of aquatic vegetation removal permits, Parks Canada and the Steering Committee will advance discussions pertaining to these topics. Minnesota Wild Rice retailer near Deer River, MN supplies premium wild rice from Minnesota for bread, stuffing and soup for gourmet restaurants and personal recipes. Let’s make a policy agreement and get on with Reconciliation. It may have been bearable when there was a few hundred acres but now, with over 1500 acres it’s beyond overwhelming! Unquote. Getting here. All Bineshii wild rice is hand harvested from the lakes and river beds of Northern Minnesota and is cedar wood parched. It is a pleasing complement to a variety of meats, poultry fish or shell fish, and makes a unique addition soups, salads, casseroles, breads or desserts. We are still WORKING on it. 3 *Percent Values (DV) are based on a 2,000 Calorie diet. They can reach out to 50ft. We have been advised that Chief Phyllis Williams of Curve Lake was unfortunately double booked for Saturday November 3rd. I’m afraid Mr. Whetung’s attitude does not bode well for the Reconcilliation Process underway in Canada at this very moment. Perch Lake is a 266 ha lake and 166 ha is managed for wild rice. Your thoughts on the response would be appreciated. Selwyn Township has a long history of cooperation and partnerships with its neighbouring townships and Curve Lake First Nations Council. He is harvesting using an airboat, typically used in the Florida everglades. Individuals should not use it for personal business like planting wild rice etc.. More Buying Choices $38.50 (2 new offers) KCs Best Long Grain Cultivated Wild Rice (16 oz.) On your question about the legalities of a non-Indigenous person seeding wild rice, this is something we are presently looking into. These channels are not safe during the height of the growing season, as the stalks are above your head  and it would be easy for two boats to collide. Pigeon lake is a public lake like any land or parks that belong to the public. This method of harvesting is NOT environmentally friendly as; The boat is powered by an engine and an aeroplane propeller. As always I appreciated hearing your perspective and I understand the frustration you are experiencing. It needs to be dealt with between the “First Nations” and Parks Canada. For years, Whetung has been seeding the lake with wild rice… He harvests the rice to sell commercially on line through Black Duck Wild Rice, as well as to people in markets and to wineries. who talked with the commercial harvester and he, in turn presented a commercial license issued by the MNR. Please write down questions you would like answered during the question period ror possible solutions you may have. Wild Rice waters are divided into two separate categories for harvest: date-regulated and non-date-regulated. For those who reside in communities surrounding the lakes you will have to traverse through channels to get too navigable waters. The Rice is an annual plant and every year it goes thru it’s cycle and dies. Parks Canada recognizes the importance of wild rice to the First Nations peoples for food, ceremonial and spiritual and medicinal purposes, and to wildlife as a valuable food resource. Do not take Gray Road from Highway 35. Can anyone plant Wild Rice on Private deeded land? Additionally, in reviewing the response letter January 11th, 2018, from Jewel Cunningham, Director of Ontario Waterways Parks Canada: I will directly contact her in relation to her response, that “…further work on a wild rice management plan progresses…” and that  “Parks Canada will establish a forum in which cottagers and residents will be able to liaise and discuss concerns directly with the Trent Severn Waterway… Through education and collaboration, everyone’s interests can be heard and understood and possibly accommodated. This rice bed would come up every year and go through it’s annual cycle. We fail to understand why he is giving us rude and aggressive gestures while seeding. Individuals should not use it for personal business like planting wild rice etc.. Are individuals allowed to plant rice in a public park? They also remove beaver dams, which would otherwise eventually fill in the lakes. I’m sure by now it’s evident why we are here and why we are upset with our government. This noise is constant and lasts for hours and happens for the entire harvest. We fail to understand why he continues to seed when he has publicly stated that he has more Rice to harvest than he is able. Ron Bailey, Ron Black ,Alan Easton, Howie Newhook and Jim Daly from Lakeview Estates plus myself attended. He harvests and collects the rice, and provides an educational opportunity for those looking to learn more about the process. In July 2015 we met with Jewel Cunningham and provided information that substantiated our claim that intentional seeding and commercial harvesting by airboat was taking place in Federal waters! Serv.Size 2.5 tbsp (30g) Servings Varies . You may hear that water clarity due to zebra mussels is a factor. His claim that his goal in seeding the lakes ( and this is definitely not limited to Pigeon Lake only) is to improve First Nation people’s health and to teach them traditional ways of sustenance is pure malarkey!! I.e. Good Medicine Tea (Herbal Tea- Caffeine free) Rated 5.00 out of 5 $ 4.99. Facilities. Once in control bylaws can be passed to control the situation. Dear Residents of Selwyn, City of Kawartha Lakes and The Tri-Lakes. The individual who is harvesting with the airboat launches the boat at the end of Kerry Line Rd and travels approximately 1 1/2 miles north towards Bobcaygeon and south towards Omemee. Jewel Cunningham Director of Ontario Waterways  DO YOU AFTER HEARING THE CONCERNS OF THE PEOPLE AND  THE WILLINGNESS OF THE PEOPLE TO FIND A SOLUTION TO THE ISSUE DISCUSSED TODAY,FORESEE A WORKING GROUP BEING ESTABLISH WHICH WILL INCLUDE THE FIRST NATIONS, PARKS CANADA and the Representation of STAKE HOLDERS surrounding the Tri Lakes.? Parking. Yield — Canadian lake wild rice expands 3-4 times when cooked. These businesses bring in Thousands of Tourism dollars which help support our growing communities. This response was dated March 26, 2012. For years, Whetung has been seeding the lake with wild rice… The fact that you showed up, helped to emphasize the need for a solution to be found. The O.P.P accepted The harvester’s  explanation even though the MNR has no authority over the management of Federal Waters. Flood’s landing Trailer park was here in the early 1950’s. In 2015 Kawartha Conservation wrote that there were between 1500 to 1800 acres. He has already made statements that he plans to seed the Kawartha Lakes and Rice lake. I have received a number of other requests for my position on the wild rice seeding and harvesting on Pigeon Lake and will respond to those emails now. He demonstrates his contempt for our communities at every opportunity. The cottagers formed a Save Pigeon Lake group in 2007, saying Whetung’s efforts have made it impossible for them to travel the lake by boat or swim because the wild rice is clogging up the lake and the shorelines. Of the thousands of pounds that he has planted and subsequently harvested in non traditional ways, how much has he given to “his people” and how much has he sold for profit to local and farther afield businesses? In 2016 and 2017 we had several meetings with TSW, but unfortunately the response never did change. We understand that in 2011 there were approx. I encourage you to talk with your neighbours and friends and request them to attend this very important meeting with you. In effect he is running a commercial enterprise, and as such, he should abide by some rules that I’m sure his mother must have taught him, namely one being: clean up after yourself! A long-simmering dispute over the wild rice beds of Pigeon Lake has taken a turn, with reports that some of the paddies were shorn and removed from the water this week. I have Parkinson’s Disease. Lakefront properties values are being affected. We left the meeting with the following commitment from MP Maryam Monsef, Curve Lake Councillor, Lorenzo Whetung, Director of Ontario Waterways, Jewel Cunningham and Selwyn Mayor-Elect Andy Mitchell: “We are proposing a two track discussion. We are still working on it, Things are progressing, We are still working on it. Copyright © Bois Forte Band of Chippewa. Your lake could be next! This begs the question: how much rice does he need to traditionally harvest it by canoe? However, how these rights are being executed  by one individual is a matter of great concern and that is why our communities have chosen to bring this matter forward. Mr. Whetung has said to have expanded the wild rice fields from less then 200 acres to 1200-1500 acres. His declaration of having finally reached “the poverty line” last year was laughable. (Riese also exports wild rice via his company, Riese’s Canadian Lake Wild Rice.) We  suggest that  Lake Management Plans be developed, whereby wild rice harvesting areas be determined and rice currently overtaking the residential and tourist areas be removed. The Historic Canals Regulations require a permit for the removals of any aquatic vegetation (other than for Indigenous Harvesting). Simply because the seeds from the plant sink quickly and stayed within itself. In terms of next steps, as I mentioned, we’re reaching the point on this file where we’ve had a thorough discussion with both WTFN and yourselves on the various perspectives on wild rice management on Pigeon Lake. OUR STORY. We all should respect each other and do whatever is necessary not to cause harm to our neighbours. On Monday, September 17th our rice problem reached a new level! Mayor Andy Letham has asked council to support a resolution from Selwyn Township calling for time limits on harvesting, quieter methods to do so, and a ban on carrying out rice harvesting on Sundays. Provincial regulations stipulate that only northern residents can hold leases on lakes where wild rice grows. Clinical Services; Health Programming & Services; Lands, Rights & Resources. We extend our willingness to help find a solution, in turn we would like Parks Canada and the First Nations to treat this issue as a priority. Red Lake Nation 100% All Natural Minnesota Cultivated Wild Rice. I am very puzzled as to why some people are supporting the actions of this rogue individual. No intentional seeding by persons dumping thousands of pounds of rice seeds in front of shoreline properties. A letter from Community Voices for Manoomin about wild rice in Pigeon Lake sparked a Selwyn Township council conversation about the growing concerns regarding Indigenous fisheries in … James Whetung, a First Nations member and owner of Black Duck Wild Rice, has harvested wild rice for more than a quarter century. The following questions have gone unanswered. It is our hope that. Update re Pigeon lake Wild Rice Management Plan. Riese's Canadian Lake Wild Rice produces and exports certified organic wild rice grown in the crystal clear lakes of northern Canada's parkland. Spokesperson- Save Pigeon Lake Initiative, Below is a resolution by Selwyn Council regarding wild rice harvesting sent to the Ministry of Environment and other Government authorities, NEWS Oct 11, 2017 by Bill Hodgins Kawartha Lakes This Week. Indian Love Tea (Herbal Tea- Caffeine free) $ 4.99. We do not have any issue with the above; however, not all First Nations people who gather wild Rice, honour the Williams Treaty Harvesting guide which brings us to the reason we are requesting your assistance.  Hi Larry,Thanks again for the opportunity to get out on the lake and to hear the perspectives from you and some of the other shoreline property owners. The areas being seeded as stated earlier are adjacent to high residential areas which include Permanent homes, cottages, trailer parks, tourist camps, marinas, houseboat rentals, and many others businesses that are dependent on navigable waterways. The waste issue has been overlooked within the greater issues with Mr. Whetung revolving around the Williams treaty of 1923. Many of us involved in this dispute over the creation of wild rice fields, support and encourage the reparation and atonement efforts currently being moved forward by all levels of government. 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