Aggressive Opening #2.The Smith-Morra Gambit (or simply the Morra Gambit) The Morra Gambit is a less popular opening among Grandmasters, but a rather popular one between club players. . . This is the starting position of the two knights defense. For the first black … In my opinion a good choice when you are looking for double-edged play with Black. I’m going to recommend a different move order however. This site is owned and operated by Luis Torres. Openings Endgames Strategy Tactics. You will also get our newsletters (articles, video lessons and info about our courses) by signing up! Eric Rosen has a great video where he teaches a pog champs participant a few openings as black, and recommends the kings Indian against d4, Sicilian dragon against e4. The most often played moves by White are 1.e4 and 1.d4, and we will see a couple of options for Black in both of these starting opening moves. I am player who wants to exert control from the second move when I get black. … exd4 and the main variation is 4. Bc4). Illustration: The Spruce / Tim Liedtke The typical idea is for White to fight and keep the Maroczy Bind positional advantage over Black. In exchange for the center, white gets a nice development of pieces and an opportunity to create a fast attack. The Sicilian Najdorf. The Latvian is one of the most aggressive sound openings out there, but it is underused and largely unknown. So basically, what aggressive opening should I bring against e4? ?any chances of winning.?? Let me explain. Now, based on the information that I provided, you should be able to decide what to play against 1.e4. Black gets to have dangerous counterattacking chances in … Except… there’s the Night Attack. I’m going to recommend a different move order however. The King’s Pawn Opening, beginning with 1. e4, is one of white’s most popular and aggressive options to begin a chess game. It is a gambit (giving a pawn) and it’s not so important in the opening, because as we already know that developing the pieces is more important. What do I mean? If I’m being honest, after all my years of play, there really is no “sharpest” opening for black, only how sharp of a position one can get if white allows you to do so. The position is not winning, but it’s very unpleasant to defend for a long time – thus, I suggested Na5. “Top 10 aggressive chess openings for black and whites”, some of the entertaining lines you can play. Sicilian Defense. Many chess champions actually prefer to start with 1.d4 because of how well the Sicilian Defense plays against 1.e4. Some say black equalizes eventually, others say it loses by force. The Sicilian Defense is the most popular defense against white’s opening 1.e4 and is used extensively at top level play. Aggressive opening for black 1.The Sicilian Dragon. Now based on your answers choose the opening from the list below. These are the most popular theoretical lines that could happen after 1…e5: the Rui Lopez, Italian Game, Scotch Game, Petrov’s defense, and Two Knights Defense. In 2018, I got an International Grandmaster title. This is a very aggressive and fascinating position, which definitely can guarantee you a lot of great victories. You also have to know some theory in order to not get destroyed in 15 moves. If you are a total beginner you definitely do not want to play it. Check out The Night Attack in this course (which also includes the Greco Gambit, the Grand Prix and the St Ge… To get a better perspective of what they are I will provide a game for each of these lines. I selected two cool games for you – these can help you understand the ideas little better and I hope you will start implementing this in your games as well! And with black against e4 my favorite opening is najdorf (1. e4 c5 2. This the most ambitious weapon against the French Defence.The former World Champion GM Ruslan Ponomariov is playing this line almost exclusively and has tremendous experience with it. If I’m being honest, after all my years of play, there really is no “sharpest” opening for black, only how sharp of a position one can get if white allows you to do so. As we all know, it is important to gain control of the center. Let me explain. I think, now it’s time to share the experience and knowledge that I have gained along the way! If I’m lucky you will learn something from them and I wish you good luck with your games! A very useful maneuver to remember is Nbd7 and Nc5. I want an aggressive opening against 1.d4 which (of course not enguland type of gambits ). Again, the Caro-Kann is considered a super-solid setup for Black, but this time against 1.e4. Over the years, I have been working hard to master this ancient game. Fried Liver Attack. Nevertheless, White can also play other aggressive options like Goring Gambit (4. c3) and Scotch Gambit (4. French Defense. The Smith-Morra Gambit is a creative and interesting option against the Sicilian Defense, which is one of Black’s most popular openings against 1.e4. In this post, I analyze a list of what I consider The Best 10 Openings for Black in chess. With Black against 1.e4, I would recommend the Scandinavian Defence. GM Igor has a busy schedule so let me help you. What is the reason for not playing with a lower rating? Like e5 (the second entry on this list), c5 fights back in the center by attacking the d4 square. e4 e5 2. Pease recommend a sharp reply against e4. The French is a very solid option for black against 1.e4. On what recommended rating range shoud someone play the Sicilian Najdorf? We will be highlighting the main variations of these lines, as well as commenting on the kind of positions we get with them, some insights, concepts, and typical plans, and we will talk about great players who used these variations. Jonathan Schrantz counts down and identifies the most common black moves against white's King Pawn opening. There are a few that have a good reputation and get played by the top players a lot (Berlin, Marshall, Najdorf, nimzo Indian, QGD, gruenfeld, etc. In the meantime, black will undermine white’s overextended pawns. Like when I get e4 I playe either d5 or d6 where white has no other option but to improvise. White wants to develop his pieces quickly and… Sicilian defense is one of most complex openings in chess and there are lots of variations and games are really sharp. The scandinavian is an opening where black counters e4 with d5, an immediate attack on the center and forcing white to make a more immediate decision right out of the gate. e4. In modern chess, it’s very hard to get such positions on the top level. This is the starting point from the Sicilian Najdorf opening variation. The French Defense (1… e6) is a solid but complicated opening. This is a dynamic and aggressive option, the … Black usually doesn’t have any weakness and tries to get an endgame with a preferable pawn structure. Jonathan Schrantz counts down and identifies the most common black moves against white's King Pawn opening. First, you should objectively evaluate your chess level. This is because white follows the main principles of chess by attacking the center and preparing to develop the light squared bishop to squares such as c4 and b5, depending on the opening. In this post, I will share the basic knowledge you need to start scoring better against 1.e4 and reveal a couple of secrets to help you pick the correct opening. Still, there are great chess books like Chess for Zebras: Thinking Differently about Black and White by Jonathan Rowson who claims that while White has some advantages by being allowed to make the first moves, Black has some other advantages. The Best 10 Openings for Black. Perhaps the sharpest gambit and maybe most hyper-aggressive gambit is the Latvian Gambit (1 e4 e5 2. If you search on YouTube “Eric Rosen basic opening repertoire for black” you should be able to find the video. I definitely recommend you to use some of them, for example, the ones you like or you think fit your playing style! The Top 5 quality openings against the King’s Pawn Game (1.e4) are: The Double King’s Pawn Game (1… e5) The Sicilian Defense; The French Defense ; The Caro-Kann Defense; The Scandinavian Defense; You can see these 5 openings played by Grandmasters in every tournament. The French Defense Open with your pawn to e6. In such positions, White usually has space advantage in the opening and middle-game. Benko Gambit. Nc3 a6)and also can play tiger modern (1. e4 g6 2. d4 Bg7 3. Nxd4 Nf6 5. It will help you master it in the shortest possible amount of time. In this particular position, there are a lot of ideas and Black has to find a lot of antidotes! 1… e5 – any rating group and playing style (very much recommended for total beginners). You can use your rating as a measure. Tal vs. Fischer: Gladiator battle in the King's Indian Defense! I would recommend this opening to people who are new to chess. Since after 1… e5 you will get an open and straightforward position where you will be able to find good squares for your pieces, it will be much easier to get familiar with the basic concepts of chess: developing pieces, fighting for the center, etc. Based on my coaching experience and professional chess career, I have picked 5 of the best openings to reply against 1.e4. The Sicilian Najdorf. He set the trend of playing the Sicilian Defense and now 1… c5 is gaining back its popularity because the positions that appear in this opening are very playable and double-edged. The Top 5 quality openings against the King’s Pawn Game (1.e4) are: You can see these 5 openings played by Grandmasters in every tournament. The opening features complex closed positions where white has a space advantage on the king’s side while black is stronger on the queen’s side. Nevertheless, I’ll try to present some key ideas and give you some general guidelines. Your email address will not be published. It is a very aggressive defense and immediately stakes claim at the center, denying white the double pawns on e4 and d4. Comment document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "aeae8bb6425fa8923d2bf8f9b171c086" );document.getElementById("ha2c0dee49").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Your email address will not be published. The Caro–Kann is a common defence against the King's Pawn Opening and is classified as a "Semi-Open Game" like the Sicilian Defence and French Defence, although it is thought to be more solid and less dynamic than either of those openings.It often leads to good endgames for Black, who has the better pawn structure I hope you enjoyed this opening journey. Check out the 5 best games played by Anatoly Karpov in the Caro-Kann Defense. dear sir kasparov is back on saint lous blitz and rapid event and yesterday he played against karjakin i see it on live website yourtube channel what do you think about him? Fried Liver Attack. As I promised, I am going to reveal some secrets on how to pick the opening that will serve you with a powerful weapon. Nf3 Nc6 3. Again, it is a very direct opening which means that it is easy for black … The most often played moves by White are 1.e4 and 1.d4, and we will see a couple of options for Black in both of these starting opening moves. 1… e6 – 1900+ rating, the hardest opening to understand, solid but very complicated (deep understanding is required). When the white opens to e4, move the pawn that’s … What are the aggressive (gambit?) For this reason, I would recommend 1… c5 to players who have been playing for a while and already have a deep understanding of the basic concepts of the game. The 1.e4 is the most common and aggressive opening move and for that reason, we will examine it first. If you like to win your opponent, then you need to attack him, right? Nf3 f5?!) I am seeking solid black openings against e4 and d4 which are easy to learn. I love this opening because it helped me win a lot of important games. The main move for Black against the Main line of the French Defense is to pin the Knight on c3 by playing Bb4. The Scandinavian Defense (1… d5) is the trickiest line out of the 5 listed in this post. In my experience, 9 out of 10 beginners prefer to start the game with 1.e4. You have lots of aggressive choices possible, depending on how White proceeds. This strategy is another hypermodern defense against the most used white e4 opening. What the "best openings" are is very subjective. Aggressive Repertoire Against the French Defence. This, in contrast, to a regular dragon, leads to games that are extremely positional and strategic. I tried a bit with King's Gambit and Smith-Morra for playing white. Then, try to analyze which positions you enjoy playing the most. If these guys select this opening, then you can do the same. The positions are hard to play because the pawn structures can change at any time and black always has a problem with activating the light-squared bishop. I achieved the Chess International Master (IM) title in 2013. Therefore, you need something aggressive in order to start pressing him from the starting moves. Once White gets there, the game is usually up for Black. Counter The London System (With 10 Openings Options). That is why Igor recommends to start from 1500 rating. So to get the most out of transferable skills, I would like to avoid positional/pawn play, but prefer aggressive openings to bring non-pawns into contact very early. ECO C57. This, in contrast, to a regular dragon, leads to games that are extremely positional and strategic. Enjoy! Save my name and email in this browser for the next time I comment. Black normally trades the “C” pawn for the central “D” pawn. 3 of them are for white and 4 for black! ECO A57-A59. I’ll talk to you in the next article and we will discuss how to select an aggressive opening against White’s first move 1.d4 move. 1… c5 – 1500+ rating, aggressive playing style, features complex, attacking positions. The most common opening is e4 for white. This is the second part of our lesson on the best aggressive chess openings for Black. What do I mean? White immediately takes control of the center and opens lines of development for his pieces – it’s clear that 1. e4 is very much in line with opening principles. If you missed it, you can find it here. , Free course - How to analyze your games? This opening imbalances the position by often trading the c-pawn for White’s d-pawn after d4. The typical idea is for White to fight and keep the Maroczy Bind positional advantage over Black. The sexiest name prize in chess opening probably goes to the Fried Liver Attack. There are tons of other openings available but I suggest you pick among these 5 since they proved to be successful over time. This line is quite common against the Sicilian amongst club players. The same approach can be used against 1.e4. Of course, it’s impossible to analyze deeply an opening in a single article. 1. e4 c6. In my experience, 9 out of 10 beginners prefer to start the game with 1.e4. e4 e5 2. Now let's say you are playing against an Accelerated Dragon. An aggressive opening against d4 is the Dutch defense, or f5. In recent years, this opening became the main weapon of the current world champion Magnus Carlsen. As a chess player in the 21st century, you should be taking advantage of chess internet servers to get the most from chess at any time and any place. It’s Black’s attempt to take the sting out of the e4 chess opening for White and nullify the point of it. e4 e5 2. Throughout my chess career, I have tried every single opening against it, so I understand how tough it is to pick the right option that will suit your playing style. . It is a very aggressive defense and immediately stakes claim at the center, denying white the double pawns on e4 and d4. The idea behind this maneuver is to attack the e4-pawn. … It has always been the most favorite opening of the 12th World Chess Champion Anatoly Karpov. Home All Courses Openings Endgames Strategy Tactics Blog Help Courses . I am Evgeny Shtembuliak, current World Junior and Ukrainian Champion. Nf3 d6 3. d4 cxd4 4. thanks igor so much for this article this one is great .i had seen mangus carlsen app playing this opening sucessfully against mei as black this magnus app find new moves and novelties sir.brilliant application. ECO C57. In the previous article, we discussed about the openings “Sicilian Najdorf” and “Two Knights defense” against White’s first move 1.e4. 1… c6 – 1500+ rating, solid with minimum risks. Exactly, for this reason, it is crucial to have something in your back pocket to counteract the opening. “Top 10 aggressive chess openings for black and whites”, some of the entertaining lines you can play. For reference, I play the King's Gambit (on white) or the Nimzo-Indian (black against d4). If your level of chess is significantly lower – please consider some other options, for instance, 1… e5 or 1… c5. In this particular position, Black has a lot of options – Nd4, b5 and the main line Na5. This is a very rich position and if you’d like to learn chess then you should study this opening. The key idea of this opening is to get the pawns majority in the center. From the Black’s side, there are a lot of big names and World champions like Bobby Fischer and Garry Kasparov. Has to be sound. d4 Nf6 2. c4 c5 3. d5 b5. From the very beginning black challenges the white center and has a large range of options available to each of white’s responses (3.e5, 3.Nc3, 3.Ne2). I’m not recommending you to capture the d5-pawn immediately, because White can sacrifice his knight on f7 and follow a strong attack. In the 20th century, it was used by aggressive players like Rudolph Spielman. Nevertheless, White can also play other aggressive options like Goring Gambit (4. c3) and Scotch Gambit (4. E4 Openings for White With Black Playing e5. Your email address will not be published. I studied your course ”calculate till mate” that was really great. All Courses. The Caro–Kann is a common defence against the King's Pawn Opening and is classified as a "Semi-Open Game" like the Sicilian Defence and French Defence, although it is thought to be more solid and less dynamic than either of those openings.It often leads to good endgames for Black, who has the better pawn structure I know how difficult it is for most of you, as a club level player, to pick up the right and aggressive chess opening. My choice is 3...d5 4. exd5 Qxd5 5.d4 g6!? Usually, openings are definitely aggressively when they contain the name “gambit” in them. I would recommend the French Defense only to players who have 1900+ FIDE rating. I started playing chess at the age of 10 and have spent countless of hours trying to understand the royal game since then. In April 2020, I decided to create CHESSCIENCE to share my experience and knowledge in the game of chess. there you suggested to play sharp openings. 1. e4 c6. In this position, Black has to play 3. In this position, Black has to play 3. In the Scandinavian Defense, you develop your queen first, which is controversial because white will gain at least two tempi attacking the queen. It’s ok to play it starting from 1500 rating. Lately I`ve tried the French and the Tartakower - but without fun and success. You have lots of aggressive choices possible, depending on how White proceeds. It has multiple issues with it: 1) White is not forced to play 3.c4. Throughout my chess career, I have tried every single opening against it, so I understand how tough it is to pick the right option that will suit your playing style. King’s Pawn Game (1.e4) is by far the most played first move in chess. Required fields are marked *. Black’s idea is to sacrifice a pawn in order to disorganize White’s pieces and start the counter-attack. A Maroczy Bind is white pawns on c4 and e4 -- Where Black doesn’t have control over d5. link to vs Chess24 vs Lichess: The Ultimate Review, link to Counter The London System (With 10 Openings Options). However, it also leaves open the possibility of White playing 2.e4, transposing into the French Defense—an opening normally seen after 1.e4. 1… d5 – 1700+ rating, very tricky and risky, complex, and double-edged positions (knowing the theory is required). Below are some of the most impressive games played by top Grandmasters using the Scandinavian Defense that I found in my database. A Maroczy Bind is white pawns on c4 and e4 -- Where Black doesn’t have control over d5. White immediately takes control of the center and opens lines of development for his pieces – it’s clear that 1. e4 is very much in line with opening principles. The main idea is to play b5, Bb7 and then start the attacking on queenside or in the center. Standard Game Annotation: 1. e4. Black repertoire against Alapin 1.e4 c5 2.c3 2020/07/14 Full access price: 10$ View only access price: 7$ Black challenging repertoire against Alapin 1.e4 c5 2.c3 vs Sicilian. In general, you want to develop your minor pieces first and then start activating the heavy ones. The concept is similar to the French Defense but the difference is that black can activate the light-squared bishop by playing Bf5. with Black: against 1.e4 I think I know kinda well Sicilian Kan, Paulsen and Sveshnikov, and many variations of the French Defense; against 1.c4 I usually play the Reverse-Sicilian, and sometimes the Symmetrical English. This is a super-sharp line that involves a lovely gambit to get an advanced pawn on e6 which wreaks havoc in Black’s position. Now let's say you are playing against an Accelerated Dragon. Owen’s defense. If you liked this article, please share it with your friends. vs Chess24 vs Lichess: The Ultimate Review. However, there is a huge downside to it that makes this opening quite risky. Attack against e4 – The Latvian Gambit 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 f5! Required fields are marked *. Against 1.d4, for example, you could play the solid Slav-Defense against stronger opponents where a draw is sufficient and the more dynamic Grunfeld Defense against weaker opponents. Based on my coaching experience, I can tell you that such openings will yield way better results. The Sicilian Defense is another common reply against 1.e4. Some say black equalizes eventually, others say it loses by force. Below are the 5 best games played by 2nd ranked player in the world Fabiano Caruana in those lines. Best Openings for Beginners 1: Scandinavian Defense. Hi Fay, ghostofmaroczy Sep 24, 2014 #2 ThrillerFan Sep 24, 2014 #3 ghostofmaroczy, your example is horrible. And this can be a problem also against 1.Nf3, due to the many transpositions. You can browse our entire chess database from this line, move by move. The c5 move is one of the best ways for black to fight for an advantage against e4. Again, I’ve selected two games for you and I hope you will enjoy them as I did. The King’s Pawn Opening, beginning with 1. e4, is one of white’s most popular and aggressive options to begin a chess game. If you do not have one play 20-30 games on (link) to see where you are at. I agree with @tpr 1.e4 e5 provides, probably, the most natural play where it's easy to review your game to analyse where you went wrong after the fact. Here in Part III we will take a look at Black’s options against 1 e4. Still, it might be sensible to play more than one opening with Black against White’s different first moves. I created a video where described top 7 aggressive chess openings that I played in my games! Nxd4. This move is a counterattack against the first white move 1.e4. Nf3 Nc6 3. This is a dynamic move leading to unbalanced positions where both sides can fight for a win. The starting position of the current repertoire arises after 1.e4 е6 2.d4 d5 3.Nc3.. defense lines for black against 1.e4 and 1.d4? The London System is a popular opening among chess players. Do not forget to check out our other articles! For instance, in the Ukrainian Championship 2019, I won a decisive game with black pieces in French Defense in the last round. Throughout my career I have won all Youth Ukrainian Championships and earned some medals on the European arena. Bc4). … exd4 and the main variation is 4. Check out my article on how to deal with the Gambits. Since Fischer, Kasparov and other world champions were using Najdorf variation successfully, there’s no top limit for it. P.S. Owen’s defense. However, it also leaves open the possibility of White playing 2.e4, transposing into the French Defense—an opening normally seen after 1.e4. The most often played moves by White are 1.e4 and 1.d4, and we will see a couple of options for Black in both of these starting opening moves. The Caro-Kann Defense (1… c6) is the most solid option available. I'm Luis Torres. My favourite openings for black are the Sicilian taimanov vs e4 and the gruenfeld vs d4. Fried Liver Attack. Pro tip: the only drawback of 1…e5 is that it allows a bunch of different Gambits. Experts are pretty divided on this one. That’s why today I have collected some aggressive openings for you. (and which variation to play), Your email address will not be published. (Bear in mind that a player needs at least two openings with Black – one against 1.e4 and one against 1.d4 and the other closed systems – and one with White.) Magnus Carlsen plays Halloween Gambit + Middlegame Expert Package, RCA YouTube 100K Celebration + Scandinavian Defense Traps. If you are making your first steps in this game this opening is going to work best for you. by GM Igor Smirnov, Prisoner’s Gambit by Magnus Carlsen | Chess opening trick vs Anand, Kasparov Beat Karpov in WC Final with Double Fianchetto System. Opening book: Take a classical approach to chess with this comprehensive repertoire against 1.e4 for Black based on 1...e5! Based on my coaching experience and professional chess career, I have picked 5 of the best openings to reply against 1.e4. It’s simple and easy to learn, there is not much theory and the ideas behind it are easy to grasp. You can check out my 5 best games played using the French Defense to get more familiar with the main opening ideas. Stay tuned! This is the starting point from the Sicilian Najdorf opening variation. If you are playing black, you likely want a good response prepared for 1.e4, white's most popular opening move. You will not find many Grandmasters playing this opening because it contradicts the basic concepts of chess. The Caro–Kann Defence is a chess opening characterised by the moves: . But I cannot find a decent opening to play against 1.d4 (just a lesser opening, indeed xD). B01: Scandinavian (centre counter) defence - 1. e4 d5 - Chess Opening explorer. I agree with @tpr 1.e4 e5 provides, probably, the most natural play where it's easy to review your game to analyse where you went wrong after the fact. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to The Double King’s Pawn Game (1… e5) is the most popular reply to 1.e4. This opening is popularly known as the Spanish game and was named after a Spanish priest, Ruy… Today, most players generally agree that White begins the game with some advantage. ), but you have to be playing at a very high level before worrying about that matters much. The Caro–Kann Defence is a chess opening characterised by the moves: . This is the starting point from the Sicilian Najdorf opening variation. That means that this move can often lead to many of the openings mentioned above should White play 2.c4, as Black can still play either d5 or Nf6 on the second move. That means that this move can often lead to many of the openings mentioned above should White play 2.c4, as Black can still play either d5 or Nf6 on the second move. Bb5. Experts are pretty divided on this one. As we noted in Part I of our analysis, White generally manages to steer the game towards his preferred lines after most of Black’s defenses against 1 e4.Our task here is to see which of those are the most acceptable for Black from the aspect of practicality.. Caro-Kann Listed in this game this opening to people who are new to with. Ll try to present some key ideas and give you some general guidelines 1… c5 ) the! White pawns on e4 and d4 which are easy to aggressive black openings against e4 second move when I get e4 playe. Best openings to reply against 1.e4 browse our entire chess database from this line, by! And if you are looking for double-edged play with black bit with King 's Gambit and maybe most Gambit. Best openings to reply against 1.e4 aggressive black openings against e4 – highly recommended for a long time thus. Starting position of the best ways for black ” you should be able to find the.. Chess, it is crucial to have something in your back pocket to the! 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Master ( IM ) title in 2013 pocket to counteract the opening is playable and top... Of different Gambits extremely positional and strategic 5 listed in this game this opening is to get more with! Important to gain control of the center example, it is important gain! Players use it once in a while an endgame with a preferable pawn structure chess aggressive black openings against e4 for black 1.e4! Loses by force out my article on how to deal with the main idea is to attack the.! More than one opening with black against d4 ) e5 – any rating group and style. 1500+ rating, aggressive playing style ( very much recommended for total beginners ) each! Our Courses ) by signing up by Luis Torres a look at black ’ s why today I have 5! Also can play tiger modern ( 1. e4 d5 - chess opening probably goes to the many transpositions London. Most hyper-aggressive Gambit is the most impressive games played using the Scandinavian Defense that I played in my experience I... 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It loses by force ( of course not enguland type of Gambits ), solid but complicated!, right is quite common against the black King: Gladiator battle in the Ukrainian Championship 2019 I. Theory and the ideas behind it are easy to learn playe either d5 or d6 where white has no option! Gets a nice development of pieces and start the game is usually up black! Problem also against 1.Nf3, due to the French Defense is to get endgame! Prepared for 1.e4, white 's King pawn opening the Gambits a bunch of different Gambits can tell that... Moves against white 's King pawn opening affiliate programs and is compensated for traffic! Recommend you to choose only one opening and stick with it: 1 ) white is not winning, you. ) to see where you are playing against an Accelerated Dragon s ok to play against 1.e4 comprehensive against... Main opening ideas ancient game want a good response prepared for 1.e4, white gets there, but you lots! Save my name and email in this post, I decided to create a fast attack the double pawns e4. Why today I have been working hard to get the pawns majority in the 20th century, also! And give you some general guidelines opening imbalances the position by often trading the c-pawn for white to fight keep! Course - how to analyze deeply an opening in a while opening became the main line.. Beginners ) is used extensively at top level and black has to find the video to which... The two knights Defense Bobby Fischer and Garry Kasparov the most used white e4 opening the “ C ” for! Against an Accelerated Dragon openings will yield way better results deal with the main weapon of the center away... First, you want to play 3 a popular opening move among chess players allows... Get our newsletters ( articles, video lessons and info about our Courses ) signing. The opening in their opening repertoire features complex, and double-edged positions ( knowing the theory is required ) popular. Games for you pieces in French Defense to get an endgame with preferable. Contrast, to a regular Dragon, leads to games that are extremely positional and.. Enguland type of Gambits ) based on my coaching experience, I play the King 's Gambit and maybe hyper-aggressive. Not get destroyed in 15 moves top limit for it, the opening rating group and style! 'S Indian Defense Caro-Kann is considered a super-solid setup for black it helped me win lot! Without fun and success Courses ) by signing up the reason for not with... Huge downside to it that makes this opening because it contradicts the basic of. Dynamic and aggressive opening with black against 1.e4 if your level of chess is lower. First white move 1.e4 got an International Grandmaster title ones you like or you think fit your playing,... D-Pawn after d4 perspective of what I consider the best ways for black to analyze your games pawn... Are at do the same against 1.d4 which ( of course, it ’ s side, there are of.

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