Interviewers usually seek candidates who have strong motivations for applying to a specific program. The secret to getting a Graduate Job With over 10 years of expert experience in graduate recruitment, Give A Grad A Go know the secret to getting a graduate job. Nonetheless, if they want to get the PhD title they will have to do good at the interview. Unlike with mail surveys, the interviewer has the opportunity to probe or ask follow up questions. I just had my first-ever interview for a TT faculty position in a State Engineering department (and it was on Skype). Why are you a good scientist? Need help prepping for an interview? All positive and forward looking. How would you teach our Introductory course? After earning my degree, I spent a gap year traveling through Africa in which I learned more about the water problems in many countries. You need a platform. For my master’s research, I started focusing on bringing environmental education programs to third-world countries. The blue jeans interview was Ok. Thank you! Should a candidate follow up in general? You can highlight your passion for the topic and mention that you want to learn as much as possible during your studies. Nobody to date has explored this phenomenon in the prewar period, but I found out that there is a brand new collection at the University of Tokyo library of prewar materials that my former mentor at Tokyo has invited me to visit and use this summer. Who would you have them read? (maybe) get me the position since they do have one open and, since they shortlisted me, they clearly think that I am qualified, or 2. not going to happen because legally they have to rank me with everyone else who has applied, or they will incur in legal trouble? Currently, apart from job search, I am also serving as a reviewer for two top journals of my field. Your department seems to be weak in xxxx; are you planning to hire to fill that gap? If your gut-feeling is sending you a signal in one way or another, you should listen to that gut feeling. (thanks to Mary Corbin Sies for this one). If you are not restricted by distance, and can attend a face to face interview, I … The platform has, say, five planks. We are hoping to build a strength in xxx. Asela, Thanks for this post I’ve got interview next week and now I’m a little less freaked out. It went OK. Should I send a thank you email to the committee? Phone interviews are often used by recruiters to perform an initial screening to ensure the candidates they advance to the hiring manager meets their minimum requirements. Should I just try to do the best I can in this time? I’m curious if you think it’s better to be one of the first interviewed, or last. Sounding Professional and Confident Sit up straight at a desk or table. These would include: “My dissertation’s three main themes are xx, yy, and zz”; or “For the Intro course I would use xx textbook with yy supplement,” or “My methods bridge quantitative and qualitative approaches. Do not sit with your back to a window or light because only … Application: Steps, Tips, Template and Examples, Ph.D. Jobs: Top Non-Academic Careers for Ph.D. What should said email say? that will be out of sight of the camera! Thank you notes are a key part of following-up after an interview. Take a question like this:  “Tell us about your plans to revise your dissertation into the book”  Graduate students almost invariably answer in some form of the following, “Well, the dissertation isn’t really in a publishable state yet. After I have completed my Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology, I want to earn my license and open my own practice. For these reasons, I want to continue my studies with a Ph.D. so I can pursue a career as a lecturer, and hopefully one day, as a professor. You should assess the program. Thank you so much for this write up. Then count, silently, to 5 (1-mississippi, 2-mississippi, etc.) So, I can’t stress enough that you must ****drill the information into your head*** so that the answers come out automatically, even when you get blinded in the spotlight. They’ll also ask questions about your background, goals and project. This allows your university (and perhaps even your prospective supervisor) to discuss the PhD with you in more detail. What you’ve said is all very interesting, but doesn’t some of the work in your field really border on the far-fetched? Eagerness to get me on board. You should work on that . I made the short list for the first time (after revising everything according to your blog posts, thank you) and have a Skype call in one week! PhD interview questions can be very tricky to answer and this is for a good reason.. Lighting. It is fine, even in an in person interview, to have a pen and paper in front of you to jot a minimal note or two as questions are being asked. What about when there’s that feeling after: “ugh, I could have answered that question better – the committee ought to know THIS info about me and I didn’t say it.” Ok to follow-up or just too bad? Professor at the end of the interview said, we will be in contact with you in the future. Strive to be as honest as possible when answering questions while also remaining positive and enthusiastic. I applied through an employee referral. If you come across a truly excellent potential employee … That is why they are shortlisting you! Degree Holders. The negative is the graduate student’s instant default. Cold Candidate Interview Invitation Email. Name 2 specialty courses you would teach, one undergraduate and one graduate. It is a powerful way for you to follow up on a formal interview, or informal meeting. Know the ad inside and out and be prepared to respond to the specializations mentioned in it. Be sure that your questions allow the search committee to. But don’t take out any new debt to achieve this! I am in a really strange situation. ***These latter two are actually excellent questions to get the answers to while on the campus visit, indirectly and subtly! The phone screening interview sets the stage for what can be a time- and labor-intensive hiring effort. Have a tablet and pen next to you to take shorthand notes as questions are asked. Make and study the departmental cheat sheet. You must be prepared to speak quickly and conversationally and naturally, so the briefest sound-byte cues work here. Here is the proper answer, in the positive, not negative, mode: “I’m planning to take the book into a couple of exciting new areas of research. It’s nothing like a postdoc interview. PhDs leaving academia often find their first industry interview unnerving. I have a video chat interview coming up, and I’m terrified. Your resume and published work might have advanced your career in the past, but these items alone will not be enough to get you hired into industry. -Are there any grant workshops in place to aid junior faculty in submitting competitive grants in aid? Thanks, In many Ph.D. interviews, the panel will allow you to ask questions toward the end of the meeting. These are all highly prized research skills. I am excited about furthering my knowledge in this field and hope to make a valuable academic contribution.”, Related: How to Write a Resume for a Ph.D. Thanks for this post, Dr. Karen – it ROCKS!! It lasted about an hour. While you're job searching, it's important to be prepared for a phone interview at a moment's notice. The information on this site is provided as a courtesy. Alumni interviews are offered to first-year applicants. As this Ph.D. program concerns the access and availability of alternative water resources, it strongly aligns with my previous research and my field of interest. Should I tell her on the interview or wait for more time? The Professor Is In has some really good advice about how to rock these (as well as lots of other career advice, for […], […] was my first video interview, so I prepared by reading a few blogs (here’s a great one, here, and here). A number of clients have asked me for a post on phone and Skype interviews, and I’m happy to oblige. Several of these questions were asked during my phone interview and I was prepared because of this list. Are they supposed to last that long? What is your opinion of the “Do you have a question for us” question: “All interviews are about getting to know somebody,” says Muse career coach Angela Smith, founder of Loft Consulting. I have a Skype interview soon; the department/school is large 70+ faculty; I’m terrified. An interview is a great opportunity for the PhD program to learn more about you – and for you to learn more about them. Wow! You may also want to describe your extracurricular activities, such as volunteer work or exchange programs. Dress for the interview. January 6, 2021. I also feel comfortable and energized in an academic environment. Not all graduate programs require an interview, but – increasingly – this is becoming more common. You may have already submitted a letter of intent or personal statement that outlines your goals. Drop us a line. Discuss any specific examples that inspired you to pursue your Ph.D. A university phone interview is also a good chance for you to think of any potential questions in PhD interview that you may be asked if you're interviewed face-to-face and will also give you a chance to ask some questions to the person over the phone that you may be too scared to as face-to-face. I would have a Skype interview with my potential professor. ", Interview Question: "What is your Teaching Philosophy? I just finished a Skype interview. “The Six Ways You’re Acting Like a Grad Student (And how that’s killing you on the job market)”, What Should Graduate Students Ask Candidates? A prospective employer will either ask for the interview to occur by a phone call or as a phone interview (sometimes referred to as a telephone interview). Example: “I completed a Master’s Degree in Environmental Science, specifically focusing on the effects of global warming on water resources in Africa. Never negative and backward looking. How do you see yourself handling the expectations? Should I use their first name or should call them Dr. X. This includes the pants, or skirt, and shoes, etc. End your sound byte on a strong falling note that signals unmistakably:  I have now finished speaking! Filed Under: How to Interview, Landing Your Tenure Track Job, Strategizing Your Success in Academia, What Not To Wear, Great tips, thanks!! Tell us about yourself… This popular opener can feel like an awkwardly open ‘question’. Toughest Question: How much funding will you bring with you to our department? Preparing for the Phone Interview If you're on the academic job market this fall, chances are you will soon be facing the prospect of a phone interview. There are some tricks of the trade for this kind of interview that can very helpful to know. it’s not uncommon for late-running searches; don’t ask to postpone. If the interview is a requirement during the early phase, it usually is still not a good indicator of whether or not you will be offered admissions. A phone interview is not the … The PhD Interview – What to Expect and How to Prepare Most PhD applications include an interview of some sort. Do NOT put any pieces of writing near you that will distract you or that require close reading. Evidently Professor Mary Corbin Sies has moved since 2011. I applied for postdoc position and then had a phone interview. By following … You may be given a compound question, such as “Tell us about your dissertation, how you got interested in the topic, and what you see as its primary contribution.” Make a note of each part of the question to be able to address each in your response. I haven’t really submitted the manuscript to a press yet because I’m waiting to resolve issues like that before I do.”. If so, which ones? So, I don’t know how to tell her about it. Should I follow up? Our campus is very student-focused. It also helps them get a better idea about you personally to see if you’re a good fit for the company. What is the most influential book you’ve read in the field of xxx recently? Ie, “Do you provide automatic junior sabbatical for assistant professors?”  “Uhhh, no.”   That leaves a bad taste in their mouths that will work against you. Even if you haven’t chosen a specific profession yet, you can research career paths and mention one or two choices that you think would fit your field of interest best. But they are emphatically not questions to be asked in an initial interview because you look superior, arrogant, and judgmental. Friendly people to interview with. A lot of people find it one of the toughest steps in getting a PhD degree. -What is the tenure process like at University X for young faculty? You come from an R1. Is it a good sign? Know the department inside and out. Do you have plans to apply for any major grants? I am passionate about my research in global economics, and I think it is a very relevant topic in our world today. At the conclusion of the phone interview, they asked me to visit campus! 3) Frame always in the positive, not the negative. From here, you’ll dig deeper into candidates’ background, assess (and possibly test) their skill levels, collect feedback from staff who meet the finalists, check … Ivory Towers in The Rearview Mirror: Lindsay Barone. How wonderful! What to Wear: The Best Job Interview Attire, Interview Question: "What are You Passionate About? I’ll be incorporating that material into my third chapter, and in the meantime, I’ll be drafting a proposal of the book, with a clear statement of the revision plan, to send to presses next Fall.”. What kinds of assignments would you use? I hope this isn’t a deal breaker! #Dispatches – What Will You Do When The Pandemic Is Truly Over? Ivory Towers in The Rearview Mirror: Kate Krueger. Your email address will not be published. That is why I initially enrolled in an environmental science degree. I had a phone interview yesterday, in one academic field of the humanities. To record landline phone interviews using this setup follow these steps. However, all Ph.D. interviews will include questions that concern your academic achievements, field of research, motivation for applying and goals. *** … And then spouse opens door and walks in behind lol. For the purposes of this post I will merely jot down a few questions that I got in interviews and that tripped me up, or that have tripped up clients: Be aware that they may ask you this question: “Do you have any questions for us?”. The interview felt really awkward at first; I waved and said “Hi” each time […], […] “Rocking the Phone/Skype Interview” […], Your email address will not be published. Hello Karen, However, all Ph.D. interviews will include questions that concern your academic achievements, field of research, motivation for applying and goals. I can teach a Methods seminar by using xx and yy projects.”. My third chapter is still missing some major elements on the pre-war period that I need to add. Wish me luck , Thank you so much for posting questions that tripped you and candidates up. What is your research program for the next five years? An interviewer will want to know whether you have the motivation to complete your degree. Consider reviewing your statement before the interview to develop more thorough answers. An interview can be done face to face as well as via the internet. Speak out, audibly, with confidence and firmness. You may set up a few cue cards around your skype space, but be very cautious that you don’t give the impression of constantly looking off-screen before speaking. It is important to supply clear, specific reasons for applying for the Ph.D. program. It is because of his work that I decided to earn my master’s in this field. Phone Interview only. Never, ever grovel, or apologize, or hedge. Additionally, phone interviews are more efficient and minimize the expenses involved in interviewing out-of-town candidates. I was able to find a PDF of her interview questions at:, […] The Professor Is In “Rocking the Phone/Skype Interview“ […], […] the first hoop and been short-listed, the phone or Skype interview can help get you in the door. I will need to visit the University of Tokyo library to access some of that material. Prepare your responses ahead of time department, and I didn ’ t have a lot funding... – increasingly – this is my first such interview to make a Impact! Are actually excellent questions to be weak in xxxx ; are you immediate and longer publication., with confidence and firmness a powerful way for you to focus the... Academic achievements, field of research after they complete their Ph.D.s to to... Finished my last education degree in 2012 and started looking for an assistant professor Job in 2016 for office to. You reach out to them to check in, tips, Template and.! A TT faculty position in a mock interview with a potential advisor interviewing! 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