If so, at what point is that, and is that Original Em that figures it out (I’m guessing when she starts asking people if they remember their numbers). 2) WE DO NOT KNOW THE BOUNDARY OF THE ANOMALY It’s only later on that you realize just how far down the path you have already gone. Amir mentions that the other house took a picture of him too but that looked different. Their state of existence is in multiple realities, until the comet passes. (I don’t remember where is Kevin’s phone, but Emily’s is in the house). May even drop that idea into the theory of the ending. When Amir and Hugh walk out the door and then walk back in something just happened, but it isn’t even called out. Since they cross over the dark zone, they leave their reality and go away into another reality. Hey Allison – look at you dragging me back into Coherence after months and months of being away! 5) We know that the high-altitude explosion of a comet happened in Siberia, that it may have killed people (Or people died during the anomaly), and that it devastated in area of hundreds of square miles. Pay attention! ends up drugged in the basement after one of these encounters, and is attempting to flee. – Did the alternate realities start to split off only after the coming of the comet? For example, Em on the couch could be none of the Ems we just watched fighting, she could be an Em who had an uneventful dinner party with no intruder Ems. Really enjoyed this film and thinking about it, but I don’t think anyone can really solve this puzzle as we’ve been left with more than one variable (any mathematician will tell you you can’t solve an equation with more than one variable) so while the director may have a timeline, there is more than one solution after changing FoR. While trapped in the car she was unable to leave and get placed into a different reality. you are malevolent, However, Kevin’s trip has not yet happened so she can still influence the outcome of that. No powercut means, this group never left the house. I don’t think i disagree, but can’t remember it well enough right now to think of where you and I differ. Another example could be when Lee takes a nap, she could be walking back into any reality where she decided to take a nap. Mike confessed to having sex with Beth, potentially ending that marriage, Kevin kissed Laurie, Em didn’t say yes, etc…). Version 2 I have no idea what the black cuts are supposed to mean, but if we assume we can throw out ensuring we are following Em Prime, the ending has more possible ways to work. Coherence Incorrect Ending – So what I originally thought happened was that Em1 and Kevin1 were separated… and this was bad. She strikes her double with the flush lid and dumps her in the bathtub. since Fate → Em¹ uses ketamine to tranquilize EmX and puts her into the trunk of her car and puts on her sweater. and always fades to nothing, Don't subscribe We’re told earlier in the movie that when the comet effect is gone people seem different, not that there are duplicates everywhere. I started thinking about these fades and I wondered if maybe a search for prime numbers and other mathematical equivalents. and how come she didn’t tell the others when Em1 was fainted and out cold? Quantum physics says that the cat would be alive and dead. Why is that? Gravitation is still a very mysterious force, and although it probably is pretty far fetched that a comet could affect the barrier between different multiverses, it’s a good enough explanation for a movie. Next up, a sweaterless Em Prime2 looks and sees a drugged Em Prime3 go into the bathroom and Em Prime 2 hits her and sticks her body in the tub. She stages an event outside, breaking the windshield, as a misdirection, to abduct herself. She also talks about the Tunguska Event – when a meteoroid entered atmosphere over Siberia. Viewing it again I thought ” This isn’t at all the suspicious , confused response I’d remembered.” That comes after he answers and as he listens to what’s being said. It’s the exact same note that Hugh just wrote. I sorted it out…………itzzz abt the end whether the Wht happened to the em of real ongoing dimension… So the decoherence that is responsible for keeping all of the parallel universes separate and orderly is cohering and therefore causing lots of problem. At the beginning of the movie you can see that each time the table is shown the dish in the center is different. More like the latter, but we are only going to new houses when Em does. But the more I think about the Schroedinger’s Cat experiment, and the way the system works, I’m guessing that EmX made the phone call to KevinX before everything sorted itself out again… while EmX and Em1 still could reside in the same reality together. The drugged Emily who crawls into the bathroom had been attacked in the car in some reality and then stumbled into this one, only to be beaten and left in the bathtub… What I believe happened overnight, was the Emily from the bathtub regains conciousness, but is obviously in a delirious state from the drugs, head trauma, and stress of situation and stumbles outside without interacting with anyone in the house. The unofficial script may just be some patient soul taking it down word for word and also hearing “you” where I hear “Hugh.” We do not know how many Ems we are viewing in this scene. Totally want this movie to be an undercover Time Travel movie… SO BAD. Would love to hear your thoughts on this. Coherence, on the other hand, provides someone whose extreme actions are painfully relatable. O Fortune, The way the ending unravelled itself, it felt very psychedelic and I was half expecting it to all be trip and Em had just got greedy with the ketamine. She is both alive and dead. The drugs playing a major role in how the end of the movie plays out. My thought on the end of the movie is that Em1 is in actual fact the dark version. Also, at the end Kevin gets a phone call (yes it is a phone call, not a voicemail) from a different Em, presumably from a different universe, but that is physically impossible, because her phone would be connected to an antenna (or sattelite) from her own universe and if she dialed Kevin, her call would be connected to the Kevin in her own universe, and not this one. Em1 is outted as an imposter in the final moments of the movie. Why is Beth still there? If i am then please correct me. Eg: while one group opened the blue glow sticks, the other one opened the red one. I think it’s deliberate to see parallel events occurring at different times, eg the note, vase and flowers discussion, broken car windows, arrival of Hugh-x and Amir-x etc. Coherence is one of my all time favorite movies. We don’t know how things will pan out, but she’s going to be hit with a case of assault. Absolutely nothing in this movie matters except for the last minute. And if one came and one left, the same could be said about their things. Then we have a bunch of details added to let us know this rabbit-hole goes deep. Explore the Film Explanations The proof is furher bolstered by his “misremembering” her as a yoga instructor (Who misremembers jobs like acting and yoga intstructing?). Mike¹: “I was in Rosewell.” Laurie¹: “I love Rosewell.” But she doesn’t know him. hi….is it like this??? Which is a complete editorial on the American Dream… or maybe the myopicness of believing that perfection is our standard of measure. I just watched Coherence for the first time earlier this week and can’t stop thinking about it. My final thought is not a question, but I wish they did more with the door to nowhere. Some view it as this being the moment Em messed up with Kevin. I particularly dug your schrodinger’s cat theory… very helpful in understanding the end. This is true if you are traveling in groups.. Not necessarily if you are traveling by yourself.. Came here for answers. She has no place in the universe :(. That would fit with the general trajectory of the movie. There are sunglasses on the right of the shelf along with a pair of keys. Coherence is one of my favorite mindjobs ever. Are we bound by morals and ethics when the universe glitches? O Fortuna Maybe? What if at the end of the movie, the call that Kevin got in front of Emy1 was from the Em(Em1 again, then?) One is why did Laurie 1 not do Spanish Yoga (Spoga) and also why did she not know that Mike 1 starred in Roswell? Which makes the ending all the more surprising. I believe that something is the fact that no one in this scene aside from the couples Mike and Lee (because they live there), and Amir and Laurie (who arrived together), really know each other at all. – What do you mean? Now Mike, Emily Prime, Laurie and Kevin return to a house – this house is different from the one they started off from. status malus, sine mora Also it breaks the house markers at the front gate. Power goes out → blue glowstick box is opened → There is a broken glass on the table (Question 1: Why or How?) Something isn’t right! Lee makes sense – it’s her house. Well done sir, well done. Emily Prime tells Mike that she remembers the number series she earlier wrote down. We assume she’s busted for not belonging in this reality. I just watched the film twice and read your interesting theories. But what complicates this diagram even more, is that while watching this individual move from House1 to House2 you have to also envision an opposite move for each of these because you always have a doppleganger flipping into the house that an individual just left. I prefer to look at this being the first major choice she made inside the anomaly. They were now the new rightful heir to the location. Maybe right now… Great film! I believe this also has to do with coherence and paradoxes. To that end, I’ve done both for you, I don’t know how much sense I’ve made out of both approaches. Being placed in the realm of uncharted territory may already raise fear in a feeble mind. I mean, I saw it. Were they able to communicate with Hugh’s brother and learn how very important it was to stay put? In other words, I think that there were at least 3 Emily’s present in House-X at one time or another in the closing minutes of the movie. Ironically, it will still blow your mind. My actual question was posed more specifically as such: “We’ve learned to try to not spoil an audience member’s personal interpretation of what’s happening. -I was on all shows. As everything fully descends into chaos Em1 decides to search out an alternative reality for whatever reason. Mike¹: “Are you still teaching Spoga?” Laurie¹: “No, not me.” In the beginning of the movie, it’s shown that Laurie has no recollection of Mike acting in Roswell, although obviously having been a huge fan of the show. She had to park aways down the road and probably walked through the ‘vortex’ and unkowingly had already crossed to a nearer parallel universe… we meet the friends-v1 after following Em-v0 into house-v1. and then soothes Truly clever comments! If she had accepted the flawed reality, she could have gone through the comet period and mended the relationship, but her escaping (both metaphorically, and also physically from the house) ruined everything. Who the hell is opening the door for them? Following the golden rule is especially important when you are interacting with yourself across dimensions. (Question 5: How?) Are you referring to the the cut to black? hahah. Who’s to say that Em1 actually ended up in the happy universe? Please listen with headphones when you can so I can determine how off the rails I am. Kevin dismisses Beth’s claims. When someone passes through the dark zone, they leave their reality and enter another reality at random. a lot of fun beating our heads against a wall to understand it. Following the two threads the director spoke of, in the first we have Em-prime. I believe that Hugh fainted because he couldn’t handle the concept of multiple versions of themselves, and is intelligent enough to realize what that means. (The party she observed through window did have a version of Amir staring at her and he tends to date Kevin’s girlfriends …). Or at worst by tomorrow. He even has an almost bemused chuckle when he looks at his phone. I sat down with pen and paper in my 5th or 6th viewing (I’ve lost track), trying to keep track of the cuts but I keep coming up boggled in the end. but are those the same people? I was here to read the latest and greatest comments, and oh my @#$#@$! – No. And the call from Kevin is from the end Kevin, not the beginning Kevin. Mike¹ & Kevin¹ & Em¹ & Laurie¹ go to the dark area → They see themselves with red glowsticks and run to the house², House² Emily Prime sneaks up on her double and drugs her. And when Byrkit walked me through it I was so lost at first I thought maybe I had missed something enormous, so I’ll say it slowly, so you can track with me. 2? For example – in Perfect World, did anything happen between Mike and Beth? She either survived the attack or someone at the hospital or police station made the call with her phone. The moment she made the choice to leave the house she created more outcomes again. “Wait, there was a Hugh and Amir here already?” Or maybe Em-1 was the Emily standing next to the bat, and an Em-Z is the one who went inside the kitchen and got the Ketamine to dose Em-X with. I have gained all more insight for this movie after you established what we have to consider in regards to the boundaries of space and time of the anomaly and the dark zone and such. I struggled to keep up on this first viewing so I’m probably well off. Em1, Kevin3, Laurie2, lee3, Beth3, mike3, Then, a bit later when Em realizes she’s not in Kansas any longer when she sees Hugh5 and Amir4 arrive back at the house with the book. His response? Or are we empowered to be overlords, and gods? Emily Prime and Kevin realize this. So, kinda like my theory on Inception (wherein I posit that there were 7 layers of dreams in that movie, not three) we were inceived before the movie even started. – Yeah? Mike’s knocked out. Could just be she wanted to find a house that didn’t participate, possibly from realizing that the house that didnt participate has the greatest odds of becoming the true timeline, since it created the least possible paradoxes. I do not believe this to be EmP. She strikes her double with the flush lid and dumps her in the bathtub. You can check it out here: https://taylorholmes.com/2015/06/20/full-interview-with-coherence-writer-director-james-byrkit/. So I just watched this movie a few days ago and then watched it again 2 more times. But before we do that, I promised you a quick log of the fade to blacks that Byrkit told us to watch for. The scene is now tense with apprehension and fear, (this is a thriller movie, fear makes the movie more entertaining and drives the plot, but besides this) Why? Your email address will not be published. However, the number series she remembers doesn’t match what is already in the notebook. Mike says he was gone 45min. I will also be doing a longer interview with him about the creation of the movie and his future movie aspirations. The book is about quantum physics titled Gravitation : an introduction to current research. Was always going to happen even if you originally never left. These exchanges suggest two things. 21st minute – Loud Door Knocking assumably by another set of Amir and Hughs. That’s my reason for why her skin might look different, similar to this image: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-Qy1nh1pyoRY/T46OhgpkTSI/AAAAAAAAABU/lVTG2cX6Esk/s1600/brain-games-optical-illusion_38884_600x450.jpg (both boxes are the same color). you whirling wheel, I believe the reason why EmP calls kevin in that exact moment is two-fold. And she is asked if she has actually used this “door to nowhere”. Needless to say after tossing this concept back and forth a couple hours we ended up in smugly confused and reassuringly affirming each other’s sanity with pathetic fist bumps. In “Coherence,” directed by James Ward Byrkit, a party deteriorates when a comet passes over the Earth. If it were the moment they step out the door then she would lose the good universe herself, plus be ensuring it’s not the good universe people coming back. They hear the sound of car glass getting broken. Okay. I think it was that Em-X calling Kevin-X from the trunk of the car at the end of the movie. One of the most overused (for good reasons) piece of music in film history. And if you watch he’s face, he seems to be fucked up by the fact that he’s hearing Em and seeing her at the same time but I don’t think this other Em is telling him anything in particular. Mike says that if it is random, there is no way to get back to their original house. I guess that’s most logical for the delay. In response to the comment above, I believe we are looking at different houses. On the other side of the road, they see their doubles, with red glow sticks. We did see several times when people left early or late from their parallel universe. In response to Laurie’s skin, I’m watching it again right now and I think her skin is just flawless (meaning no lines, wrinkles, dark spots, etc.) If the article doesn’t answer all of your questions, drop me a comment or an FB chat message, and I’ll get you the answer to your question, Magnolia (1999) : Movie Plot Ending Explained, Ah-ga-ssi / The Handmaiden (2016) : Movie Plot Ending Explained, I Lost My Body: Explained Simply (2019 Netflix), Parallel Movie Explained (Plot-holes and Fixes), Starfish Movie Recommendation and Explanation, Tenet Explained Simply (With Timeline Diagrams), Korean Movie: The Call Ending Explained (2020 Netflix), Rememory Explained In Detail (Who Killed Gordon? Maria – your English is wonderful. EmX (the one who got attacked) was apparently very happy with Kevin. Maybe it’s one of those things where you know… the character for so long, then you see someone in person. Perhaps she would have been better off in her own Reality. Hugh mentions that his brother asks him to call if anything strange happens as the comet passes over. Back to Schrodinger’s cat. I’ve also read a lot about the movie, and I think while the main plot has been figured out fairly well, there are still some weird details left unexplained. So yeah, you are assuming that the voicemail alerting him to her being a double isn’t that at all? *- up to $3.99, terms and conditions apply, proof of rental receipt is required. The gang notices that Hugh and Amir are gone with the box and the book. I’m going to break this article up into two parts – a quick explanation and then a detailed one. Things will pan out, but I wish they did more with the trajectory! Assume she ’ s phone, but I wish they did more with the lid... At the end of the movie plays out the fade to blacks that told. ’ m going to new houses when Em does is opening the door to nowhere ” drugs playing a role. 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